Dear Gedolim,
You were right and I was wrong. Please accept my apologies. Your followers should stay far away from the evil tumah that is the internet.
With Much Love, OSM.
In other news, reading the YWN
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Comments 25
you can switch to using kleenex not only on shabbes
und moadei yisroel, but all other week days as well
The shidduch crisis. With so many young women in desperate straits, unmarried, socially marooned and losng hope of having children of their own, one woman's desperation can be a an unemployed man's solution. The 42 year old man should take up some semblance of parnassah so as to make him marriagable. Once he has a minimal income, he divorces his wife. He finds a well to do shidduch victim who has been in a well paying profession and saving her money. As her dowery, she agrees to pay yeshiva tuition and marriage costs for his 4-5 or 6 children. She achieves social legitimacy, a sheitel, a life. He achieves a new house bought with her money, some comfort for ( ... )
oh. my. God.
Ichabod Chrain
So are a lot of old Hebrew (and counted-as-Hebrew) names:
Shraga = Light
Malka = Queen
Sara = Princess
And it gets worse.
Mordechai = Marduk, chief god of the Persian pantheon
Esther = (among other possible origins) Ishtar, Persian/Babylonian goddess of love. And Ishtar was known in Canaan as Astarte, which is Ashera in Hebrew…
Moshe = Moshe and Aharon are Egyptian names, and Moshe was probably derived from the name of an Egyptian god, similar to the Pharaoh ThutMOSE.
Anyway, a name is just a noise we use to get people attention, because calling everyone, “hey you!” would get too confusing.
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