Part One

Nov 15, 2006 03:00

Location: Ratsbane's House
Characters: Rasler prince_perfect and Reks moogletastic
Status: Complete~
Warnings: It's long. Scary scary~

It wasn't often Rasler found himself traveling on foot, the blonde would speculate as he cast the darkening heavens a glance, and this certainly wasn't a special occasion... At least, aside from a frequent visit with a long-time companion; moving along the road with an expected silence, he carried a bag over his shoulder which contained a few necessary items he'd need for the evening.. As well as some others that were questionable.

There certainly were some benefits of finding one's family's corportation buckled with another's, specifically that to know the other family also shared relation with a certain best friend. Likewise was benefitial to have their house within walking distance, giving both exercise, and availability when desired. Having well exercised this opportunity, Rasler far from a stranger in the Ratsbane household, he proceeded up the walk that'd lead to Reks' home. He'd called sometime previous, detailing a visit, but he wasn't sure to what extent he'd be expected. He'd have to find out, he supposed.

One of the various clocks in his home would recieve attention every so often as Reks hurried about his home, intent to be sure that the place was suitably ready to recieve Rasler when he arrived. From the moment he was off the phone he'd gotten right to seeing that the place was tidy and getting some sort of dinner going. None of which was really demanded of him, but he didn't see reason to leave such things to someone else when he could easily take care of it himself, and considering the fact that his friend was coming there was plenty of incentive.

It wasn't as though the place didn't stay relatively spotless, though in the process of doing homework he supposed leaving his folders on the floor had been a bit untidy of him. Something that was taken care of easily enough when he replaced them in his backpack and then went back to the kitchen to be sure he hadn't managed to burn something. That'd be problematic.

Rasler came to the door in a swift pace, footfalls near silent against the walk as he paused upon the doorstep, regarding the door in brief. Somewhere within, he knew Reks was meandering about in a general business, though as to what it included, he could only speculate.. Cooking, his mind would announce, or rather any wishful thinking he may have had. More often than not, more so that he had willingly admitted it to himself, the blonde traveled what short distance there was to see to his friend's company, and as well bask in the glory of his cooking expertise. And no matter the amount of compliments he supplied, Reks remained entirely modest.

A mannerism that seemed shared between the two.

Finding no reason to submit him to the chilled air of the atmosphere, he raised a fist to lightly knock upon the wooden surface. He could camp upon Reks' doorstep if he so desired, but he didn't figure his family would appreciate the surprise in the morning.. Plus whatever would he do for a shower? Clearly to go without on the day of school was nothing he wanted to see to.

When Reks had made certain he wasn't going to burn anything horribly he'd gone back to picking up whatever stray effects might actually be found, and though these were few he cetainly didn't want to have what he might consider a visible mess when Rasler showed up. His parents were not often concerned with the minute details he seemed to pay attention to, though they were long past being surprised by how many tasks their son seemed to find for himself when his friend was to be present. His eye for things others seemed to easily overlook was fairly appreciated by his mother, especially when their home was so white.

He'd never known what had factored into that particular lack of color, but he was far too accustomed to it to be unsettled by it, though some seemed to dislike it. It was the home his parents had preferred and that was fine enough.

Hearing a knock on the door, however, was cause for him to pause his activities and scan the area before he headed to the door. It seemed clean enough for Rasler, so he'd just have to hope he hadn't overlooked anything when he opened the door and greeted his friend with a smile. "Good evening, Ras." He'd called him Rassledazzle over the phone and he tried not to exhaust the nickname.

Reks greeted with one of two expected petnames, neither of which bothered him to date. Given their history together, he'd grown rather accustom to what eccentric activity the other youth could supply, and it was quite likewise if the event ever did occur. Comforted by his friend's smile, he reflected it in the barest amount as he obliged to dig through his back, only to extract a small package. Thus, dropping it into Reks' possession, he permitted entrance for himself, a gesture he hadn't entirely adjusted to.. But having been received so many times in the past, he supposed at least knocking upon the door kept a small fashion of his polite mannerisms.

Especially when he had been told to enter freely. That, at which, was something he could not do.

"I.. Made some cookies," he stated in explanation as he removed his shoes, gaze idling over his pristine surroundings as he sighed. ".. And I didn't add the tomato this time." Though talented in many arenas, baking was not one of them. And upon discovery of this lacking trait sometime previous, Rasler had been going to extreme extents to better round this activity, often baking before he came over, no matter how failed the recipes seemed to be. In their last rendenzvous, he had selected a cookie recipe that he assured included tomato, but when the batter came out rather red.. One could only be questionable. Always a stickler for details, and he would be triumphant in the end.

"Thanks~" Although it had become customary for Rasler to bring something of that nature, Reks always had to say some form of thank-you, though he'd tried to be a bit less formal about it. His friend definitely seemed to be fixed on the idea of improving his cooking skills, and there was never a lack of effort when Ras put his mind to doing something, though there were times he wondered if someone had given the other boy inaccurate instructions. After all in his mind Rasler couldn't fail at anything that he really decided he wanted to do. Thus errors like the addition of tomatoes to cookies didn't count as failure.

