Mar 04, 2010 17:28

If it's all the same, I'd rather not have a repeat of last week. Once was more than enough.

[Inmate Filter]

I suppose it's foolish of me to ask this when my last attempt to get a decent answer out of the lot of you didn't go as well as intended, but I'll ask anyway. I would imagine at least one of you has thought to keep a comprehensive record on the ( Read more... )

hates most of you (especially alastair), needs moar structure, always the lieutenant, getting shit done, dog looking for a master, sark is an unhappy kitty

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Comments 31

private - because o'brien keeps his state secrets to himself... pleasesmirk March 4 2010, 23:33:00 UTC
I keep a comprehensive record of most things. I have not been here for the past week or so, so may have missed things.

What do you want it for?


private onlyhalfserious March 4 2010, 23:39:55 UTC
I merely believe I'm entitled to know a little more about my surroundings. I've kept my own records since my arrival, but as I've only been here for two weeks, I would appreciate a more... Comprehensive dossier. Preferably on the Wardens.


private pleasesmirk March 4 2010, 23:43:38 UTC
What sort of information on them are you after? I keep general information on near everyone, but much more specific information on certain criminal elements. Which does not preclude them being wardens, of course, because this place is founded on disorder and confusion, I am sure.


private onlyhalfserious March 4 2010, 23:53:31 UTC
Oh, the usual. Which ones are looked to a crisis, which ones demand a certain respect among their colleagues, which ones are the weak links in the chain. And of course, the old standbys- blackmail material, potential weaknesses, etc..

As of now, I have nothing to do with said information, but having it would make me much more comfortable. I don't like having the odds not in my favor, sir.


Private lost_undercover March 5 2010, 05:10:59 UTC
Yeah. Yeah, there's a few keeping records, I think. Tim Drake, Elle Bishop, and O'Brien spring to mind as having asked about people, at least.


Private onlyhalfserious March 5 2010, 05:56:08 UTC
I see. Thank you, Mr. ...?


Private lost_undercover March 5 2010, 09:39:33 UTC
William Costigan. It's a pleasure.

Mr. Monroe, right? You got a name? Where and when are you from?


Private onlyhalfserious March 5 2010, 15:28:50 UTC
Julian Sark. Los Angeles, as of when I was brought here. It was 2004, I believe.


Private. no_nanomites March 6 2010, 07:18:28 UTC
I've got intel on most everyone since I've been here, Mr. Sark. I'm just wondering what someone as clever as yourself would be wanting it for?


Private. onlyhalfserious March 6 2010, 17:03:33 UTC
I'm attempting to find some way to band the inmates together into a cohesive unit and having information on the Wardens that they can use to take them down seems, more or less, the best thing to rally us together,


Private. no_nanomites March 6 2010, 17:10:07 UTC
Oh, Mr. Sark I have someone that you should be talking to.


Private. onlyhalfserious March 6 2010, 20:32:22 UTC
Do tell.


Private - Sorry, I didn't see this D: major_west March 6 2010, 18:30:57 UTC
I do, in fact. There is a handful of people who can be relied upon. Most of us are human, such as-- I presume-- yourself. Considering the creatures pulled from the depth of absurdity here, I believe it would be in all of our best interests to become more unified.


Private - IT'S OKAY. You were busy and I forgot about it. XD <33 onlyhalfserious March 6 2010, 20:33:55 UTC
And do they trust you or could be persuaded to trust you?

I'm working on giving us a common goal to unite under- finding people with appropriate intel on the Wardens and, perhaps, the few of us who might be so inclined to stop our attempts. If we're to become unified, we need some amount of leverage.


Private - But now, NOW we can have SARCASTIC BRITISH LOVETIMES <3 major_west March 6 2010, 20:43:33 UTC
I'd like to think I'm quite trustworthy. I've been here longer than most other inmates-- aside from the Master. It isn't something to brag about, of course, but I know who the most stable minds are.

I agree. One advantage we have is that progress can only occur on our terms. The cannot fulfil their contracts with the Admiral if we don't wish to change.


Private - Yes. YEEEEEES. <3 onlyhalfserious March 6 2010, 20:52:26 UTC
Precisely. Therefore, they're just as much prisoners as we are and by refusing to change, we can hold them in a standstill. Knowing their weaknesses, which buttons to press, which ones are the strongest and which ones are the weak links would also benefit us in the long run.

If you could get into contact with whomever you believe will be of assistance, we could call a formal meeting with them to discuss our plans and work from there. I'm certain when they understand the terms of the arrangement, they'll find it hard to resist.


Private cautionarystory March 6 2010, 19:06:41 UTC
What do you wanna know and why do you wanna know it?


Private onlyhalfserious March 6 2010, 20:34:56 UTC
I'm attempting to unify the Inmates under a common goal.

The one thing we seem to have in common is a primarily mutual disdain for our Wardens. I want leverage on them.


Private cautionarystory March 7 2010, 20:45:21 UTC
Leverage like blackmail, or leverage like perfectly innocent ways to win them over?


Private onlyhalfserious March 9 2010, 00:05:07 UTC
Either. I'm flexible.


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