She stood there, almost frozen in place. The wind blew and she shivered involuntarily. It was cold temperaturewise, but the cold felt hollow, as if it were a cavern that never hit a bottom
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I can't put off the 'where I stand' entry any longer. It's screaming to get out and maybe in making it, I'll forget the TORTURED dreams I had today. ::shudder
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I slept through most of the Super Bowl, except for the part that happened when I was at work. I worked through that. But the Patriots won. Yay or Something
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If I didn't think I'd kill us, or I'd go into convulsions from havign a panic attack (I definitely had a panic attack when I drove in Providence, and that was just on the highway.), I'd say I'd drive.
But NOOOOO I am UNBELIEVABLY scared out of my freaking mind to drive.