Hello my name is_______.
I ________ Jenny.
Jenny is _______.
Me + Jenny are _______.
I wish me + Jenny were ______.
If I were alone in a room with Jenny, I would _______.
I want Jenny to know that I __________.
I think Jenny should _________.
Jenny needs to _________.
I want to ____________ Jenny.
Someday Jenny will ________.
Jenny reminds me of _______.
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Comments 4
I Like Jenny.
Jenny is wicked awesome.
Me + Jenny are best friends!.
I wish me + Jenny were barbies .
If I were alone in a room with Jenny, I would beat her up =p.
I want Jenny to know that I adore her.
I think Jenny should become a model.
Jenny needs to stop being a nudist.
I want to hug Jenny.
Someday Jenny will see how pretty she is.
Jenny reminds me of good times.
Without Jenny I would explode.
Memories of Jenny are hilarious.
Jenny can be very weird .
The worst thing about Jenny is nothing.
The best thing about Jenny is everything.
I am in love with Jenny.(sorry dustin =p )
Dear Jenny,
you are really spiffy.
you should cook me some food .
we need to go to the mall.
after that we can have a slumber party!! .
remember that time we took showers in the lake?
that was real unique.
maybe tomorrow we can hang out.
you are my anti drug.
i heart you!
signed Alisha .
p.s. we have to many "remeber the time we " to choose just one .
Your answers are kick ass
they made me smile..like hardcore..
which makes it another reason why you are my best friend..=D
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