Part Two

Nov 15, 2006 03:11

Location: Same Ratsbane place, same Ratsbane time. Sorry, rats.
Characters: Reks moogletastic and Rasler prince_perfect
Status: Complete
Warnings: Pfft.

It was likely that he could actually stand there through the span of an entire evening, though likely it wouldn't lend very well to being alert the following day. Since it was the start of a new school year and they'd both a fair list of responsibilities Reks could be fairly sure doing such a thing would not be at all helpful. Though his original intent had been to joke there were times when he wasn't quite sure if it was taken in that light. He didn't think that Rasler would take something like that entirely seriously though.

He was very formal but he wasn't foolish. Regardless, Reks cast a glance around as though the brief survey might garner for him some ideas. Of course all there was to see would be white walls and furnishings. Not entirely fascinating, and he didn't see anything that he hadn't known would be present. His attention returned to Rasler after a few moments and he gave a slight shrug. "I don't suppose that would lend to being much more than a zombie tomorrow." Which, of course, would not be helpful to his friend or anyone else. And he didn't like the idea of not helping.

"I have had my share of zombie films for the summer vacation," Rasler said after an instant of watching the other, trained to hide his amusement. Though a portion of him had been confused at the suggestion of either remaining to represent themselves as columns, it was true that in light of the situation, common sense did win over. Fairly aware of their responsibilities to come with the next day, he wasn't prepared to jeopardize the other students due to he and Reks' activities.

"Let us be columns in the comfort of your room. If you find yourself tiring, then you may at least have a place to fall in your fatigue." Without a gesture of a smile, he placed his hand gently upon the other's shoulder, guiding him in the general direction of the stairs. It was growing late with the passing time, and he didn't at all favor a long evening... Though with Reks' company, it would have been far more easier to endure. "... I have a gift for you."

In most instances Reks was used to his brother trying to steer him in one direction or other, certainly less common with his friend. But he couldn't really compare one with the other. Aside their individual differences in personality being very marked there was a difference in relationship as well. Vaan was his sibling, and a more physical person in nature. For a moment it reminded him of the other blonde, though if it were him somehow he figured he'd be dragged in one direction or another. As much would tend to be the case, but he didn't think about it for very long and was compliant with given direction. He'd have to be fairly crazy to actually try standing about a whole evening.

Aside that he'd never have tried to keep his friend up terribly late with school the following day. Which Rasler was probably well aware of, considering how long they'd known one another. He was just very adept at appearing stoic, so there were times that Reks would have to speculate though he felt he'd a general idea most of the time. The lattermost statement surprised him, since he didn't think there was occasion for his friend to have gotten him something, unless he'd somehow overlooked one thing or other. There were times when he'd lost track of something he should have known but in this instance he wasn't coming up with anything. "...Did I forget something?" He didn't think he had, but the idea was troubling.

The statement in itself was amusing, but as before, Rasler failed to reflect any particular entertainment. Rather, withdrawing his hand from Reks' shoulder with the sudden realization of intrusion into the other's space, he buried his hand into a pants' pocket. With his focus ahead, he mulled over the fact he had deliberately violated his friend's person, hardly intending to do as much, and equally had guided him without prior consent.. A folly on his part.

"Not unless you have forgotten of our friendship," Rasler remarked as he removed from his back pocket the plush he had tucked there for safe keeping; offering the elaborately designed moogle to his friend, he managed to contain a void expression. This particular model had been a private request, the seamstress fortunately familiar with his unique orders... "For your collection."

... And though he favored spoiling his friend, his reactions to the gift were equally satisfying.

Reks would never have seen the problem with such minor contact, but his behaviors were different than his friend's in that regard and it was something he was fairly aware of. It was rare that the other touched people and though when he was younger it was difficult to understand very well he'd accepted it as fact. In light of the differences between himself and his younger brother he shouldn't have ever thought it was all that unusual, though there were still times that he wondered about it. Why one would feel the need to be physically distanced from others, or if it was merely habit. But speculating on his friend seemed as though it was criticism of his personality and Reks wouldn't ever wish to treat the other in any negative light.

