Dean McDermott, patriarch of the Oxygen Network’s family reality show ‘Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood’, has reportedly been moved from ICU to a standard hospital room following his motorcycle accident earlier in the week. For more info on Dean and his recovery, keep reading!
Following a serious motorcycle accident on Thursday, July 1, Dean McDermott, husband of Tori Spelling, has been moved out of the
intensive care unit. Dean was immediately taken to a Los Angeles-area hospital following his accident. He suffered a punctured and collapsed lung as well as many gashes and bruises.
This, of course, is no new news to Tori and Dean’s Twitter followers. The actor and reality dad has been keeping his fan base
up-to-date on his status via Twitter since he was taken to the hospital. His famous wife has also been keeping people updated through the social networking site, and was the first to report of Dean’s release out of intensive care this morning.
Dean’s passion for bike racing has been
causing problems for his family since they first started broadcasting their lives in 2007. Dean had another bike accident earlier this year, which was of course covered on their show, in which is suffered a fractured shoulder. It was then that Mr. McDermott swore of competitive racing and promised to only ride recreationally.
After this incident, however, Dean is saying he is done with bikes for good. Whether or not he will hop back in the saddle at some point has yet to be seen, but Tori has supposedly put her foot down and is making Dean sell his precious bikes as soon as he is home from the hospital. Not that I can blame her. If my husband had two serious accidents under his belt in less than a year I might want him to bring the reins in a little bit, too. But everyone knows how much Tori and Dean love to stir things up on their show, and I doubt this will be the last we see of racer Dean.