Minor mistakes at the very worst. Either way he was definitely learning.

Closing the door when Rasler was inside he gave the package a look of consideration before turning his attention to the other again. "I'm sure you did great." Which from him was an honest thought, because his friend was simply good at things and it was a fact that was cemeted in his head along with the concept of gravity. If Ras wanted to do something he was going to. Simple fact. Of course while his thoughts were running along the lines of cooking he was reminded again that he did not fancy seeing the results of neglecting his cooking. "Oh, have to take something off the stove. I'll just be a second." Although he didn't like leaving his friend he did have to take care of that so he went back to the kitchen. Generally he'd have preferred to be done beforehand, but he hadn't known in advance this time around.

Rasler avoided shifting uncomfortably as Reks thanked him for the supplied dessert, somewhat anxious to how they had come out. Of course, he had tried one prior to his arrival, and hadn't found anything spectacularly wrong with it... Save it seemed almost lacking in flavor. A bit odd for peanut butter cookies, he mused... Had the oatmeal been necessary? Glancing back at the other nonetheless, he rewarded Reks with another rare smile, only to watch the other in his leave with an expected silence. Always moving about, that one.

Seeing himself through the house in a nature entirely familiar, he recognized how different his friend's home was from his own. While Reks' entire domain seemed to be stripped of color, Rasler was a blinding clash of explicit decoration, wounding to the senses at first, but rather powerful after the initial shock; his parents were eccentric when it came to artifacts of discovery.. What could he say? Making his way to the other's room to diposit his things, having no desire to carry his clothes and what not on his person, he did however remove one final item to carry with him as he made to return to the kitchen.

"Smells delicious, Reks. You tempt my weight with your delicacies." Of course, one as active as he, gaining a pound was a feat entirely in its own.. But it never hurt to tease his friend when he had the chance, albeit as strange as it may have seemed.

When Rasler had wandered off Reks didn't have to guess where the other was headed. He imagined that the other was going to deposit his things, which was typical in his experience. The two of them seemed to have their own sets of habits, though he definitely saw the sense in dropping stuff off rather than carrying it about when it was not necessary. And he'd never want his friend to be discomforted by anything like having to cart things about when as much was easily remedied.

While his friend was out of sight Reks took the time to be certain he hadn't made any errors in terms of ingredients used. Indeed it was rather difficult to mess up with stir fry but the recipe he'd used was very specific about how long to cook the ginger and for how long, and after that other ingredients had to be added before it burned. And onions needed to be transparent or they weren't cooked enough. Visually what he'd made seemed to pass inspection, as detail-oriented as he'd proven to be with such things, and trying a small amount yeilded that it was satisfactory. it would have been a shame if he messed up somewhere.

By the time Rasler had returned he was dividing up what he'd prepared and being sure he didn't get his hands on it somehow. True he'd washed them but it was never a good idea to go about touching things other people were to eat. The comment however made him pause for a moment, aware that he was probably blushing to some degree. Words like that always seemed to have a marked effect. "It's... not really above average." He managed after a moment before reminding himself of what he'd been doing and going back to working on that.

With the item to be subjected as a gift temporarily stored in his back pocket, not likely to be noticed maychance Reks took a sudden liking to his backside, Rasler stood at attention just within the kitchen, arms folded against his back upon his erect posture; out of common behavior did the blonde react so formally, but within time, he'd loosen up to the face of his lone companion, comforted with the other's company, and their difference in mannerisms. Reks was always a breath of fresh air in concern to his trained gestures.

But what else could be expected of the future, possible sole Nabradia? Practiced in all aspects expected of wealth, and certainly that of a gentlemen, he was a pristine example of an Onten student at that, though certainly nothing dare he compare himself to his friend; to him, the other male was inexplicitly kind, genuine at heart and a definite asset to the student body to great extremes. Without Reks, however, he didn't imagine he'd be where he was today, definitely adjusting his agenda to fit that of the other's, as well as keep a comfortable life-style for his friend. In the very least, he could pay respect for all of which Reks had given to him.

"I have my doubts," he stated with a lift of his brows, crossing to join Reks as he stood at his side, regarding the divided portions. "I have yet to taste anything of yours that does not surpass our cook's. Mind, he doesn't put as much love into what he prepares as you do." Dropping a hand in a near affectionate manner upon his head, Rasler was quick to withdraw this foreign tough before retreating to seat himself. He'd give Reks his gift within time... Nearly wishing he had brought the others to see the overjoyed reaction he so patiently waited for.

Reks hardly thought that anything he did was out of the ordinary, as he'd always applied himself entirely to whatever it was doing. He didn't think that Rasler was any different in that regard and thus he saw little need to praise something like doing his best. Rasler appeared to do that with anything and everything he encountered in life, and that seemed much more impressive to him. His friend's talents seemed to have more variety if not value, though he didn't make comparisons between what they did. There was no reason in his mind to compete like that and he wasn't the sort to put besting someone ahead of improving himself, especially not someone that he thought so highly of.

