"50 COMPLETELY Random Questions Survey" stolen from Linda, because I feel like my livejournal needs one of these.
1) What's Your Favorite Letter? s
2) Is That the same letter as your first name? no, I just really like to draw it.
3) What is your favorite way to eat Potatoes? the shishkabob way.
4) What are your views on Sharpies? they are my friend, especially when organized in a rainbow.
5) How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? i think we should give up this question already.
6)What came first the chicken or the egg? evolution, baby!
7) Have you ever thought about question #6 for more than 5 minutes? probably the first time i was asked to ponder such things.
8) How many livejournals have you had? 2?
9) How many of your livejournals have the letter X in them? 0.
10) How many SNs have you had? maybe around 10? but i've only ever used about 4 of them.
11) How cool are you? i don't know what it means to be "cool."
12) Describe your best friends in five words? sweet, fun, admirable, intelligent, busy.
13) Now describe your Best friend in one word? i don't think i have a best friend.
14) Have you ever Made up a language? yes! :)
15) Can you speak it fluently? yes! but only with kristina :)
16) Have you ever made up a secret hand shake? i feel like i have, but i can't remember with whom, or what it was.
17) Are you wearing make up? nope.
18) Have you ever eaten squid? nope.
19) Do you like Ramen? only the mushroom flavor.
20) Have you ever Eaten it dry? ew.
21) Are you wearing any Orange? ...no.
22) Pepsi or Coke? coke.
23) Can you honestly taste the difference? yes. coke has more kick to it.
24) How buddies are on your Buddy list? holy crap, i guess i have 83. but i know there are a lot of old ones that people don't use anymore.
25) How many of them do you actually talk to? like 5, if i ever sign on with intentions of talking to someone.
26) Do you have a cell phone? sure.
27) How many contacts do you have on it? i'm not going to go check.
28) What comes to your mind when you hear the word Green? Day.
29) What is your favorite Food group? fruit. because watermelon is fucking awesome.
30) Do you have braces or have you had braces? no.
31) What is your most embarrassing moment? i think i do a good job of blocking those out, because i can never think of anything when i'm asked.
32) What are your views on the word "dudette" ? in elementary school, megan plourde, melissa wilson and i had a little club sort of thing that gathered by a tree during recess. megan was "dude," i was "dudette," and melissa was "dudette jr." (or maybe they were the other way around?) that's my story.
33) What is your Favorite band? rustic overtones.
34) Have you ever been out of the country? no. that is embarrassing.
35) How many Sarahs do you know? one?
36) How do you say "whats up?" (ex. sup? wassa? wuzup?) I've found that I say it A LOT at work meaning "what do you need? how are things going? what do i need to know about what's been happening?" i just realized the other day that it could sound like an idiot who doesn't have any manners. because i also say it to people i know, but sort of wish i didn't know, as a way of being polite when i run into them. it's simple enough to imply that i don't really care, right? i've got to work on this. yep.
37) How often do you visit Google in a day? it's my homepage.
38) What do you use Google to find? anything i don't already know the web address for.
39) Have you ever been to another country? nooooooooo. give me money and i will.
40) do u lik 2 rite lik dis? no!
41) d0 you l1k3 2 wr1t3 l1k3 d15? no!
42) Did question 41 offend you because I didn't use the correct form of l33t? i don't know what "l33t" means.
43) Are you glad this survey is almost over? my fingers are getting cold.
44) Are you photogenic? noooo.
45) What is your moms middle name? jean.
46) What was your favorite grade? i don't feel like trying to type the complicated response i have to this question.
47) How many hours do you spend on the phone each day? 0 if i'm lucky. but if i work, i have to talk on the phone quite a bit. although i must admit that on the days that i have a nice, non-awkward conversation with someone i haven't seen for a while, it makes me happy inside all day.
48) When was the last time you ate pizza? english muffin pizza for lunch today!
49) What do you think of Vegetarians? it's all relative. but the people who eat chicken or seafood and call themselves vegetarian...wtf??
50) What did you think of this survey? ok.
...annnd today i cut my hair shorter than the last time i cut it, when i thought it was really short. kristina is going to kill me. i might wear bandanas for a while.