1. Write down the names of 10 characters. 2. Write a fic of fifteen words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.
First Time, 4 and 6 Angst, 7 AU, 1 and 8 Threesome, 3, 6 and 9 Hurt/Comfort, 5 and 10 Crack fic, 1 Horror, 10 Baby fic, 5 and 9 Dark, 2 and 8 Death fic, 2 and 3 --
Choose 12 characters and put them in a numbered list. Once you've chosen, highlight these questions and answer them. No peeking until your list is complete! HIGHLIGHT HERE: 1) If Eight was involved with both Seven and Four how would Seven and Four react when they found out about one another
( ... )
LJ characters meme!tiptoe39October 9 2010, 22:09:23 UTC
Pick 10 characters, answer the questions below!
1) What's the title and subtitle of 4's journal?
2) What does 9's default usericon look like? What other icons does 9 have?
3) What is 2's favorite community? (real or imagined) How does he/she participate?
4) Give us a sample of 5's interest list.
5) 6 and 1 get in a virtual slapfight about something. What is it? How does it end?
6) 10, 3, and 7 are co-mods of a community. What is it?
7) 8 posts a secret to [info]ljsecrets or [info]fandomsecrets: what does it look like and what does it say?
8) of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, who is most likely to a) post every meme he/she comes across? b) flock their entire journal? c) write pr0n? d) get banned from every community he/she signs up at? e) attract anonymous stalker comments?
9) 2 and 6 are in a relationship IRL, but 8 finds out that 10 has been sending sexy PMs to 2. 8 asks 4's advice, and 4 blurts out the gossip all over his/her LJ. Write a little of the comment thread that follows.
Comments 15
2. Write a fic of fifteen words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.
First Time, 4 and 6
Angst, 7
AU, 1 and 8
Threesome, 3, 6 and 9
Hurt/Comfort, 5 and 10
Crack fic, 1
Horror, 10
Baby fic, 5 and 9
Dark, 2 and 8
Death fic, 2 and 3
2. Gabriel.
3. Crowley.
4. Raphael.
5. Lucifer.
6. Zachariah.
7. Sam.
8. Dean.
9. Bobby.
10. Batman.
First Time, 4 and 6 (Raphael/Zachariah)
In heaven, Zachariah is a Seraph and beautiful and Raphael wants to be on his wavelength, to see his fire mix with Zachariah's.
Angst, 7 (Sam)
Sam/Angst is canon. What with his loves dying left and right and practically nothing working out for him.
AU, 1 and 8 (Castiel & Dean)
Dean's going to kill Sam for making him take this art class. But then again, the nude (NUDE!) model has amazing blue eyes, this might not be so bad.
Threesome, 3, 6 and 9 (Crowley/Zachariah/Bobby)
They all stare at each other. They stare at the Cupid. They stare at each other some more. The Cupid makes an annoyed noise and initiates a group hug.
Hurt/Comfort, 5 and 10 (Lucifer/Batman)
"You're still a villain. I had to lock you up." Batman looks apologetic. Lucifer looks hurt. "But you let Joker out all the time!"
Crack fic, 1 (Castiel ( ... )
1) If Eight was involved with both Seven and Four how would Seven and Four react when they found out about one another ( ... )
So go here for my meme response.
1) What's the title and subtitle of 4's journal?
2) What does 9's default usericon look like? What other icons does 9 have?
3) What is 2's favorite community? (real or imagined) How does he/she participate?
4) Give us a sample of 5's interest list.
5) 6 and 1 get in a virtual slapfight about something. What is it? How does it end?
6) 10, 3, and 7 are co-mods of a community. What is it?
7) 8 posts a secret to [info]ljsecrets or [info]fandomsecrets: what does it look like and what does it say?
8) of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, who is most likely to
a) post every meme he/she comes across?
b) flock their entire journal?
c) write pr0n?
d) get banned from every community he/she signs up at?
e) attract anonymous stalker comments?
9) 2 and 6 are in a relationship IRL, but 8 finds out that 10 has been sending sexy PMs to 2. 8 asks 4's advice, and 4 blurts out the gossip all over his/her LJ. Write a little of the comment thread that follows.
First Time
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