[SPN 5.04] I've seen the future, baby: It's murder.

Oct 02, 2009 17:25

Hey, Leonard Cohen IS SO appropriate here! But who cares? THEY'RE DEALING WITH CROATOAN! I never thought this day would come. *happy tears*


Dean: "Because you'd only be hurting yourself?"

Future!Cas: "If you don't like 'reckless', you could go with 'insouciant' maybe."

Dean: "Hey--uh, me. Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Lucifer!Sam: "Kill you? Don't you think that would be a little redundant?"

So we have two from Dean, two from Cas, and one from Lucifer. But to be honest? Cas's funny lines were better. So Cas wins this one. Lucifer gets an honorable mention, because I think it's hilarious when people call things redundant. Yeah. Random, I know.

"I'll just... wait here then." Oh Cas. Oh angels, I suppose being immortal, you learn to really waste some time when need be. No wonder entertainment is an alien concept to you.

Sam called! Sam COMMUNICATED WITH HIS BROTHER about what happened! Oh come on, Dean, baby, don't be all hopeless like that.

Holycrap the little crying girl gave me horrible flashbacks to Left 4 Dead. DON'T WAKE THE WITCH, DEAN. DON'T WAKE HER. And then: HOLY SHIT YOU WOKE HER UP WE'RE ALL TOTALLY FUCKED NOW. And then the army came. Yups.


Christian spies? -_-;;;


Dean tried on girl's panties and liked it. *dead beyond dead*

Oh, Dean's surprise that Dean didn't stick with Sam. Awwww. He never really thought he'd go through with this whole never seeing Sam again thing.

Hey, Cas, you're perceptive! Even when you're stoned! Nice that present!Dean didn't have to explain, Cas just figured it out. "Interesting."

I knew that this would be the episode where we see the white-suited Sam from the promos. PWN!

I'm just now thinking that I should've seen the amphetamines coming. Remember how freaking twitchy he was 5.02? :(

What really breaks me is that though Dean and Cas are still together, still comrades, by this time, I don't think they like each other so much. They'd stick together to the bitter end. But they've changed, and each of them became something they didn't like.

When Lucifer turned around, the look on his face was so open and innocent and kicked!puppy. IT WAS LIKE EARLY-IN-THE-SHOW SAM. ALL OVER AGAIN. EXCEPT IT WASN'T SAM. I died, friends, I died hard and messy.

Sam-as-Lucifer is so... soft. Quiet. Sympathetic. I expected something more harsh. More like the other demons. But no, he's all "I LOVE ROSES"! Hey, didn't somebody do a meta at one point on the meaning of roses in SPN? I need to look that one up again.

Dean: I know what you are.

Jared's doing a fantastic job. I'm not even thinking he's Sam, it's like he's a totally different person.

Devil--again with that inevitability crap. It's gonna be your downfall.

Dean's car is nicer than yours. And by "nice" I mean something along the lines of "Ooh, that feels nice..."

'Kay, I have three (short) subjects: The Colt, angels, and Sam&Dean's reunion.

The Colt
So if Dean goes looking for the Colt, it'll be five years before he finds it. Present!Cas, I am beginning to doubt that this idea of yours is such a great idea.

Not to mention: You're gonna kill Lucifer with the Colt? I assumed that didn't work on really powerful people--Ruby's knife didn't work on Alistair, or the angels. I guess the Colt is more powerful than the knife. Or maybe Ruby's demon-killing knife only works on demons (hence being called a "demon-killing knife"). Interesting, as it means that fallen angels (I'm assuming Alistair is a fallen angel, along with Lucifer and YED) are still considered angels, rather than demons. Also has some interesting points about Sam's powers... Okay, I need to do a meta about Sam's powers, big time. BIG TIME. Just because I myself am totally like "wtf?" about how they work.

Anyway, but isn't there an angel-killing knife? And doesn't Cas have it? Or am I just being silly? But if there is, why don't they use that? Ai-yah, all these special-ppl-killing weapons. IDEK. I can't keep track.

Another question. We ran out of bullets for the Colt, right? And Ruby helped make more. Right? But does it still work on anything? Or just on demons? This isn't a nitpick, it's my shortcoming. Honestly, I don't remember a thing about what happened to the Colt past John trading it to the YED at the beginning of season 2. And Bobby shooting Ruby with it, to no effect. In conclusion, I really need to brush up on my Supernatural history. A trip to the wiki is in order.

