Hayley sat, her arms crossed. They'd made her shower and change into a jumpsuit, a jumpsuit like some common crook. She was no crook, and she definitely wasn't common. She was just waiting for them to say she had to go off to that crazy farm, that Arkham place.
She definitely wasn't crazy. A crazy person doesn't sit all neat and proper and smile at all the nice officers. Some of them were cute. The younger ones, at least. Maybe they could sneak her a Nic. She'd been desperate for a fix, ever since the arrest.
Then the men in blue came and took her from her cell. She'd been there only a day. The paperwork must've gone through fast.
They told her she was going to a special school. Some place nice and they'd take care of her and she'd have positive influences on her life.
Hayley nodded and smiled like a good girl. She'd survived St. Agnes' just fine. Some other school wouldn't be a problem.
"I'll be a model citizen in no time, just you see," Hayley told them.
She'd be escorted home to pack her things. The outfit she'd been arrested in, the ring she'd gotten from Bianca... they were keeping those. While Hayley smiled on the outside and told them all she understood, inside she was spitting on them and telling them they didn't deserve Bianca's things.
She smiled all the way home, and all the way to the airport. She was a good girl. Perfectly behaved. Nothing but smiles and stories about seeing Elvis and she didn't mention Bianca once. While inside, that was almost all she could think of.
[ooc: NFB, NFI, OOC Welcome, establishy, etc, etc.]