
Nov 15, 2005 17:28

WOOT... mom comes home today and says that wed at 6 i have a orientation at kohls and i was like huh?... then mom says that you got the job and i was all like woot i got the job and can now make money... so drug test tomorow... hope i pass so i get the job

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Comments 7

jklolttfn November 15 2005, 22:38:38 UTC


tenjumaster November 15 2005, 23:27:04 UTC
at 7 pm?


danthefreshman November 16 2005, 01:04:07 UTC
i can just see you having something like a poppy seed bagel, and then failing the drug test... :P


oni_skier November 16 2005, 12:54:45 UTC
actually i did have 1 on sun...


firesword777 November 16 2005, 01:42:44 UTC
watch you totally fail..... and then ur moms like wtf were you doing


etrnalarchangel November 18 2005, 06:37:51 UTC
i dunno about that drug test russ....we all know what i druggie you are.... lol. hope everythign goes well


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