He'd have voiced that he thought the nature entirely average as he had in the past but the brief contact brought effective silence, knowing that sort of gesture was certainly not common from Rasler. In that they were certainly different, but Reks hadn't felt the same need for formality when it came to business. To him it didn't matter so much that he was like that as getting the job done, but he appreciated his friend's mannerisms regardless. He didn't think he'd ever be able to be that composed in the face of others or be able to give off such an air. His friend was someone he thought of as a natural leader, and he didn't fancy that he was any such thing, preferring to contribute rather than stand in lead. Reks knew he would much rather do what he could when he was needed than be in charge.

But regardless when that was his responsibility he would do his best. He wasn't as suited to the task but he'd put forth all of his efforts. Something he was reminded of as he picked up dishes and arranged them on the table, again thinking that he truly did prefer having things ready beforehand. It couldn't be at all entertaining to watch someone do such trivial things. And he'd never been much for being observed, but he'd long ago learned that he'd be watched quite a bit later in life so he'd gotten himself used to it. In this particular sort of situation however, it still felt a little odd. Reks set the thought aside though. Rasler was Rasler.

Quite the contrary in Rasler's perspective; entertained by holding mere company with his friend, he resisted the desire to observe his behavior, entirely familiar with Reks' discomfort that was associated with being watched. Respectful in these means, he thought nothing of it as he averted his gaze, bidding it as respecting his friend's desires, rather than permitting any acts of kindness in some exchange or another.

Then seeming to recall himself, and where he was at present, he abruptly stood as he came to stand beside Reks once more, only to turn his gaze toward the cupboards. ".. Is there any way I could be of assistance, Reks? I apologize, I hadn't meant to have you do all the work." He'd have to make a note on his future behavior to watch himself. It had been rather rude to be seated while Reks labored over their meal. The least he could do was offer a hand to his friend, may it be in the tiniest gesture.

As though Reks ever minded setting things up himself. It was a very rare occasion that he let someone else do the cooking, and barring illness he did everything himself. It had been that way since at least middle school, though he wasn't entirely sure when he'd taken over the kitchen and whatever duties came with it. Something that he could do and in a manner that satisfied others was always an activity he'd be glad to do. He'd been in the middle of getting a hold of glasses that had been placed a bit too high for his liking, a reminder that he wasn't especially tall but he was certain none that numbered among the maids towered over him.... And as far as he knew his father lacked the impulse to arrange things in such a way.

Supplied with the question he finished getting two down and made note to change the placement of the others later, setting them on the counter before giving Rasler his full attention. He didn't like being in the middle of something when he was speaking to the other. It somehow seemed rude to him, as though he weren't paying the attention that he should to his friend. "No, you're the guest and it's not all that hard for me to take care of."

"I ceased being a guest some time ago," Rasler offered in short as he retrieved the glasses from where they were place, retreating to find some manner of beverage or another. With their families joint in a source of monopoly, it was true that either male had become excessively familiar with the other's lineage within a short period of time. And it was only expected, some would explain, given it had been the two that had drawn either house together in a mutual agreement.. Almost as though it were an act of marriage. Of course, Rasler hardly thought of it as much, but instead a binding contract with his best friend that would see them to leading the businesses much later in life.

Maybe by then, the corporation would differ with hopes to corrupt.

"What would you like to drink?" he'd ask from his bent position as he peered into the fridge before rising to supply the other male a glance. Like Reks, he didn't particularly like to find himself distracted when addressing the other male, finding it equally disrespectful. And though he was certainly a multi-tasker in all accounts.. Forcing the other to regard the back of his head did not seem at all favorable. Given vice versa, however, he would have adjusted perfectly well.

Reks supposed that was true enough. His friend was someone he'd hardly treat as an average guest, as he certainly was nothing of the kind. They'd known one another for a long time and in addition the companies they'd each eventually take charge of were closely related also. The business end of things didn't matter so much to him as the fact that they'd been friends since they were children and he doubted his manner of thinking was going to change. His friend was always going to be that first, rather than anything that had to do with their vocations later on in life.

Still, he didn't much like the idea of making Rasler do anything when he came over. Even if he wasn't a standard guest.

"Bought some sparkling cider the other day. That's pretty good." Reks didn't ever know how exactly to word a preference, since he tended to do things himself, and did not find that he had to ask in that instance. His parents had also bought some wine of some sort but he'd never been terribly interested in that particular form of beverage. He'd one bad experience and that was plenty. They'd let him try when he was thirteen and he'd ended up talking to furniture... Or was told he'd done as much. He didn't remember.

Of course, formality may have been Rasler's middle name; having played a guest numerous times in the past, despite whatever friendship he and his friend may have built, it had only been a recent adjustment that he began to accept the fact it wasn't necessarily required. It hadn't been a change made upon his own part, rather suggested by his mother after observing his behavior. And though they were definitely proud of their son's general mannerisms, it wasn't necessary in the face of such a powerful friendship.

Specifically when Reks, above all else, was a first priority.