Seeing what Rasler had gotten him--he was rather glad he'd not forgotten some event or other, though he did wish to do something in kind in the future--Reks only had about half of a second of survey before what was an inevitable response. He was fairly sure his brother had called it a squee or something, and promptly labeled it as a girly reaction, but there wasn't much he could do about whatever tone it had. Any time that his friend did something for him he was always happy and as much was likely clear.

Though, sometimes he felt silly for how excited he'd get over simple things. He supposed it was better to possibly look like an idiot for smiling as brightly as he did. Something that never had changed since he was young. "Thank you, Ras." Reks did wish he'd something to give his friend in return, but he'd have to do that in the future.

It was those small things that Rasler cherished, given what small characteristics he had gradually noticed of his friend. Resisting the urge to ruffle his hair as he had done previous, the blonde simply regarded the other, then shifted with an embarrassed nature. Reks' happiness was a high priority in his life, and yet it felt odd to be addressed in such a beaming nature.. Not to say he did not enjoy the additional attention, specifically if he had encouraged it.

"Ah... You're welcome," he stated, allowing his gaze to turn back, and he rewarded the other male with a smile. He didn't find anything particularly special in the gesture, given through the years of their friendship, he had supplied Reks with a generous amount of gifts... With a natural giving nature, it was a simple fact to make the other happy - specifically if he seemed to be in a down period - and with the boy's growing collection of moogles.. It never ceased to bemuse him when he spoke to his private seamstress. She certainly was something else.

Instances that saw his friend smiling were certainly rare, and Reks always appreciated those occasions when he did. He didn't think that his friend was without cheer but his expressions were subtler than most. Something that had been difficult to get used to at first, having grown up with a sibling that would outright state his thoughts aloud at times. That was definitely far from his own extent of showing thoughts and feelings and worlds apart from Rasler in nature. He supposed the rarity of it made him appreciate those smiles more than he did, possibly. If he could think more of them, at any rate. Pleasing others had always been important, but his friend seemed to be a unique case.

In this situation though, he wasn't the one who had done anything. Sometime soon he would after giving some proper thought. To him it was fair to do something for his friend in return, and it was typical for him to do so. It was easier to be helpful than to select something for his friend, as to his knowledge Rasler didn't have a collection of moogles or the like, and he always wanted to find something that the other would enjoy. Not always the easiest thing but over time he'd improved. But that was something that he would focus on later when he was by himself. "Should probably head upstairs unless we're being pillars here." Prompted mostly by notice of a clock and awareness that they did indeed have school, even if he wasn't all that eager to point out that they'd halted again.

In the rarity that Rasler was subjected to receiving, rather than giving, the male would display a visage of temporary shock. It wasn't often he found someone delivering a gift to his person, and though with the apparent wealth of his parents, they avoided spoiling his generous nature. He was taught it was better to give, than to receive, at point. Charity was far more accepted.

"The wall... May it need the additional support?" he asked after a mocked survey over the vertical surface, only for he to continue up the stairs. Pausing to find if Reks were following, he'd allow the other to pass as they would close the distance between themselves and the other's room. The next morning would look bleak in sight of a late evening, and though it wouldn't call for high spirits... Being mentally present to visit with the student body was at least favorable.

He didn't particularly like focusing on time so much but with summer over that was how the world worked once again, not that Reks was terribly nocturnal in nature. If it got late then it'd definitely have effects on the following day and causing his friend to be at all weary for the first day of school was not something he'd desire at all. After all Rasler always pushed himself regardless of whether he was tired or not and might simply wear himself out further and he'd have started that trouble. Thus he kept some awareness of the hour in hopes of avoiding the problem. His friend probably had the right idea about getting ready for bed at this time rather than later.