Which is not to say that I'm not OMG SO HAPPY to see the Colt coming back. Srsly, ever since Ruby came in, with her fancy knife 'n stuff, the Colt has just been out of fashion. I love it when the show goes back to its earlier mythology, which it is doing ALL OVER THE PLACE in this season. Which is the story of why I love this season. :3


Dear Zachariah,

It has come to my attention that you have been expressing a certain amount of displeasure with the way things are turning out, or appear to be turning out. This being the case, how about I just remind you that this whole apocalypse thing? Was your idea. You and the other angels. You let the cat out of the bag, and now things aren't going to plan. YOUR FUCKING FAULT. So don't you whine, and don't you try to shove the blame off on the people you used as pawns; to wit, one Dean Winchester.

Also, your plan? Horrible. Shoddy. Surely you should've seen it coming, that Dean would resist being Michael's vessel. Surely you should have realized that the more you push, the more he would resist. However, I'm glad that you didn't, because then you may have found a more effective way. As it is, I'm glad you're an idiot!

Wishing you many years of impotence and happy stupidity,

Stupid angels. I hate them. Stupid, irresponsible angels. I hope your daddy comes back and EXPRESSES HIS EXTREME DISPLEASURE. (I'm still curious to see how they'll handle Him, btw.)

P.S. I never quite understood the angel's idea that Michael and Lucifer would duke it out and that's how the good guys would win. I'm a little rusty on my Revelation-fu, but I don't recall that part. Silly angel bitches need to follow their daddy's book.

Sam&Dean's Reunion



Seriously. The idea that the fact of Sam and Dean being together will be the one thing, the one difference that turns the tide and provides the alternative to Lucifer's domination or Kripke crossing that line and making Sam and Dean into vessels? TOTALLY makes up for them having split up in the first place.

It could even explain how Castiel's crazy idea might actually work, because all three of them looking for the Colt together might work! Sam could be the one factor that changes it! You'll see, he'll topple trees over in Detroit because he flapped his little gossamer wings in New Orleans! Forget the Leonard Cohen quote, my nickname for this episode should be IT'S CHAOS THEORY, GUYZ!



Cool as all the chaos theory jokes are, I'm not entirely comfortable with this traveling-to-the-future thing. I s'pose if Kripke&Co. want to do it this way, they totally can, it's their show, their mythology, their rules... But I'm a little confused as to how it works. Time travel to the past is one thing, because you assume that the past is fixed. But the future is not, and despite my "high sensitivity" joke, high sensitivity does not even begin to cut it. You can say that's just the future as it would be under the conditions they were in when he got sent forward. But what that doesn't take into account is the fact that according to chaos theory, the future really and truly could change into something completely different just because a butterfly flapped its wings--or didn't. Sam and Dean's states at the time they're sent forward aren't the only things that matter, but the states of everyone and everything else in existence at that time. That's a fuckin' lot of variables.

But that's all just me geekin'. There's also the question of how this fits into the only other thing in this universe we had to indicate how this whole "future" thing works. I am speaking, of course, of prophecies. And the prophecies seem to indicate an entirely different set of rules for things like this than the ones we seem to be running by in this episode. Everything we've seen of prophecies seems to indicate that everything that is going to happen in the future is absolutely fixed. They haven't quite indicated whether the prophecies are true regardless and the prophet just writes them down, or the prophecies are true because the prophet writes them down, however, I was leaning toward the first. In which case, I thought as I was watching, if this is a true future that Dean's been sent to, shouldn't it be inevitable? Unchangeable? Shouldn't we have more incidents with Dean eating veggie-burger and getting pink butterfly bandaids all over his face as he tries to avoid the inevitable future?

tripoverhercats mentioned a theory that perhaps the future Zachariah was showing Dean was, in fact, simply an illusion, like a VR show. (Rather the way I always suspected, in the back of my mind, that Dean getting sent to the past was just the angels storytelling to him. In mega-multimedia supervision.) Sometimes I think that theory seems very plausible.

On the other hand, when Dean went to future!Castiel, Cas didn't say anything along the lines of, "Heywaitaminute, angels can't send people to the future, what the hell are you talking about?" But on the third hand, if future!Cas was part of an illusion by Zachariah, then of course he wouldn't say that--it'd give up the game, break suspension of disbelief, all that. Besides all that, I doubt it's a tinhat theory that Kripke&Co. are ever going to address, so it probably doesn't matter. In conclusion, I have no idea. What do you people think?

P.S. I've decided I'm gonna do one of these for every episode, just to make sure I keep my hand in the fandom somewhat, but I still haven't figured out how I want to do them. This is more organized than the others have been, though it's also more fluffy. I think it makes more sense overall--in the others, my thoughts were kinda all over the place. What say you guys?

episode review, spn

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