Friendly Reminder for the flood of new members trying to join:

Jan 05, 2012 22:08

Membership is moderated. If you have a new account, no journal entries, no friends, none/few comments (sock account), have been seen trolling communities, try to join right after something was featured in a snark community, you belong to and/or belong to ONLY snark communities, you will be rejected. If you want to appeal that, contact a mod ( Read more... )

!community / lj information

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Comments 8

anonymous January 6 2012, 05:14:23 UTC
bloodlilie January 6 2012, 05:17:10 UTC
a lot of the new members applying have ohnotheydidnt in common. i'm guessing they had some kind of creepy post done over there recently and someone mentioned us. nothing wrong with that! just a lot of socks applying.


anonymous January 6 2012, 05:20:36 UTC
bloodlilie January 6 2012, 05:35:30 UTC
i'm the same way. just feel free to let one of us know if you have any problems :)

i've noticed new members tend to get a little addicted and they go through everything. the creepy is love :D


satuawany January 6 2012, 14:11:35 UTC
I just wanted to say how thankful I am for you guys doing all that. That y'all have it set up like that and you take the time to enforce it. It's so wonderful to be in a community where the mods really care!


(The comment has been removed)

bloodlilie January 7 2012, 03:52:06 UTC
yes, yes. don't do that xD


harpsi_fizz January 7 2012, 22:26:08 UTC
Oh, my goodnss, your mom's really a member?! That is so cool!

I second my friend Willow's suggestion, and would like to add a similar cautionary! I rec'cd one of my IRL friends to join here, but unfortunately, I did it at the time when some ugly-on-the-inside troglodytes from SF_DRama* were oozing in here to "strike a blow against inequality" (which, to them, means is to write capslock insults over the web and accuse everyone of being privileged, which I believe is how the Montgomery Bus Boycott accomplished its goals...), and the mods here had no choice but to temporarily deny access to people who had SF_Drama listed. Now, I spoke to LilieMod about it and she said that my friend should re-apply since the mistake had been cleared.

Unfortunately my friend was still butthurt over the rejection, and long story short, instead of enjoying the wicked-cool awesome posts in here and making new friends, she's posting every other month about how much she hates so-and-so in SF_Drama and how they're all mean and awful. Moral: It's always ( ... )


bloodlilie January 7 2012, 22:35:43 UTC
always better to enjoy the creepy!


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