Removing the indicated bottle from the fridge, Rasler regarded it for a moment, bemused by its appearance. He hadn't tasted the beverage himself, though had seen it in the household some times before.. But if Reks found an appeal in the substance, he couldn't see the harm, carefully removing the top before partially filling their glasses. Taking them into his hands, as well as the bottle, he proceeded toward the table and gave his friend a slight glance. "Do you intend to stand and eat?"

Which reminded Reks that he was simply standing there idle and had let Rasler do things for him that he really felt he should have seen to, but he knew that would be a subject of disagreement and didn't want to give cause for argument. Though, in reality neither of them had actually gotten into what most would consider a typical fight over anything. It could have been due to either of their personalities or a combination of the two, but they hadn't managed actual squabbling. And really, he'd much prefer it remained that way.

"...Not when the table is arranged, I'd guess." Reks replied after a few moments, taking quick survey to see if he missed anything before leaving the kitchen. Once in a while he did miss details and he wouldn't want to do that when Rasler was over. He always strove to do his best but even more when the other was present, though he couldn't give it a real explanation. There wasn't reason to compete with his friend and he certainly didn't make attempts to.

"And a lovely arrangement it is. Surely, you've out-done yourself." Reks' response may have merit a smile, had Rasler been composed to frequent such expressions. Brows lifting nonetheless, he listened to the other's shuffle from the kitchen, instead turning his attention back to the table as he was able to speculate the delayed leave. Gaze sweeping over the table's display, he paused for a moment as he remained standing, gradually folding his arms against his back once more. The stance was a formality he, unfortunately, had yet to trained to do otherwise.

"You've forgotten a chair," he stated boldly, though there were certainly enough present to seat them both. "Come now, Reks.. If you intended to share a seat with me, you had only to ask. What is this cleverness?" It was a manner of teasing Rasler had attempted to adopt through the years, and though far from polished, he definitely found himself becoming better at it.. However, it was a face he simply shared with the other male.

Reks wasn't seeing what was lovely about a simple table setting. He hadn't done much of anything since he'd prioritized making sure that the food was edible rather than a burnt mess, and the basics hardly warranted the words. Of course as Rasler went on it would slowly come to him that he was being teased by his friend, something he'd not been entirely clear on in earlier years with his tendency to avoid assuming anything. Aside that his friend's mannerisms hadn't made the nature of such things terribly obvious at first but he'd learned to pick up on it.

Though with time passing Rasler remained fairly subtle in expression his words definitely had changed. And he couldn't claim that he went unaffected by it. As much was apparent after his earlier moment of what he felt total idiocy. Freezing on the spot and blushing seemed rather silly, but it wasn't something he'd much control over. "Somehow I'd think that'd be hard with the sorts of chairs mother chose." He replied after a moment, trying not to react too similarly as he stood by one of the mentioned chairs.

It were times such as these, watching Reks blush, that Rasler thought to reconsider his teasing. Given he still struggled with such verbal remarks, avoiding the biting comments he so often heard from others, he didn't think it was often well received. And the last thing he wanted to do was upset the other male, specifically having shared a history together. And a future, he'd hope. Lapsing into a brief silence as he considered this proposition and possible change, he simply observed the other with ease, before he glanced toward the table and its seats. True enough.. It didn't seem quite possible to share such a limited amount of space, not without one being atop the other.

And what a strange idea that seemed to be.

"I apologize. My behavior was out of line," he said after a moment, resisting the temptation to knit his eyebrows together and rather focused his mind to dinner. It would be a long day following, and unless they slept a reasonable hour, the day would not greet them kindly... Plus it would not do to allow the meal to become cold. "Please. Seat yourself first... For this honorable delight." To say in the least, he was a fan of Reks' cooking.

"If there was something wrong I'd hope I was good enough to say so." It was a reminder to Reks that being playful with others to any degree was foreign territory for Rasler, though it was nothing he should consider a weakness. His friend had certainly improved a bit in spite of being very formal, even if he seemed very concerned about causing some form of upset. Not that he could imagine the other ever being able to do anything of the kind. Ras wasn't the kind of person that would have an easy time of offending anyone, and Reks didn't think that he'd be any more prone to being upset. "You weren't at all out of line."

It was...almost funny that his friend should think something like that would upset anyone. Now, if Rasler had somehow found a need to throw a rock at his face he might be upset by that, but Reks did not anger terribly easily so even that might not have managed it. There was also a somewhat obvious attention to the food, and he knew that Ras would keep standing until he sat down so he took his seat. He'd never know why the other thought so well of his cooking.

"Your kindness may prevent you from stating what could be obvious," Rasler countered, frowning at the idea that Reks could be so brash. The idea of his present company stating any particular dislike didn't rest well, especially familiar with the other's mannerisms and general behavior. His friend did not seem the type to initially harm another's feelings, specifically when quite aware of the circumstances. He was simply too chaste for such on any account, and to state otherwise was blasphemy in itself. Coming from Reks' person, however, made it difficult to determine just how much of a sin it could be...

