The film stars Ellen Page as a 14-year-old girl named Hayley who agrees to meet a much older man at a coffee house after chatting with him online. Of course, most viewers expect Jeff, the much older man, to have less than honorable intentions, especially once the couple winds up at his house drinking screwdrivers.
However, it will not take long for viewers to realize that Jeff, the online predator, is actually Haley's prey; in fact, the film's poster telegraphs this with an image of Hayley's character posing as bait in the middle of a bear trap.
Yet, the poster is also somewhat misleading because, unlike SAW and other films of the torture-porn variety, this film is much more tame despite its R-rating for disturbing, violent and aberrant sexual content involving a teen.
Indeed, much of the violence is implied rather than shown, which will come as somewhat of a relief for those viewers who are sick of blood and gore. Nonetheless, be forewarned: this is not the sweet and innocent Page that would later star in the hit movie Juno (2007).