When they reached his room Reks went right to finding some sleep clothes. He'd change elsewhere of course but the provision for that was actually having the other articles to put on. It wasn't that difficult a task when he kept as organized as he did and after carefully settling the moogle amongst his others he made to leave his room again. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He realized Rasler would offer to leave but now and then he managed to get away with things. His friend didn't need to always afford him absolute courtesy.

Certainly, Reks had beat Rasler to the punch of offering to leave. Forced to watch the other's exit, he simply supplied a slight sigh before retreating to his bag to remove his own sleep-clothes. Pulling the contents of tomorrow's uniform and setting them aside - he'd have to iron them, certainly - he removed a simple pair of emerald green sleep pants and went to the far from afforded effort to change.

It was true in the face of fatigue that Rasler would push himself to his limits.. And beyond, if acceptable. He was quite practiced with hiding any discomfort, sleeping deprivision being one of many, a particular he had trained himself to do the year before; with many late nights with the accompanied responsibilities of his duties, it'd been difficult to struggle through the day.. But one way or another, he had managed... Give or take a few hidden naps in the library.

Something he was sure he'd have to do again, he consoled, folding his clothes to place them in his bag; he had everything he'd need for the next day, and any necessary luggage would be delivered. Oh, the pleasures of a private escort... Nothing of which he used too often. He was rather independent in that nature.

Though not too often that he could do something before his friend did, in the rare instances that he managed Reks was somewhat pleased. It wasn't any form of competition but he did not feel right having Rasler accomodate him as often as he did. Something that he had tried to change with some small success but having someone else do so much on his behalf in such frequency was a rarity only his friend could accomplish. Most were not so determined to afford people so much courtesy and in life he was more used to being the one that was accomodating others rather than the reverse. But that was how things were with Rasler and he'd only strive to match whatever kindness he was shown.

When he reached the bathroom at the end of the hall he closed the door and went about removing his day clothes, and of course noting that his brother had left several articles down the floor and making a face at the mess. Surely Vaan could learn to put those things away rather than leave them lying around so... He'd just have to pick them up after he got his night clothes on, he told himself. While typically he might not wear all that much for sleep he wasn't by himself and so he'd taken shorts and an overlarge tanktop. Putting them on, the shorts almost vanished against the length of the shirt, but it didn't seem that it mattered highly.

Having completed the task of changing clothes he gathered up the mess than Vaan had left and went to his brother's room to deposit the clothes in a hamper before inspecting the bathroom once more and heading back to his own room.

In the time Reks had left Rasler to fend himself from the moogle plushies of his room, the blonde had made a surveillance of the room as he did so often in his visits; it wasn't though there was much to change in the decor, but in the off chance his friend decided to make any additions.. He was sure to notice. Just as likely was he to see something out of place, which he'd pay mind to be in result to Vaan's intrusion at some point or another.

Rounding the room as he stretched, lacing his fingers together behind his head, he simply waited for the other's return as he shifted his weight against his opposite leg. He didn't often meander the Nabradia estate in his current attire, given a few off comments he had received from a passing maid.. None of which he had understood due to her slaughtered English; but feeling flattered nonetheless, he had simply thanked her and taken note to remain in his room in these times, though did tend to venture if Reks chose to visit him.

... To which, he'd note, he'd have to take careful notice of Reks making it a challenge to accommodate him to a nature he deserved.

Finding the door open when he returned to his room, Reks took a moment of debate before walking in, deciding it was not likely that Rasler was still changing his clothes in light of how efficient his friend tended to be with a good number of things. And picking up after his brother had certainly made his return a slower one, but he didn't mind terribly. That was simply how his brother was and he didn't see reason to take issue with it. He loved his brother and he knew as much was returned even if the other was not very tidy. There were plenty of things he did get on Vaan's case over and being untidy did not need to add to the number. Wanting to help his brother, he did not wish to lecture him on everything.

Rasler had changed already but Reks still had some unfortunate timing. Having looked to the clock when he entered the room he bumped right into his friend. Not commonly of a clumsy nature that was something of a surprise but he recovered quickly and took a good step back. "...Sorry." In a moment of supreme brilliance he wasn't sure what to say. It wasn't typical of him to pay no mind to where he was going, much less bump right into another person so. And to top it off it had been his friend and Reks never liked the idea of looking foolish in front of Ras.