"Then I apologize for my previous folly." Waiting as the other seated himself, he followed shortly thereafter, focus drifting from Reks as he politely prepared himself for the meal. Features neutral to his thoughts, he once more drifted into a thoughtful silence as he remained composed, figure straight upon his seat. "Have you happened to look over the student records as of late? Specifically that of arriving students?"

It was true enough that Reks would sooner speak on someone else's behalf than on his own, but if his friend hadn't given him occasion to ever need to test the idea that he'd say nothing if some behavior or other managed to bother him. To him it was entirely unlikely that Rasler was capable of doing something like that, a thought renewed after speculating if it was somehow in the range of possibility. And he always came to the same conclusion. Rather than restating as much even if it would be dismissed as simple kindness again, his attention was redirected by the question.

"I've started to, at least." He'd gone early to school and remained late to provide some time, especially since he'd wished to help with filling the holes in council positions, amongst others. Reks would have liked to have given himself more time to look through things but his schedule didn't allow for all of that to be included in one day. He'd a good memory but he wasn't a speedreader that could down a novel in minutes, unfortunately. "Why do you ask?"

Rasler took to savoring his meal, finding himself hungry after the day's events. It wasn't often he found himself remaining at his estate, and generally went without eating for periods of time if he was not careful. And of course, without the additional reminder that it wasn't a healthy practice, he was otherwise oblivious to this change in schedule; it would not be likewise, however, if he were in Reks' company and the similar was occurring. It was in the face of that situation he'd go out of his way to make sure they were well fed. "This is delicious, Reks. But I am not surprised. You are a natural."

Finding his comment paid, truly impressed with his friend's capability in the kitchen, he redirected his focus back toward the previous subject. "We have a transfer student arriving tomorrow with the others. It seems Onten has allowed her entry upon a scholarship." He had spent a few hours himself looking over the records, and upon finding this particular spot of information, had scaled the database for previous cases similar. He had come up rather empty handed, unfortunately, save for one or two events that had happened long in the past. "She will be a freshmen this year. She is Miss Aerith Gainsborough, dormitory number 400 with Miss Rinoa Heartilly." Rasler's memory was hard to compete, near photographic if not just.

"Thanks." Once more he thought his cooking average, but attention was to be focused elsewhere, given the topic... Which he seemed to recall a bit about. Though he'd never claim his memory was as good as Rasler's he tended to remember most anything that he did not directly space off or try to block out, and looking at information in order to be of assist hardly constituted forgetting what he was trying to learn. From what he remembered about her she was something of a unique case. As much had been noted in documentation and he imagined that delving further would have yeilded little if anything to the contrary. He'd been more intent on looking over more records rather than focusing on only one, though he'd wondered about it. "...Trying for academic scholarship, if I recall."

Further research seemed something that could wait until he'd gotten more information. It seemed that something had Rasler's interest, though whether it was the unique nature of her case or something about her file, he did not know. From what he'd seen, she seemed to differ from other students in background at the very least. He wondered why it was that his friend had brought her to attention but more than likely he would find out if he waited.

An academic scholarship. While most entered Onten on the concept of immense wealth, this Miss Aerith Gainsborough had managed to impress the officials of the school board, and also permit herself entrance into the academy. A feat in itself indeed.. And rather admirable if Rasler chose to dwell upon the subject. It available at hand, he considered it at length as he continued to enjoy the meal, also deciding the sparkling cider was equal in taste. He'd have to thanks Reks once again for the meal, the warm bed, and the adventure to experiment with something new.

"Miss Gainsborough.. I would like to meet her come tomorrow morning," he said with a rather absent nature, brows knitting to his thoughts. "It must take a special individual of unique characteristics to gain access to the academy and it's prestige..." Then seeming to find something inappropriate in what he said, he immediately lifted his attention, his focus direct upon Reks. "Not to say I would not wish to meet all incoming students of this year. I assure, that is a goal I would wish to fulfill at the earliest time allowed."

"I wouldn't doubt it." Reks would never have questioned the idea at all, considering the sort of person that he knew his friend to be. He did everything to his best and had already expressed some of his desires for himself with his new position as president. Aside from that he'd have never come up with the idea hat his friend would focus only on one individual and not on others. That wasn't in his nature at all and so he could be certain as much was not the case. The new arrival did indeed sound as though there were something very unique about her.

"She does sound like an interesting person, at the least..." He was also aware that obtaining that scholarship was going to be hard work. Likely the girl was aware of that but perhaps if she needed help assistance could be lent. Reks would not think so little of her already apparent ability as to suggest lending funds but if she had difficulty in her classes perhaps something could be done about that. It was a route his mind wandered a bit too often, how he might help people, however it was not always entirely possible to be of some use. "Perhaps she'd come to that meeting when it's set up."

Rasler nodded to Reks suggestion, though quite aware he would not wish to overwhelm the new student on her first day. Likewise, he wouldn't wish it upon any of the students of Onten, considering the stress related to starting a new school, being a lowerclassmen and the difficulties of adjusting to being away from home... In hindsight, it might have been best to postpone the meeting as long as time would allow, but considering they were in need of a filled office...

