Title: Kink Table #26
Pairing: Akamepi
Disclaimer: They're not mine. Sad but true.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: DP or Double Penetration.
A/N: My beta this time was
changetje and
paddyabroad because she's pointing out so many mistakes we hadn't noticed >>. Thank you~ Also, why does it seem like the Kink Table will never be done D:
Now their kisses go three ways )
Comments 24
thats pretty much all i can say at this point~
lol this was incredibly HOT and sweet- it had more depth than the average threesome -not that i dont love mindless porn lol- and that made it simply AMAZING<3 and of course, akamepi is always love ^^
thanks so much!
these three could pull it off _____ ....
these three could pull it off _____ ....
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