For a house so pristine, Rasler couldn't help but be impressed by what objects Reks seemed to have collected over the years... Specifically the moogles. And though he contributed a great deal to this said collection, it never failed to amuse him by just how many there were.. Of course, it would only grow with time, given the blonde's previously discussed spoiling nature. There was simply very little he felt other's should have, especially if it was a desired object, and he would do all in his power to provide it.

Likely a task easier than other's with his given wealth.

Feeling Reks bump into him, albeit of weak nature, his instincts immediately overwhelmed his senses and he caught the other's shoulder; whether it have been in fear of him losing his balance, or righting himself, he paused at the touch nonetheless before allowing the hand to drop. ".. There's no need to be apologetic. It was an accident." Given, had Rasler done a similar thing, he would have apologized as well.. But he didn't take it into light. ".. You look comfortable." Foolish, by far, was one of the last things he'd ever consider his friend.

The observation had surprised him, even a little. It wasn't something he'd expected to hear, though he'd known Rasler would say something about him apologizing, just as he would if Reks had thanked him in most cases. They were of similar behaviors in that sense. If he did something that helped the other he didn't think there was reason he should be thanked for it but if their roles were reversed he'd always say at least a thanks to Ras. The similarity in nature seemed to the the cause of some minor dispute but they'd nothing that could even pass for a minor argument. In truth he could not imagine the other getting into a real argument with anyone.

Not that it was entirely impossible, but he couldn't think of a scenario that would cause it.

"I suppose that would be a good thing." One would hope to be comfortable when attempting rest, he should think. Reks figured the comment was probably directed at what he was wearing. Most would select something that they were comfortable in if they'd the intention to sleep, and in most cases even day clothes were based somewhat on an indvidual's preference. At least, he thought as much would be the case. Though it left him not knowing what else to say if there was something to be said.

For an instant, Rasler said nothing as he deliberated, stepping aside to allow Reks entrance into the room; he hadn't taken notice to the door as he changed, likely given the space he was provided at the estate. The maids and other aids at hand didn't generally wander in the direction of his room, given he often traveled out of his way to make conversation with them. It was to this extent privacy was delivered by default, and of course the idea hadn't crossed his mind... But now he was realizing his folly as he glanced at the door, unable to keep from frowning in slight at himself. He'd have to take careful notice in the future. He wouldn't want to potentially blind anyone in the event they came across him changing.

"I would not wish to give you discomfort for what comfort I may have in my attire when I bed," Rasler stated as he closed the door rather slowly, clearly still considering what he had done - or failed to do. Implying that his current garb was not his general wear to bed, he supplied Reks a glance of inquiry before resuming the formal stance he so often displayed.

Reks had considered some sort of response to that but his mind wasn't coming up with much of anything. They were both male so there wasn't much reason for discomfort when they were both covered to what was an appropriate degree to the standard of most. At least that seemed a logical enough thought to him. But then Rasler was highly formal even in comparson to himself, even in how he stood around. Still, it seemed silly for his friend to concern himself that much with everyone else's comfort. In reality he was similar but he wasn't thinking about it and his own behavior didn't seem all that beyond average to him in any respect.

There never did seem reason that anyone should concern themselves with accomodating him. But then Rasler was the only one Reks knew highly well that was of similar nature to himself. Still, a good degree more formal. It seemed whenever he did relax for a few moments he caught himself and snapped right back to being rigid. As much didn't seem all that relaxing to him.

Though perhaps grabbing the nearest available pillow and smacking his friend with it was not the best solution to that sort of problem.

A long instant occurred where Rasler did nothing but regard Reks shortly following this action, clearly surprised as he struggled with his emotional visual. Oblivious to what had encouraged this attack, albeit weak, very gradually did he raise an eyebrow as he turned to direct his full attention upon his friend. The other male didn't often supply violent intentions, so this was certainly implying otherwise.