"I wish to invite her - and all others - to the meeting, do they choose to intend," he explained, eyeing his clean plate before placing the dirtied utensils upon it. "Finding qualified officers does take priority, however..." Focus directed back upon Reks, he paused in his commentary as he stood, taking his plate with him in his leave. "What other extracurriculars do you find yourself joining this year, Reks? We seem to have a wide selection over the previous."

"True..." It was good to invite anyone that might take an interest, so long as they'd the time to attend. Reks understood that some were already quite busy with activities even if school had only started recently. Things tended to pick up quickly depending on which groups someone was involved with and how many of them they were juggling at once. He'd a few things himself though he doubted it was more than what Rasler had lined up. Of course, he tried keeping some free time to be of use if needed, and at times his brother demanded some form of assistance. Definitely not academically inclined, his brother, though he did have his own share of extracirriculars more than likely. He hadn't been able to ask.

It seemed that it was he who was going to end up specifying what he'd selected for now. It was true that there were more in variety but he hadn't decided to choose very many of them at once. At least, not all related directly to the academy. One he was considering was outside school function but he was still debating over it, based upon the rest of his schedule and the time he might need to leave unoccupied. "For certain I know I'm in volleyball and I went with fencing again. I've thought of a couple others but I'm weighing that against my schedule. What about you?" Having the attention focused just on him was something that he'd never let remain, by reflex or otherwise he always redirected.

Given to Rasler's present position in concern of the student body, he was well aware of the focus that would be directed upon him. Thus, finding it of a better nature to distract himself with the thought of others - something he did entirely out of reflex - it was a plausible excuse to question Reks on his intended agenda. Yet even without the pressing responsibilities of the coming year, chances were, he would have asked nonetheless... If not tried to line some of his own to meet that of his friends.

Depositing the dish into the sink, he returned to retrieve his glass, the blonde supplying his friend a friendly glance. "Volleyball? I've heard Denzel Tarlach was awarded captain this year.... I will certainly attend your games. If I do not remember myself, please inform me of when they may be." He had a sincere belief that Reks was terribly gifted in the means of sports, and often voiced it, though did not find similar appeal in to what some of the girls had seen in the years before; something concerning short shorts... What was it of an attire to attract an audience? "Ah.. Soccer and later basketball, possibly track if I may.. Drama and FBLA are also available, though as president, I am expected to interact with all extracurriculars. So I have not decided to what limitations I should give..." Returning, he planted himself in his formal stance once more, visibly thoughtful as he watched Reks.

"I hope I am not boring you." This, though abrupt, was another natural reflecting his formal behavior.

"You boring me? I'm not too sure that's even possible." Reks thought the world of the few he was particularly close to and among them only one wasn't related to him by blood. Being a loyal soul he valued his family highly but Rasler was someone that met at least their level of regard. It was something of a unique nature because they weren't related. His friend was very important to him and he couldn't think of reasons why the other should wonder if he was at all boring. Simply being around his friend was entertaining enough for him.

Reks had managed to finish his own meal at some point, having been accustomed to his brother finishing it for him if he wasn't quick enough. Thus while when he was younger he'd been a slower eater adaptation had been demanded of him in the form of Vaan. Not being one to opt going without he got used to the fact that if he wanted food he had to be somewhat efficient about it and had picked up his pace a bit. Though he would have preferred clearing dishes himself it was to be expected that Rasler wasn't going to let him do everything, and so he settled with taking his own dishes to the sink and rinsing them before getting everything in the dishwasher. If anything he was thorough about cleaning up after himself. When he returned he watched his friend for a moment before recalling his previous comment regarding the team captain. "I'm sure he'll do well. He's very good with people. And if you like I can get you a schedule."

In all respect, the concern of importance was certainly similar. Reks, by all means, was an individual that Rasler cherished above all else, and though he was awkward in means of displaying as much.. It was certain the fact he was seen more often with than without that would display any nature of such; as well, his family may as well have considered the Ratsbane's as family, having adopted the elder son to some extent, and gradually adjusting to the younger. However, boring or not, it wasn't a feeling the blonde could easily shake, though his parents reassured he could captivate even the dimmest audience.

... But to some degree, he did not think they spoke of equal circumstance. What was on their mind seemed entirely different.

"I have only met him in passing I am afraid, but I do not doubt he is a good person.. Will you take his place once he graduates?" he asked, conversation casual, and polite. He didn't understand why it was necessary to make small talk with his friend, but it was once more something that came out of nature.

In truth it hadn't been something he'd thought of. There was a full year before a new team captain would need to be selected, and for the time being he'd been more concerned with training enough to perform well on the team. Mistakes were something he did not easily forgive himself for and thus he preferred to avoid them and simply practice routinely. If anything needed extra work he would be sure to work on that. But anything beyond doing his best had not been in his consideration. And then here was the matter of focus having been shifted to him but he'd been asked a question and couldn't simply ignore that. "I'm not sure. I hadn't really given the need for a new captain next year consideration." Aside that he did not willingly put himself in leadership roles unless it was expressed that it was preferred.

