Does your mom like the last person you kissed?
well she doesnt know him.
When you're getting ready for something, do you listen to music?
most of the time.
How many people have you kissed who's name started with an M?
Ever purposely broken your iPod/phone just for a new one?
Have you ever broken into someone's house?
just mine.
What if your boyfriend/girlfriend went through your cellphone?
well if i had a boyfriend i'd be annoyed because that would make me think he didnt trust me.
This weekend will you be under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
it is likely that i will be drinking at some point this weekend.
Do you really know how heartbreak feels?
Has anyone lost their virginity to you?
Your best friend has unprotected sex with your ex, what happens?
ew. this is weird.
Have you ever had sex with the last person you text messaged?
no. and i wont.
Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone?
i hope not.
Have you ever opened up to somebody, but then they basically threw it all away?
um maybe
What are 5 words to describe your personality?
umm i cant answer this.
Can you tell people honest things to their face?
it depends on who.
When was the last time you changed in front of someone?
monday in paxton with lauren and amy all up in my rooooooom
Has anybody really broken you, and if so, has it changed you?
yes. and yes.
How do you feel?
Do you still pinky promise?
Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now?
If your best friend needed somewhere to stay could they live with you?
When you scribble on paper, what do you scribble?
i dont usually do that. but hearts and lines and whateverrrrrrr
Do you prefer texting, calling people or talking online?
texting. i am not a fan of the phone.
Have you ever kissed someone whos name started with a S, C, N, B, R or J?
r. j.
Have you had sex in the past week?
whats today? tuesday? yes
The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?
Does it bother you when your boyfriends are protective?
theres a difference between being protective and overbearing.
Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
it depends.
Did you know your last relationship was about to end before it did?
well sort of.
Would you rather buy clothes or jewelry?
Have you ever been in a car accident?
Can falling in love change a person?
i guess so
Last person you kissed, saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad?
i have no idea.
Are you more laid back or loud and spontaneous?
i am the farthest from laid back. but im working on it. and i am only loud and spontaneous with certain people.
Your ex comes up to you and says "I'm sorry" what would you do?
dont say youre sorry. im sorry.
Do you like the idea of promise rings in relationships?
i guess i like the IDEA of them.
Do you think your good enough for the person you like?
umm sometimes. but usually no.
Are you sitting, lying down, or standing?
Do you hate the last person you kissed?
Do your parents actually care about you?
my mom loves me very much. and my dad...loves me too in his own way.
Are you one of those people who knows exactly what they want in life?
no. i used to think so. but now i really have no idea.
Think to the first person you kissed in 2009; do you hate them now?
Are you and your bf/gf overprotective of eachother?
i dont have a boyfriend
Last time you laughed alot?
i laugh a lot everyday. but not really today. so i guess yesterday.
Does the music you listen to influence your emotions?
reverse that.
Do you know what the "Ring Around the Rosy" song is really about?
the black plauge
Have you ever looked at scenery and thought it would make a good painting?
usually a good picture. but yeah
Have you ever flushed a fish down the toilet after it died?
When you get pregnant (or impregnate), do you want to know the baby's sex?
im not sure about this. i like knowing because you can prepare but a suprise is good too. if its a boy its good to know ahead of time so i can prepare mentally. i'd rather not be suprised with a boy. (is that weird?)
Who is one celebrity you'd NEVER want to meet, and why?
i dont know. jimmy buffet because one time when i was 12 he caused a problem for me.
Are you textually active?
LOL totally.
Do you eat cake with a spoon or fork?
um whatevers around. fork?
You're camping. Two choices: outhouse or in the woods? Choose one.
i dont know if id be camping.
Do you keep movie/concert ticket stubs after they're over?
i have before.
Do you play air guitar?
no. well only when i am being james valentine in our maroon 2 video. other than that, in everyday situations no.
Did you ever make mud pies when you were little?
Do you have reoccurring dreams or nightmares?
OH DO I! I have the "zombie" one and the baby carrige one.
If you saw life in black & white, would that be okay with you?
i guess i could live with it.
Ever pulled the "see-food" joke at the dinner table?
What is the best kind of Pop-Tarts?
Could you perform CPR if necessary?
i doubt it. i know i learned it at one point but..
Has a vending machine ever gratified you with free items?
You see a $100 bill float by you on a windy day. Do you chase after it?
i would love that forever
If the date was Friday the 13th, would you be extra cautious?
Chairs are being thrown. Do you do the Jerry chant? "JERRY! JERRY!"
why are chairs being thrown? i wouldnt do the jerry chant ever.
Your Internet is down. How do you spend your time now?
freaking out. JK...sorta. watching movies or tv. or making stuff. i like to make thingsss
What Internet advertisement are you tired of seeing?
i honestly dont even notice them anymore. except the best buy one that keeps popping up on my live journal.
Have you ever kept a stray animal?
Would you recommend someone to vacation where you live?
allston? no. boston? i guess. if youve never been. paxton?