Moving forward with a calm nature, he bent as he wrapped an arm around the other's waist, hoisting Reks over his shoulder. Adjusting him carefully as to avoid injury to the other, he proceeded slowly to the bed, the Ratsbane's weight far from a strain on his built physique, movement clean and graceful. Arriving, he debated as he shifted, only to toss the other upon the comforter and snatched the pillow from his grasp, delivering a pale blow upside his head.

"Have you challenged me, Reks?" His brows hiked at the idea. A pillow fight...

Though it certainly ended the total formality to some degree, Reks hadn't anticipated being picked up and carried. It wasn't something that he would have expected anyone to do to him for one reason or another. Not a typical experience in his life either, being the elder of two siblings and the taller one, though his size certainly didn't match up to his friend. The return blow was more of the response he might've expected had he really thought ahead much at all. Fairly impulsive for him to do that out of nowhere he supposed, in hindight. His mind wasn't letting go of the fact that he could be carried around that easily though, and Reks wasn't too sure what concerned him about it.

So he could be carted around like a sack of potatoes. Suppose it was better than being out of shape or something of the like. Being incredibly heavy would have been an unpleasant state in contrast. The question asked, he wondered that himself. Reks didn't often go entirely without some kind of foresight or notion of why he'd taken an action but for some reason he'd done so. "...I may have." He'd not much clue but it was better than seeing his friend stand about at attention as though he were in some kind of boot camp.

The behavior did not normally bother him, however seeing his friend lapse into and out of it seemed to in some small way.

Rasler could only deliberate to what extent carrying Reks had done to the other male, fairly sure it concerned him to some degree. Nonetheless bemused to find he had gained an advantage upon the familiar "battlefield," he allowed the other male a moment to concentrate his efforts into comprehending what had happened, he otherwise distracted as he observed. True, it wasn't often he carried another individual, though it had become an increased practice when he happened to discover one injured... And given to his build and height, he was no longer often hindered with another's weight. He supposed it was likely the result of his activities.

"I see," he stated as the other implied a challenge may have been issued. Leaning over him as he planted a knee neatly beside the other, he retrieved another pillow from the bed before taking a marked stance a slight distance away. "... Then I accept. Please, come as you desire." With this, he gave a slight hand gesture to beckon the other nearer, fully prepared to take an offensive or defensive mind.

Only Rasler could be formal when a pillow fight was the subject, but Reks couldn't expect any different, truly. He took a moment observing still, however. He'd been in such bouts with his brother more times than he could count but those were by nature different. Mostly since Vaan would tend to get the jump on him at some random hour or while he was otherwise occupied, but his sibling was a degree smaller than himself amongst other disadvantages. And as siblings it seemed a normal enough activity. Neither of them were nearly so formal as Rasler was in the same situation, and there was the fact that Vaan was an entirely different sort of person altogether.

But this time it wasn't his little brother picking a fight. He'd started things and hit Ras with a pillow, which was probably the first time he'd picked a fight under whatever circumstances. After a few moments of silent reflection though he decided thinking about it more than needed was likely not going to help him and he located another pillow, debating whether to get up before sitting on his knees and taking an experimental attempt at hitting the other a second time.

For what time Reks decided to deliberate, Rasler watched him with a familiar silence, measuring what instances he may take; aware that neither were particularly violent, and this would in no means escalate to such degrees, he did muse a counter-attack in the event the other decided to be offensive. With years of training with different extents of martial arts, there was no question the youth was certainly flexible in combat mannerisms... But not so much when equipped with a pillow.

Nonetheless finding himself attempted to be hit, he caught the other pillow in his hand as he swung to make a meeting blow at the other male. Then deciding this was not nearly enough, he stretched his leg forward and planted his foot firmly upon the other's chest, intending to just knock him back upon the bed as he reigned control of bothpillows.. Where he'd assume an attack.