For whatever reason he didn't much care for being the one in the lead, however he didn't shy away when it was desired of him. He wasn't ever sure why it was that he didn't purposely put himself in such roles, especially in light of the fact that he would eventually assume such status in the family company, but unless someone else presented it as a preference he did not. Perhaps there were simply better people for the task.

Rasler considered it at length, finding Reks' response rather expected, given his friend's nature. Aware that the other male didn't often fill leadership roles without a desire being expressed, he figured to at least suggest it at present.. And give the other male the year to consider it. It never hurt to think ahead, though live a day at a time.

".. I look forward to seeing your team practice," was all he supplied with a bow of his head, slight recognition that he believed they would do well.. And likely succeed. In the past, the team had been rather victorious in their previous games, and he did not feel as though this were bound to change. However, in his mind, the interaction that the faculty intended for him to present was not what he had in mind... Given he had the desires to perform as an active member with each club. But he suppose he'd surprise Reks when the time came and the period where he'd visit with the volleyball team was available. "May I assist you in cleaning the kitchen?"

Having his friend attend practices was a nice thought. Reks would hope that Rasler didn't push himself entirely too hard this year with everything he had to do. There was fair evidence that the other was inclined to skip meals if he was too busy with something, and likely would end up working himself sick if he had enough things to do. It was why he was determined to make lunches for his friend this year to be sure he'd something onhand if he was busy during lunch, and he'd do his best to lend aid whenever he could as far as responsibilities were concerned.

He'd rather not leave Rasler with more work than was neccessary. As much as his friend seemed intent on helping him with some things he supposed that it was bidirectional. Reks would rather not see his friend push himself too hard. He'd a bit of a tendency already and there was definitely no desire to see how far that might be stretched. Another question and he was looking over the kitchen. It was more or less acceptable with the dishes cleared though there were some tidying tasks he would normally see to before moving on with his evening, as much as he didn't like making his friend do anything he needn't. He was rather tempted to politely turn down assistance but whether that would be paid any mind was somewhat questionable. And he didn't want Raasler to think that the gesture wasn't appreciated. "...Okay. Thanks."

Had Reks declined his offer, Rasler may have remained nonetheless, certainly not one to back down.. And though wary of how another may feel in the event of his remain, he'd also take into note that his and Reks' relationship was entirely different from his peers, elders, and the like... And of course, to that regard, beyond anything else, he'd strive to avoid offending Reks in any manner, that including going against his wishes.

However, pleased to find his proposal accepted, Rasler simply nodded at the other male, retreated back into the kitchen to be of what aid he could; he was precise in his actions, keeping mind to minute detail, and wishing to return the kitchen to the state it had been before his arrival. Fairly familiar with Reks' cleaning tendencies, he'd do this to the best of his ability, stressing the importance of every surface, and the like that there may be.

"Your brother.. Where is he this evening?" It wasn't often Rasler was able to interact with Vaan.. So he took what chances he was able to receive. The younger Ratsbane was certainly... Very colorful.

Getting accustomed to the other helping out was something Reks still hadn't done, but he knew the desire to assist others was something they both had and he felt it likely contradictory if he refused assistance when he was likely to have offered to help had their roles been reversed. Not that Rasler was all that much of a fan of cooking. He seemed quite determined to learn to bake but he wasn't quite as much of a kitchen person as Reks had found himself becoming as the years passed. But it was something that he liked doing and it benefited others so he did not see anything wrong with it, provided he didn't leave a mess for anyone else to deal with.

Which of course reminded him that there were things he could put away. True he was going to allow for assistance as it was kind of his friend to take the time to help, but he couldn't leave Rasler to do everything on his own. Even if he did seem to do a remarkable job at anything he applied himself to. It wasn't right to leave him doing everything by himself when he truly didn't have to lend a hand at all. Not that Reks ever applied the same sorts of ideas to himself, as he clearly did not in light of how much he tried to assist others, but it wasn't something he thought about.

"...Vaan? He's out with mother and father." During the summer they'd not seen too much of their parents and Vaan was probably the one that needed to catch up most. In addition his brother was the one who seemed to get into trouble more often of late, and their parents were concerned with the start of high school.

It was no secret that Rasler frequented the Ratsbane house-hold to taste the delicacies that were his friend's creation. Of course, it was a minor bonus in the light of Reks' simple company, given the blonde's high appeal toward his future business-partner - "wife" in retrospect to the corporate world. So attending to the smaller duties within the kitchen that didn't involve an hands-on experience to relation of baking, he was entirely pleased to assist... It was evidence he wasn't useless.

"Then you are alone this evening?" he asked, supplying the other a brief glance in the midst of cleaning what small portion of the kitchen that may have been soiled. "It is fortunate I selected this time to visit... I would not wish to know you spent your final night of our summer vacation without company."

"Yes, for this evening I was going to be by myself." Reks wasn't really bothered by the idea of being alone. It wasn't as though he was a child that needed his parents with him constantly, and his brother was probably more deserving of their attention at this point anyhow. He was pretty used to spending time by himself with his parents more concerned with work and his brother out with friends. Vaan ended up staying with them more often than not, or at least it seemed that way sometimes. Everyone was busy in their own way and Reks was more or less accustomed to that. They didn't neglect seeing him entirely so it didn't seem all that bad. Regardless of how routine it had gotten he was glad that his friend was over.

