About a month ago, I wrote a
post about the state of women's education in chabad.
So it seems that the state of men's education in chabad is not much better. From
this post in
this thread:
Most guys cannot learn Gemara at all. Most guys don't know any hebrew grammar. Most guys can't learn any chassidus beyond sichos and maamarim of the Rebbe; and
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Comments 63
- cfkaMP
p.s. Only which yeshiva would want to be known for having a 'slower' curriculum? Also, this would mean having to create another track for the gifted, and "we can't we denigrate the other boys!" Very sad.
I know. A retarded argument. Yes, the Rebbe was a proponent of Yeddish. But the Rebbe spoke about the virtues of the language and the importance of speaking it, not about teaching Torah in Yiddish to non-Yiddish speakers!
So LEARN the darn language BEFORE you try breaking your teeth teaching kids Chumash in the darn language! IDIOTS.
And, if you really want to teach in this language, the only answer for the kids from the non-Yidish speaking homes is is full immersion. That means Yiddish is the only language the kids and teachers hear and have to speak in school. Otherwise, drop the pretense and just teach in English.
- cfkaMP
how much can they study in 6 months?
The material studies for Semicha i Chabad is:
- Bosor beCholov
- Taarivos
- Melicha
- Shabbos or Treios
Within a structure of a good semicha program this material is learned very well - including covering all the major Pri Megodim - in a year to a year and a half. If REITS takes longer, it has to be because they limit the semicha studies to a smaller part of the day (more hour to still studying Gemara, even for semeicha students).
- cfkaMP
yet there are baalei batim availing of such smicha programs while attending to their businesses, or jobs, meeting their rov 2 to 3 times a week that can get smicho in 1 to 1 1/2 year(s)
how do u compare this with other yeshivas where they also study gemores, (chulin comes to mind) be it reits or ner of baltimore?
why the urgency for numbers to graduate as many as possible? i know of more than one who such rabbis -wonderful individuals- who can't understand much chumesh reading comprehension on their own. what is it? alexandria shebemitzroym?
I have spoken with real talmidei chachomim (including the litvishe kind) who can't REALLY learn chumash. Sure, the can translate (in a rudimentary way) the stuff, but have never invested much time into this study and definitely never took it seriously. They therefore don't really understand the many complex linguistic issues that Rashi (and other meforshim) are dealing with and many of these texts are really a closed book to them.
- cfkaMP
the study of mikra is as serious a field as any other. someone may be a boki beshas, but never gave a mikra any serious time.
Why? Of course to visit their rebbe.
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