
Oct 04, 2008 12:55

** I just realized the other day that I haven't seen nearly as many drug commercials (and not one Rx drug commercial) since I've moved here...

** The lack of billboards (especially in the countryside) is refreshing!

** There are rude people in Scotland!
I was having lunch at the Abbot House in Dunfermline the other day. I was waiting on my food to be delivered and this older lady walked over to the table in front of me and said something. I just figured she knew them and was saying hello. I was wrong. She then walked over to my table.

"Is there anyone sitting here?"
"Um, no."

And without another word, she just sat down. She didn't ask me. She didn't say, "There doesn't seem to be another free table right now, can I join you?" And of course, if she'd done that, I'd have said, "Sure, go ahead." And I may have even been friendly. But since she did what she did, I didn't say anything to her at all. All I wanted to do was sit down, have my lunch, and read my magazine in peace. But nooooooooo ... Little Old Rude Lady had to sit down and loudly slurp her soup at my table! Grrr. And to make matters worse, she commented on how nice my food looked when it was delivered.

THEN ...

Our car park behind our work is tiny - not big enough for the amount of people that work in the building so we end up double parking and if we're behind someone we don't know, we put a business card on our dash so if someone needs to get out, they just let us know. No big deal. Its inconvenient for everyone so we just all put up with it. At least we're not having to pay for parking in town, right?

So day before yesterday, I was leaving work and noticed this one lady (who had parked behind me before, so I recognised her car) had parked behind my car. So I went to her office, rang the bell, asked if she could move the car. In a couple minutes she is heading for the door so I went out ahead and stood by the car. That was when I noticed that she had parked so close to the car, her bonnet (for my US friends, "hood") was actually touching the spare tire (for my UK friends, "tyre") on the back of my car! TOUCHING!

When she made it out, I said, "You got a little close there, huh?" And you know what she said to me? "I never felt that." And just got in her car and backed up. She never apologised. She didn't say, "Oh no - let me back up a bit and make sure there's no damage." Nothing. Just that she didn't feel she nearly HIT my damn car when she parked behind me! Double Grrr.

** I adore co-worker L - she's a wealth of information about the area and she loves to share experiences and talk about family and kids. She's very supportive and intellegent and interesting. I love people like that.

** Dinner last night was brilliant!
We got over to Friends M & J's and M came out to meet us. We were shown into the "posh lounge" (they live in a 17th century house and its amazing!). Served wine and little snacks and we had a great pre-dinner chat. They had B&B guests arrive about the time J was getting the finishing touches put on dinner so M went to take care of it.

We went into the dining room and enjoyed a lovely dinner (J is such a great cook!!) and rolled ourselves back into the lounge. M offered us scotch (which of course, would have been so rude to turn down, right??) so I accepted (hesitantly, of course ...). It was soooooo smooth and yummy. I don't drink the stuff that often (usually around New Year's or something like that) so I really appreciate it when I do have one.

We ended up leaving around a quarter after midnight. Yikes! That's LATE! Poor J had to get up early this morning and make brekkie for her B&B guests - and P got up this morning and went to an auction. I slept in a wee bit. ::grin::
** Men give us women grief about changing our minds. Well, let me tell you - they must not have met any other MEN!
The men that I work with (mostly Americans) that are planning vacations here to play golf cannot seem to make up their minds! I have one guy who we've been talking to since May of 2007 (!!!!) and I inherited his file - he's changed his mind on the number of people, the number of nights, where they want to stay, how many (and which) golf courses to play, just can't seem to make up his mind. He's doing my head in (for my American friends, "driving me nuts")!!

When we were in Dunfermline last weekend, we saw this guy playing guitar. He was dressed up and had a little rabbit puppet that "danced" as he played. Really cute.

These were reflections of stained glass windows on the floor inside Dunfermline Abbey. I took these the day before I met Arthur.

Sorry this one isn't so great - all of these were taken with my mobile phone camera, so that's why the quality isn't that great. But this was the beginning of a sunset I tried to capture on our way back from Alloa.

weekends, family, photos, stuff

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