Employment? Check.
Roommate? Check.
Apartment? Check.
Moved in? Sorta.
Friends? Check.
Getting laid? Check.
...I think it finally feels like home.
[Private to Lulu]
I've been busy with the two jobs and moving in, but...I meant to tell you. I might have gone home with Connor Saturday night. I might have had a lot of fun...and we might have made things official. So. I owe you again for giving us a push in the right direction, even if it was not really how I'd envisioned the help would be prompted ;) Just thought I'd let ya know.
[Private to Aaron]
When do you need me for Jack next? We should set up a schedule, if you think we can get it to be a set one, so I can run it by Ned and the girls and make it permanent rather than a week-by-week kind of thing. Lemme know one way or the other.
[Private to Spence]
Thanks for coming to the party. I really meant to say something before but things have been nuts between that, the Pie Hole, and moving into my new place and everything. But thank you, seriously, for coming. I hope you had fun :)