Wednesday, August 27:
Securing America’s Future
Barack Obama offers a new, tough foreign policy that is neither Republican nor Democratic, but is a strong, smart American foreign policy to make our country more secure and advance our interests in the world. Wednesday night’s Convention program will feature the voices of Americans who share Barack’s vision of making America stronger and safer.
The headline prime-time speaker on Wednesday will be Vice Presidential Nominee Senator Joe Biden.
Wednesday, August 27 2008: Securing America's Future
Hour # 1 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (LOCAL)
Call to Order
The Honorable Leticia Van de Putte
State Senator from Texas
Co-Chair, Democratic National Convention
Archbishop Demetrios
Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America
Presentation of Colors
Colorado Chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
Franz Wedeman, Thomas Chesner, David Shuker, John Harrington
Pledge of Allegiance
Paul Bucha
Ridgefield, Connecticut recipient of the Medal of Honor for distinguished service as a commanding officer in Vietnam
National Anthem
Robert Moore
Distinguished singer from South Dakota and elected council member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe
Presidential Nomination Process
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the US House of Representatives
Permanent Chair, Democratic National Convention
Nominating speech on behalf of Senator Hillary Clinton
Seconding speeches on behalf of Senator Hillary Clinton (2)
Nominating speech on behalf of Senator Barack Obama
Seconding speeches on behalf of Senator Barack Obama (3)
Call for Roll Call Vote
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the US House of Representatives
Permanent Chair, Democratic National Convention
Roll Call Vote
Alice Travis Germond
Secretary of the Democratic National Committee
The Honorable Charles Schumer
US Senator, New York
Chair, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
The Honorable Tom Udall
Member of the US House of Representatives, New Mexico
The Honorable Jeanne Shaheen
Former Governor of New Hampshire
Candidate for US Senate
Jeff Merkley
Candidate for US Senate from the State of Oregon
Tom Allen
Candidate for the US Senate from the State of Maine
Hour # 4 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (LOCAL)
The Honorable Richard M. Daley
Mayor of Chicago, Illinois
The Honorable Robert Wexler
Member of the US House of Representatives, Florida
Video - The Course of Our Nation
Brittany Washington
A student at Howard University in Washington, DC from Los Angeles, California
Women of the US House of Representatives
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the US House of Representatives
Permanent Chair, Democratic National Convention
The Honorable Rosa DeLauro
Member of the US House of Representatives, Connecticut
The Honorable Nita Lowey
Member of the US House of Representatives, New York
The Honorable Hilda Solis
Member of the US House of Representatives, California
The Honorable Louise Slaughter
Member of the US House of Representatives, New York
The Honorable Maxine Waters
Member of the US House of Representatives, California
The Honorable Kathy Castor
Member of the US House of Representatives, Florida
The Honorable Lois Capps
Member of the US House of Representatives, California
The Honorable Elijah Cummings
Member of the US House of Representatives, Maryland
Mark Docherty
Veteran and a firefighter from Sterling Heights, Michigan
The Honorable James Clyburn
Member of the US House of Representatives, South Carolina
The Honorable Manuel Diaz
Mayor of Miami, Florida
The Honorable Jay Rockefeller
US Senator, West Virginia
Live Performance
Melissa Etheridge accompanied by Phillip Sayce (guitar)
Award-winning singer/songwriter
Video - First Time Delegates: Renewing America's Promise
The Honorable Harry Reid
US Senator, Nevada
Senate Majority Leader
CSM Michele S. Jones, US Army (Ret.)
First female command sergeant major of the US Army
The Honorable Patrick Murphy
Member of the US House of Representatives, Pennsylvania
Joined by Iraq war veterans
The Honorable Madeleine Albright
Former Secretary of State
America’s Town Hall - Securing America's Future
Moderator: The Honorable Joe Sestak
Member of the US House of Representatives, Pennsylvania
Panelists: Kathy Roth-Douquet, CSM John Estrada, Collin McMahon,
Representative Ellen Tauscher/California
The Honorable Evan Bayh
US Senator, Indiana
Xiomara Rodriguez
Nevada delegate and retired member of the US Coast Guard
The Honorable Jack Reed
US Senator, Rhode Island
The Honorable Tom Daschle
Former US Senator and Senate Minority Leader, South Dakota
Hour # 5 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (LOCAL)
The Honorable Bill Clinton
Former President of the United States
Ret. Rear Admiral John Hutson
President, Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord, New Hampshire
Lifelong Republican
The Honorable John Kerry
US Senator, Massachusetts
Beth Robinson
Stay-at-home mom from Hampton Roads, Virginia
Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy, US Army (Ret.)
First woman to achieve the rank of three star general in the US Army
The Honorable Bill Richardson
Governor of New Mexico
Video - Changing The Course of Our Nation
John Melvin
Iraq war veteran from DeWitt, Iowa
Veterans Video and Remarks
The Honorable Chet Edwards
Member of the US House of Representatives, Texas
Hour # 6 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (LOCAL)
Tammy Duckworth
Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs
Helicopter pilot and wounded Iraq war veteran
Vice Presidential Nomination
Remarks and nominating speech
Seconding speech
Vice Presidential Nominee
The Honorable Senator Joe Biden
US Senator, Delaware
Sister Catherine Pinkerton
Congregation of St. Joseph’s in Cleveland, Ohio
The Honorable Leticia Van de Putte
State Senator from Texas
Co-Chair, Democratic National Convention
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