Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Title: The Hawk's Eye: A Tribute Part 1/?
Summary: She trusts that she’ll see the shot through to the best of her ability. She promises she will for every shot she ever takes.
Word Count: 594 words
Rating: Gen
Disclaimer: Arakawa owns all!
The first day Riza picks up a gun in the academy... )
Comments 4
Haha, found this through Tumblr (bayalexison there). I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend at LJ too! :3
And I absolutely do not mind. I'm glad you added me. I am completely clueless/lost at times still on LJ (like can I get rid of these annoying ads without getting a paid account?), and I know just about no one on here. Always glad to have another friend so I'll add you back!
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