(Sorry mods, I rectified the mistake.)
So, from an exchange that happened in comments here a few days ago I want to copy a post from
65pigeons's journal about how
New!Kirk and John Crichton from Farscape are exceedingly similar so I can show all of you fine GQMF some fine entertainments that might help tide you over at least a little bit.
Picspam: 10 Reasons Why New!Kirk and John Crichton are Actually Pretty Similar
picspammy's 10th challenge: Compare and Contrast.
This was inspired by a slightly cracky comment left in someone else's journal. It's really just an excuse to post pictures of attractive people and draw far-fetched parallels. And it makes me feel better about liking the new Kirk. These are all noble purposes!
Moving on!
We've always loved John Crichton for being the anti-Kirk. The guy who doesn't bring love or the Prime Directive to the galaxy, who doesn't always get the girl, who gets generally shat on (Oh, the puns!), and who opted for black leather rather than a silly Starfleet uniform.
But with the arrival of this new, AlternateUniverse!Trek, I've decided that these two bad/good twins may, in fact, be more identical than they first appeared. Let's explain why:
1. First off: appearance. Physically, they just look pretty similar. And both characters were always intended to be an All-American stereotype, what with the light hair, blue eyes, and strong build. (Although I think we can agree that Browder's ass has few equals--Edit: make that NO EQUALS.)
2. They both have fathers they're trying to live up to.
3. They get beaten up a lot
Look! Identical bloody noses!
4. They know how to lounge.
5. They don't always get the girl.
6. ...Although they can usually get some nookie.
7. Their love interests are both dark-haired, emotionally-repressed aliens.
(Heh. Just kidding. Couldn't resist, though.)
(Have come to a realization: Aeryn=Spock+Han Solo+boobs. She's like every scifi nerd's secret fantasy. No wonder Crichton likes her so much.)
8. They both wear all black (most of the time)
^he looks very Disney channel pretty boy there. Sorry.
9. They both travel through space using shiny blue faster-than-light techniques :
Warp Drive:
10. And, because I'm running out of things to say...I found pictures of both of them wearing flannel (Which, you know, CLEARLY proves my point. And yes I know the one on the right is of Pine and not Kirk. Whatever.). Although Crichton's is angstier, naturally.
(EDIT by Opal-11. Both of their best friends are aliens.
Crichton and D'argo
Kirk and Spock
AND NOT IN THAT WAY! (This was the first thing that came up in 'Kirk and Spock' on Google images, I'm just sharing the pain >_>) END EDIT)
So, erm. Yes. Similar, right? And if you are taking this as an attempt to get you to watch either Farscape or Star Trek, then yes. Yes it is. And yes you should.
Pics and caps ganked from around the internet. Most are from
www.farscapecaps.com or
www.trekcore.com. I can credit the others if necessary.
65pigeons's message~
I just found out that
Fancast has the entire first two seasons of Farscape posted!!!!!!!!! OMFG MY SEAT IS WET!
So you may not be a sci fi fan and you may not have seen Farscape (or didn't like it?) but while everyone is waiting for the new movie you can get this rare opportunity to see some of the first two seasons (which went out of print like 4 years ago) and decide for yourself if John Crichton is Captain Fine if he was a modern day astronaut who was a scientific genius that was shot through a wormhole into the other side of the galaxy where suddenly HE is the alien.
So watch a little bit of this fantastic series. Watch the pilot and a few episodes (give it a chance to warm up-Aeryn is a ho for the first several episodes but becomes one of the coolest females in sci fi EVAR) then decide-are they at least quite similar? y/n
OH MAN this is a VERY GOOD DAY. :D