He was always glad when Rasler visited but he found when he was by himself it was probably more appreciated. Though he didn't mind being alone he really didn't like it especially. Being by himself in an oddly white house in dead silence at night wasn't entirely settling. The dark didn't bother him, just the lack of presence. As opposed to when he was younger and shared a room with a significantly more vocal sibling. No way he'd feel alone there. "Thanks for coming over."

To some extent, Rasler was aware of the circumstances surrounding Reks and his generally absent family, having become rather familiar with them through the past. And by no means ill-temper toward them as he knew each individual had a particular agenda to attend, he couldn't help but feel sympathetic for his greatest friend, his family certainly prepared to adopt the other male.

It was to that degree that Rasler had spent what free time he could with Reks, filling the empty spaces that would have otherwise resulted in solitude; a fan of being alone to some point or another, Rasler would rather adjust himself to fit the needs of those around him, than find personal comfort in a quality that had no gain. In retrospect, spending time with others really benefited him, and to that perspective, he was happy to comply.

"Do not thank me for what I enjoy," he remarked with a pale smile, though it was quickly loss as he glanced elsewhere. "You are a friend, a valued companion, and I would not see to it you are to be left alone. I apologize, but.. I must intrude."

Reks was aware of the sort of person that Rasler was. He knew he didn't need to thank him but somehow he felt he should anyhow. It was something that had come naturally to him as he grew up, thanking people to show he appreciated whatever it was that they'd done, and to him it was very important to express gratitude. Even if he knew that friends tended to spend time together it was still something that he always found himself feeling fortunate for. He didn't think he'd ever fancied he'd have as good a friend as Ras was. And in many ways that made him feel lucky.

Although normally he'd catch himself, knowing he was a bit more outwardly expressive than Rasler was--likely an understatement really--Reks couldn't help giving his friend a hug. "Thanks anyway."

And now it was merely a matter of time before Rasler went the way of a party popper and turned into a mess of confetti, because in all the time he'd known Ras he could think of one other instance where he knew the other was hugged and that was him again... Which had resulted in one of the most profoundly puzzled looks he'd ever seen in his life. Beyond even trying to explain the chemical processes that made yeast work to Vaan. He was always used to being more outwardly affectionate toward people but because it was not a norm for his friend he usually kept that in check.

Polite manners seemed to compose the pair, likely a chemistry that made the two so compatible in terms of keeping company; aware that Reks' tendency to thank him for trivial matters was likely shared, it didn't seem to cease the constant reminder that it wasn't necessary. Vice versa, he wouldn't expect a similar benefit... Given to some degree or another, he figured the other male to be better than he in some respects.

When Reks hugged him, Rasler did not seize as he had the first time, nor did he supply an expected look of bewilderment. Rather, he had trained himself to this sensation from the last, far from practiced in means of receiving affection.. But much more adjusted to its occurrence. Regarding Reks for an instant, he gently placed his hand atop his head, the action meriting another rare smile.

"It.. Is my pleasure, Reks..." Allowing his gaze to survey the kitchen, he directed his focus back upon Reks. ".. May I escort you to your room if we are finished?"

The response was a surprise to Reks, but then he had avoided repeating what he'd considered an error for years. He was not one to cause discomfort if he could help it and thus he'd tried to eliminate possible ways he might cause it. Likely it would have been safe to assume that one was capable of changing in such a long period of time but his friend was so formal he'd never really wanted to chance some form of upset. Especially when it seemed he could easily adjust his own mannerisms to be more accomodating.

Far from wanting to promote some awkward pall of silence Reks let go after a few moments. His father had told him when he was five or six that hugs were meant to be brief otherwise they became less pleasant. He didn't quite understand that and to some extent he knew his father wasn't the type for expressing affection directly, so eventually he ended up not directing such gestures toward his father. If it was something that was disliked he was better off not bothering another by doing it.

"...Unless you'd rather stand here all evening like pillars." He replied after a few moments, though clearly neither of them could afford to stay up all night. Thus his choice in words that were clearly not serious.

It wasn't necessarily that Rasler was a stranger to affection, simply that his exposure had been minimal. As a child, though highly adored by his parents, their associates and possible peers, it wasn't often he found himself at arms - or rather in - to a degree to become comfortable. And what little physical contact that may have came was entirely from direct result of extracurriculars, the injuries that came from one lacking experience.

Needless, that had changed fairly quickly.

Reflecting nothing as Reks finally released him, he simply gave Reks a lasting ruffle of his hair before he allowed his hand to drop, regarding the other male with slight surprise. Brows rising thus, his expression quickly regained a barren composure before he found himself frowning. "I had not realized you intended to brave the entire evening upon your feet, Reks.. I do believe we would find more comfort in your room, however... Though if you have an interest to, ah... Act in accordance to columns, I shall not stop you."
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