here is a tale...a tale of love, death, betrayal! be prepared for the journey of a lifetime!
first our story starts as a story of love between two lovers, rob and bob! they loved each other for a long time and were quite happy!
but then one day jeff robs brother found out about their love and was very angry!
his massive manly profile made bob nervous...
so he plotted an evil genius plan to kill jeff
with his plan thought out he took his evil weapon of doom and stabbed jeff in the stomach!!!!
jeff fell down and screamed in horrible pain then he died!
bob laughed in joy at the evil he had done!
but i fair man named joshua miller mourned over the loss of jeff
then josh comforted rob but secretly lusted after his booty cuz it was the fairest in the land....
now josh was known for his massive penis size and rob was amazed at this sight!
so rob and josh engaged in some unsightly acts...
rob and josh rejoiced in the new found love they had shared!
but bob did not share in their joy!
so bob again plotted how to kill that which stood in the way of his love
so one day while josh and rob were talking he made his move to kill josh
josh died :-(
so rob and bob talked things out and decided to reconcile their differences
they lived happily ever after and there was much rejoicing in the land!!!
the end!