For his own part Reks was not unfamiliar with martial arts, though most of these concerned the use of a blade at least at some point. Not something that he would be willing to direct at Rasler of course, as one did not commonly point sharp implements at people that they cared about, at least in his perspective. Such experience didn't seem very useful in terms of a pillow fight, considering the great difference between the fluffy pillow and an epee there was definitely no congruency. After all one did not fence on one's knees or with an object that by no means was suited to such purpose, and people did not grab fencing foils either.

In this instance he was fast finding it would have been better to stand when he'd the chance, finding a foot planted against his chest in a clear effort to push him back. Another disadvantage to having sat on his knees, he reflected. Past instances had not required him to be truly tactical in thought when in similar bouts with his sibling, and now he was finding he'd made a poor choice right at the start. Foolish mistake, he supposed, and considering the difference in build and precarious balance minor flailing didn't keep him from falling over... Though he'd maintained a grip on his pillow regardless. If nothing else he could be stubborn.

Finding that Reks didn't intend to struggle, and he having a clear advantage to this success, Rasler pushed the other youth back upon the bed before planting his knee gingerly in place of his foot. Shifting his weight as he came onto the bed, keeping what amount he could from the other, yet managing to hold him pinned to the comforter, he simply regarded the other male for an instant. Having only kept his own pillow, and Reks with a firm hold upon the other, he'd simply hike a brow in thought though would not release his own grip.

"This is a triumph won?" he asked, allowing another instant to pass before settling on the bed side his friend, finding the position he may have been to likely be of discomfort.. Not all males could bend in certain manners that he may, and he would never wish harm upon the other male. And though some understanding of complete was established, he'd only swing at Reks in an absent gesture, a smile lighting his lips. It wasn't often he was able to be playful... Even in these moments he forced to be short-lived.

Most cases with his brother didn't see him being sat upon, and he imagined Vaan would not find him a very favorable perch, much less anyone else. He supposed it was an effective means of immobilizing him at any rate, even if it did seem somewhat strange. Being sat on in any meants would have seemed unusual to him, however, and it wasn't a lasting state so he didn't concern himself with it much. Reks simply took note that the next time if there was one he'd need to put more forethought into his actions. Rasler was definitely not someone he could compare with his sibling in terms of how much thought he might need to put forth in something as simple as a pillow fight... Although he hadn't really given up.

If anything Reks knew how to bide his time. It was something he'd learned from the disciplines he'd focused on, as well as having a sibling that was far more impulsive than himself. Waiting tended to profit one more than sudden action did and in that sense he didn't count himself entirely defeated... Though he didn't seek to compete with Rasler in any serious form. However since the other had let his guard down Reks supplied another blow with the pillow still in hand, even if it was a slight strike. If he recalled the Prussians would often wait for a time before a sudden attack, which had been successful enough in their time. Anything innovative back then was of use, since others hadn't experience with it.

It was an entire folly upon Rasler's part. Having thought their brief combative interaction to be complete, he had adjusted himself to a comfortable nature, intending to direct a conversation toward bed. But finding a blow collide into him, albeit with friendly intentions, he paused for an indefinite moment with his consideration. He hadn't much experience in the face of pillow fights, given he was an only child, and the only thing he'd play in the privacy of his home would be a piano... So finding this additional strike was rather startling.

Hardly allowing an instant to pass, he snatched at the pillow Reks still held, turning himself quickly upon the bed to face the other. Then presenting a counter-strike of his own, he'd attempt to reign dominant in this struggle, fully intending to give Reks a run for his money if he desired it.

Losing possession of the pillow he'd managed to keep hold of up to that point, Reks was definitely at a disadvantage unarmed, however it wasn't terribly hard to retrieve it either. Doubtless he might find himself losing it again but they were equally persistant. The outcome of this bout wasn't something he thought mattered to him all that much, he used to Vaan stalking him across the house if the younger was in a competitive mood and eventually driven to retaliate, it was strange to think that this time he had been the one to initiate things. But it was fun in his mind regardless and Rasler was a different sort of challenge compared to his sibling.

