1. Think of up to 20 ships you support.
2. List them using descriptions of the characters involved rather than their names.
3. Have your f-list guess as many of the ships as they can.
4. Fandom hints will be given if asked in the comments.
taken from
alygator 01 - Reformed Manwhore and Attachment Barbie
02 - Manwhore and Satan
03 - Time Lord and the Only Water in the Forrest
04 - #23 and Tutor Girl
05 - The Blur and the By-Liner
06 - The Lawyer and The Good Wife
07 - The Thief and the Finder
08 - The Con Man and The Other
09 - Lawyer Up and the Teacher
10 - Princess and the Pauper
11 - The Tall, Dark, Handsome and the Blonde Doctor
12 - The Drug Dealer and the Uncle
13 - The Neurotic and the Funny One
14 - The Star and the One Who Thought He'd Be First
15 - Red and the Pediatrician
16 - The Witch and the Whitelighter
17 - The Anthropologist and the FBI Agent
18 - The Football Player and His Secret
19 - The Vampire and the Look Alike
20 - The Smoking Gun and the Annoyance