Jul 28, 2008 20:20
Hey everyone, I haven't done a post on here or LJ in general since I had originally joined this group (along with several others) but anyways I'll reintroduce myself and run off from there...
My name: Kris
His/Her name (& LJ name if they have one): Sean
I live: Ft. Mac, Alberta
My age: 17
He/She lives: Pin Court, Que.
His/Her age: 26
Distance: 1 week's drive
Together since: July/August 2006
We met: Online. IMVU
We get to see each other (approximately how often): Never
Future plans: A meeting by next summer.
Sean and I are going on our 2nd year of this LDR stuff and we have finally been able to plan a get together.
Is it common for a person to some doubts about how the relationship will be after he leaves? These last few months have been extremely difficult for me, and I can only speak on my behalf for this reason, I could've broken things off several times with Sean, because slowly our communication was becoming close to nil. But I chose to stand by and try to pull through and give everything a chance.
So, Sean and I, after several months of planning and several unexpected twists and turns along the way, some good and some not. [Of course, what would be a relationship without those, right?] Well, he's finally on his way here. Quebec is known for their construction holidays and such so he has taken his vacation time on the same 2 weeks of those holidays and is being paid to come visit. Altogether, the entire thing has been nerve racking to no end. Considering my family is not here, they have escaped to BC to visit my sister, I have been left to "man the fort". I will try and post pictures of what ever may be/happen. But I don't expect myself to take any pictures because I'm absolute 'wubbish' the entire thing. And we both hate having our pictures taken.
Hope all this goes well..
If any body has any suggestions [I don't know what kind of suggestions, don't ask =P] or advice for our "reunion". Please feel free to post them.
Thanks in advanced!