He blocked the counterattack with his free arm, though just barely given proximity, and supplied one of his own. Likely not to connect but he would try anyhow. It was simple fun to him but why he didn't wish to reign defeat he didn't really know. In most cases he didn't care all that much who won in the end but Vaan would chase him around until they were worn out anyhow. Probably why he'd not care.

To some degree, Rasler had expected Reks to retaliate, though not entirely familiar with his competitive nature. Only vaguely aware of what relationship the other male shared with his sibling - and himself without one - he could only speculate to what extent this would persuade his friend when in the face of playful behavior. Thus, having expected it, the blonde rolled fairly easily off the bed, only to land gracefully in a crouch as he regarded his company. But rather than remain, he was out the bedroom door as quickly as gravity would allow, certainly exerting his skills more often seen upon the track.

Very deliberate with his footfalls and attempting to smother the greatest amount of sound he could, Rasler took no time to hide himself as he again laid in waiting, pillow tightly grasped in his hand. Chance Reks wandered past, he'd promptly pounce upon the other.. And attack, of course.

Whatever way he tried to look at the sudden action, Reks had to think it somewhat odd. Rasler didn't tend to up and dart elsewhere without a word, at least as far as he knew. He was more familiar with such actions from his sibling but given the difference in nature he did not know how he should interpret the present situation. There were a few reasons for such behavior that he could think of but he wasn't entirely sure any of those theories might be correct. And he doubted had he somehow managed to hurt the other--he'd hope he would never do such a thing--it was doubtful that he'd retreat in the manner a gradeschooler might.

So for several moments he could only sit there and speculate as to what might cause the rush. It was... odd, at the least. And typical of him he found some reason or other to be concerned about it, getting up to go see if something might be amiss.

Rasler had known that his sudden leave would likely encourage confusion from his friend, and given - as speculated - he didn't often leave a project without at least bidding a farewell, he found it a bit strange himself. But playful natures weren't of his geranl persona, and now as he reflected upon it, he mused if he should have reconsidered his line of action... Had he acted too brash? His formality had otherwise been abandoned, and with this new realization, it was only becoming renewed, and he aware of his foolish mannerisms.

Nonetheless patient as he waited for Reks to wander by, his grip upon the pillow tightened and he frowned at himself. Clearly, this was something he would need to correct in the near future.. If not in the coming few instances. However, a challenge had been issued, and it was his obligation to complete it.

The only thing that was immediately apparent to Reks was the lack of Rasler in visible proximity, which brought on more concern as he decided he'd look for the other male. Doubtless his friend could not be running about outside in the dark without shoes or a shirt, or at least that much was not at all like him, so it was reasonable to assume he was somewhere within the walls. As to where... he wasn't certain. The bathroom was easily ruled out with the door open, and he'd doubted Rasler would go in there with a pillow in hand, and he didn't know if he should check downstairs just yet.

Surely whatever the reason was he hadn't wandered too far off... But if he had Reks hadn't a clue why. It wasn't much like Ras to do that, but it wasn't typical of him to start a pillow fight with his best friend either so he supposed that evened things out somewhat. Though as he wandered he had to wonder where the other had disappeared to.

Fortunately for Rasler, he was an exceedingly patient individual, to extents that many questioned; as far as he could recall, there didn't appear to be a limit. Hence, crouching in wait for Reks to chance by, he watched the corridor silently, at least able to speculate from which direction the other male would travel.

Certainly, once they had finished this task, he would have to apologize for his odd behavior, and make a mental note to avoid it in the future. Such playful nature wasn't becoming to the corporate world.. And though he longed to share a different relationship with Reks aside from that of strictly business - which they did, much to his relief - he did not want to strain the intention of their branched family's. These thoughts, however, were abruptly interrupted as the other blonde did cross through his line of vision, and he was immediately moving. Pouncing upon the other, he caught his shirt to avoid a direct collision with the floor, though he'd definitely loom over the other before promptly smacking him upside the head with the pillow.

