Okay, so I am so freakin' bored and I really don't want to watch my Accounting CD-roms. So, that is why I am here entertaining you.
BEWARE! Since I am lazy and don't really care, I only resized these pictures with HTML. They will take forever and a day to load, so be patient or don't click!
Stephanie and Mom in California Adventure...
Stephanie doing something odd. Not quite sure.
Me and Stephanie on Roger Rabbit's ride. Scary stuff, folks.
We're cooooool white trash.
And she can't drive.
I freakin' love Thunder Mountain!
Oh, but not when it breaks down! Actually, yeah, I still do. That was fun. We had to get off and walk on the tracks.
The next day, sitting near the front of Disneyland.
But first I had this awesome waffle!
Anyway, we think Mr. Toad's Wild Ride is a bunch of BS. I mean, you go to Hell in the end! Kids, don't go on this ride. It will give you nightmares.
I wish I could have gone on this ride 24/7. Rollercoasters rock my socks.
"Looky, looky! I got Hooky!" No, not really, but I did see Jamie Moyer!
And Dan Wilson! This was at the Mariners game at Angel Stadium when the freakin' WON!
No one would take pictures with me, so I took one of myself. And made myself look even nerdier in the process.
Going back to California Adventure...
Beware The Ride of Doom! Seriously. It's scary. Damn gondolas...
Oh look! It's Katie the Nerd again!
Watch me get shot into space on this way-not-scary ride! (I am on the front side, on the far right with black flip-flops.)
Yeah, that's all. I'm so entertaining.