Title: Weighing pros against cons
Fandom: Super Junior (M)
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi
Word count: 638
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Kyuhyun states all Zhou Mi’s faults, and Zhou Mi (mostly) complains.
A/N: I keep writing short things in lieu of finishing anything bigger. So have adorable QMi ~
”You’re too tall,” Kyuhyun exclaims calmly as Zhou Mi bangs his head in the lamp over their kitchen island. Zhou Mi sends him a glare.
“How can you say such rude things, Kui Xian,” he whines as he presses two fingers against his forehead, making a face at the pain.
Kyuhyun smiles a little wickedly and returns to his meal. Zhou Mi gives a sound of exasperation.
“You’re too thin,” Kyuhyun says somewhere in the vicinity of Zhou Mi’s navel, and Zhou Mi chokes on his own tongue.
“What?” he shrieks, half sitting up, but then thumping down on the pillow again with a groan as Kyuhyun bites slightly. “I don’t think this is the right time,” he hisses hoarsely, and moans.
“You’re too weird,” Kyuhyun sighs. Zhou Mi gives him A Look.
“I’m not weird.”
“Yes you are.”
“Am not.”
“You so are.”
“Kui Xian-!”
“No man who call himself a man on the face of this earth - and I mean it Zhou Mi,” he adds as Zhou Mi pouts. “- no one whatsoever, would do what you are doing now, except you, and that makes you weird, don’t you think?”
Zhou Mi pouts even more, then gives a short huff and goes back to draw small hearts around the Very Important Dates in his calendar. Which mostly consists of Kyuhyun’s birthday, their monthly anniversaries, their weekly anniversaries, the day Kyuhyun first kissed him, the day Kyuhyun first touched him, the day Kyuhyun first smiled at him, the day Kyuhyun sent him the first glance.
Kyuhyun stares in dismay.
“You’re too girly.”
Zhou Mi bounces happily beside Kyuhyun.
“I don’t care if you’re mean today,” he exclaims, beaming like a child on Christmas. “Cause we’re going shopping!!!”
Kyuhyun sighs heavily.
“You’re too loud!” Kyuhyun cries out into his pillow, for what seems to be the sixty-seventeenth time. And for the sixty-seventeenth time, Zhou Mi can’t hear him, too engrossed in singing along to his awful music to notice.
It takes all of Kyuhyun’s control to remain calmly on the bed and not launching forward for Zhou Mi, yanking the headphones out of his ears and screaming for him to shut up. Even if that is a tempting option, because it would actually make him stop singing, it is also a not very tempting option, because then Zhou Mi would complain for the rest of the evening, and he do not want to withstand that for more than his daily quote.
So he goes back to pressing the pillow hard over his head. If he’s lucky, it’ll end up choking him to death.
“You’re too neat,” Kyuhyun says, eyeing the neatly folded t-shirts and sweaters in Zhou Mi’s drawer. “You’re almost worse than Eunhyuk.”
“Huh?” Zhou Mi calls from the bathroom, and appears in the doorway, white toothpaste froth around his mouth.
“You’re too neat,” Kyuhyun repeats, giving Zhou Mi a glance.
“Is that even an insult?” Zhou Mi tries to say around the froth. It comes out as ishdaeveainshulch?
“Well, it was meant as one,” Kyuhyun answers, actually understanding the words. He goes back to his PSP to continue playing the Sonic game he bought the other day.
“I’ll take it as a compliment then,” Zhou Mi says and disappears into the bathroom again. This time Kyuhyun doesn’t understand, so he just shrugs.
“God, you are too dense,” Kyuhyun says before he kisses Zhou Mi for the first time.
Zhou Mi doesn’t agree. He’s not dense, only shy.
“Your smile is stupid,” Kyuhyun dead-pans with his arms around Zhou Mi’s body.
“Then how about you wipe it off me?” Zhou Mi offers, the huge grin twisting into a more predator-like smirk.
“Shut up, I’m trying,” Kyuhyun says and kisses him.
“I love you, Mimi.”
“Love you too Kui Xian.”