BraPar Megapost (Bromance/Sexayness/NSFW) Part. 4

Feb 22, 2012 19:08

Título: Oficina
Personaje / Parejas: Daniel, Luciano
Clasificación: M
Advertencias:  BraPar.Yaoi.NSFW. Palabrotas. Español.

Esto era peligroso, podría costarles el trabajo. Pero igual, no les surgió otra mejor idea para festejar el ascenso de Luciano, e “inaugurar” su nueva oficina.
Gemidos largos, cargados de lujuria, llenaron el aire, de repente interrumpidos por jadeos acelerados y una que otra grosería en portugués. Se mezclaban con el sonido mojado de la boca de Daniel acariciándolo, sentía el cómo vibraba la garganta de él alrededor de su mimbro con con cada gemido de placer.

Luciano bajó la vista hacia su amante, lamiéndose el sudor de sobre los labios, mientras el pequeño espectáculo que se le ofrecía parecía querer aturdirlo más, hundiéndolo en deseo.

Daniel lo engulló una vez más, antes de retroceder por completo, hasta que su boca se separe apenas, su aliento acariciando la punta de la erección del brasileño. Con su saliva lubricándolo, el ojiverde comenzó a masturbarlo a paso firme y experto, su otra mano masajeando sus testículos deliciosamente.

A la mierda con que estaba ensuciando su nuevo sillón de cuero negro; Luciano soltó otro gemido y alzó sus caderas, moviendólas, en un intento de entrar más y más en esa mano.

Y luego la alarma de su relojde mesa sonó.

Y Daniel se detuvo.

-Se acabó la hora de descanso?- dijo, incrédulo, mientras seguían bombeándo el miembro de su amante sin perder ritmo.- Siginifica que debo volver a mi cubículo?- Le hizo un pucherito, justo al tiempo que presionaba el pulgar sobre la cabeza de su erección, fregándola tortuosamente, que hace que el moreno pierda el resto de aire que le quedaba.

Cómo si lo dejaría ir así como así, cuando aún ni había podido disfrutar de ese tierno culo paraguayo sobre el escritorio.

“Daniel, si você mei deixar agora…” tragó, tratando de componerse y recordar cómo hablar ese puto español “Yo voy te despedir”

Daniel le sonrió, sus verdes ojos brillando en deseo y malicia, antes de cerra su boca alrededor de un testículo y comenzar a succionar.

Después de todo, eran órdenes de su nuevo y querido jefe, cuyos gemidos se hacían más fuertes.

Título: Beach
Personaje / Parejas: Daniel, Luciano
Clasificación: M
Advertencias:  Requested by Melissa_42. Brasiguayan Bromance.Hints of BraPar/Shuonen Ai.Swearing. English
“Take it off” he ordered one more time.”It’s too hot to be wearing so much stuff, Dani!” Luciano had his hands on his hips… and his crotch perfectly on Daniel’s eye level.
Daniel gave it a quick glance- he could not be blamed, it was Luciano’s fault alone, and that fucking zunga of his.Sitting where he was, with the fucking sand burning his butt cheeks (since he was forced to wear a zunga as well and left the towel he’d use to sit on in the car), he raised his eyes to meet his friend’s.

“For the last time, Lu, I’m keeping my t-shirt, thank you”  was his answer, as he drove his eyes down his friend’s mouth, bare chest, abs and crotch once again til they fixed on the sand under Luciano’s feet.

“So… you won’t swim with me?” Luciano asked, annoyance in his voice.

“I will”

“With that huge t-shirt on?”


“I can’t even see your zunga with that”

“Another reason not to take the t-shirt off”

He didin’t notice Luciano’s movements until he saw his knees on the sand. He didn’t look up even when he felt his friend’s lips on his forehead.

“Dani, you usually don’t mind to be naked around anyone, especially me” Luciano whispered. “Why now?”

Daniel looked up to see a few children run, he sound of their laughs and screams mixed with samba music and the sea, and bit his lip.

“They are kids here” he said softly.

“So what?” Luciano asked, trying to get his friend to focus on him. “It’s not rare to see a guy in a zunga here, man”

“…but it’s rare to see a guy like me, Luciano” Daniel hoped his friend understood what he meant. “I don’t want to scare them”

Probably, Luciano going pale was one of the most heartbreaking things he’d seen in a while. His shoulders tensed, and his eyes fell on Daniel’s neck.

“I’m sorry” that tone of voice, full of guilt and sadness.

He hated it when Luciano used that tone of voice.

Yet, Daniel smiled. “It’s okay”

I don’t need you to pity me.

“I can’t believe I forgot-” Luciano choked. “I’m so sorry”

“I said it’s okay” finally, Daniel got up, and offered a hand to his friend.”Let’s go swim”

Luciano glanced at the hand being offered to him and then up to meet his friend’s gaze.

He opened his mouth to say something, something Daniel was way too used to hear, And hated so much.

“I swear to God, say that you’re sorry one more time and I’ll drown you in the sea”

Luciano blinked once. Twice. And then spat:”Are you kidding me? You can’t even swim well, how are you going to drown me?!”

Ah, he was back.

Daniel rolled his eyes “I’m good at swimming, thank you very much”, then smiled again, a more genuine smile. “I practice at the Paraná every summer, and I can kick your ass in a race”

Luciano slapped Daniel’s hand and stood up, his face so very close to his friend’s, menacing.“Wanna bet?”

His chocolate eyes burning in defiance.

“Sure” Daniel got closer. “If you win, you’ll have me in your room, completely naked and under your mercy, for the rest of the weekend”

The face Luciano made was priceless. And just because he felt particulary evil, and because the damn brazilian totally deserved it, he gave him a quick peck on the lips, and took advantage of Luciano’s shock to run across the beach, into the sea.

Yes, he was so gonna drown. Even if his swimming wasn’t as bad as Luciano said, it wasn’t so good either.

Yes, Luciano was most likely going to win. Not that he was against the idea.

“YOU FUCKING CHEATER!” Daniel heard, and laughed.

Soon he’d feel Luciano breathing on his neck.

And that’s how he liked him better.

Personaje / Parejas: Daniel, Luciano
Clasificación: M
Advertencias:  Gift for Melissa_42, sequel of "Beach". BraPar. Sex. Yaoi. Shounen Ai. NSFW. English

“And I thought you didn’t like beds”
“Sh-shut u-aahhhh-up”

Daniel managed to bit back the next moan, his hands clutching the sheets, as his arms and knees, trembling, struggled to support the weight of his body.

A tongue ran from the middle of his back- since it was obvious Luciano wouldn’t dare touch the wound of Acosta Ñu, the one that never heals- licking scar by scar, to his neck, where the the trail of marks started; both hands gripping Daniel’s hips as Luciano drove himself into him once more.

The sound of wet skin against wet skin and the incesant creak of the bed with every movement, the smell of sweat and sex, the taste of salt and their own escence; all of it mixed with the pleasure of having Daniel’s tight insides around him and the sight of his back and sweet ass, was driving him crazy.

Luciano would never lose a race whithout a fight, his competitive spirit wouldn’t let him; and after being given such a delicious offer, he knew he had to win no matter what, even if Daniel cheated the first half of the race- another reason not to let the paraguayan bastard win.

Daniel’s arms gave up, and half of his body fell on the pillows, moaning softly against one of them. The only reason his knees didn’t follow was because Luciano was helping them, holding his hips in place, and his own legs parting Daniel’s, and supporting them. He gave a particulary hard thrust just to see Daniel bite the pillow to muffle a cry.

With the poor light that came from the window into the dark room, Luciano could see Daniel’s face reddening, because of either the pleasure or the lack of air, hair wet with sweat glued to his cheeks. He looked so irresistible, and Luciano just.. he just wanted to, “I want to kiss you so much right now, Dani”

Daniel didn’t answer, but he didn’t need to, Luciano was going to get his kiss anyways, since what started all this game was that cute little peck on the lips the little cheater gave him after the bet was stated.

He pulled out, and tugged Daniel’s arm to force him to turn over. With a groan, Daniel obligued, slightly relieved to have his entire body now resting on the bed, his legs spread open and waiting for Luciano to join him.

Luciano lowered himself to him, until their faces were too close and their lips touched, his hands caressing Daniel’s tighs lovingly.

Daniel warped his arms around his lover’s neck, as his legs did the same on Luciano’s hips, pulling him towards his own body, and forcing Luciano to put both hands on the bed, near Daniel’s head, to support both their wights, and prevent himself from falling. Daniel let out a shaky sigh, his knees trembled and tightened around his lover’s waist, as Luciano entered him again.

“You are so beautiful, Dani” murmured Luciano once he was completely inside, Daniel’s warmth embracing him once again. “Everything about you is beautiful”

He just couldn’t understand why Daniel didn’t think the same.

“… y-you should really just…” Daniel groaned, frustrated, “… just shut up and move”

And Luciano obligued, trusting just as bit harder, just a bit faster; but not without first getting that kiss from Daniel’s lips that he’d been craving for the whole afternoon.

fics, nsfw, sex, brasiguayan bromance, brapar

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