All, of course, in a matter of grace and stealth.

Having been focused mostly upon being certain that his friend was all right, Reks hadn't paid much mind to anything beyond locating the other, though it was fast apparent that he was failing at that task considerably. Thus far he was seeing more and more white and that didn't exactly constitute any signs of life, much less one Rasler...

Though apparently he hadn't needed to look, and he'd reflected again on the fact that his friend had left with pillow in two earlier for a second time when it connected with his head. Well, that solved the issue of his friend vanishing suddenly, but he was finding himself thinking that somehow he should have seen it coming. In consideration of the known fact that Rasler did not like to lose or fail in any regard it would probably have been safe to assume that he'd wish to win in terms of a pillow fight where in most instances Reks simply called a draw with his sibling. Less for a match of skill and more to save him from persistant recurring attacks. But he could hardly fault his friend for being competitive in nature.

He could find offense in the fact that said pounce had made him squeak but that was more directed at himself than anything... And having his own pillow still handy Reks simply returned the strike. Admittedly, he wasn't in much position to retalliate but he did without much thought.

Having successfully landed upon Reks, force him to the floor and triumphantly placed a strike, Rasler was feeling rather confident in himself - though it was not often he didn't. The issued squeak in itself had confused him, and for an instant he had thought to have hurt his friend, an immediate concern that would derail all thought of competitive nature. But finding the other returning his pillow-associated blow, he took a moment to reflect on the idea before attempting to take the pillow from the other's grasp.

All the while remaining atop him, he'd only hit his friend once more, before directing his focus toward a previous thought; had Reks been injured in this action of play, it would only encourage a cease of such in the future. ".. Are you all right?" he asked, taking another strike at the fallen male beneath him. In retrospect, he'd have to figure nearly sitting atop another was far from comfortable for the inidividual beneath him.

Being asked if he was alright and being hit again didn't seem logical but the object used being a pillow he could hardly see anything negative that he might say about it. His friend had at least shown concern for him, though in this there was an instant where he wondered if he was deemed in some way delicate, because such was truly not the case in spite of some preferred activities. Negative ides like that, however, were easily brushed aside. Reks did not wish to think of anything like that or speculate his friend's opinions.

Rather he simply freed his pillow from the other's grip again and returned the attack. It was in some eventual sense a futile effort. At this point he was something of a chair and there was no advantage to be found in that. "...I'm fine." He stated after a moment, though one might gather as much if he'd chosen to retalliate again. In spite of there being little point when Rasler was determined to win for some reason he'd fought back again. Silly, he supposed.

It was a relief to hear that there did not seem to be harm caused to his friend, especially so to find himself victim to a counter-attack. Hardly reflecting evidence of the blow, however, a solid foundation as he remained upon Reks, he simply considered a choice of action; it did not seem either was willing to back down, and given his selective practice in being triumphant in whatever he may have done... This was not likely to be an occurrence where he decided to reign forfeit.

He could not lose.

Realizing the battle was entirely trivial, and far from important to his progression in life, thus it would not mount to anything, the blonde brushed the thought aside. Instead, focusing his concentration as he caught the wrist with possession of the pillow into his free hand, he pinned the limb against the floor above Reks' head. Then taking the other, he quickly placed it also in his grip, hence both arms without particular accessibility. He was very thorough in his work, and if it could be helped, he'd avoid another attack... Not without making another of his own however.

Though he wasn't completely clear on his decision to be stubborn, Reks wasn't having an easy time with the concept of being immobilized. He knew the reason of course, well aware that his friend did not lose or fail at anything nor did he give up once he'd put forth some fashion of effort, and the other wasn't too familiar with anything ending on even ground either. Seeing the fact that he'd himself been somewhat competitive he had to wonder why, given little other option unless he wanted to take a try at kicking Rasler and that didn't hold any appeal.

He might wonder if anyone would really go to that extreme, aside his brother. But then had roles been reversed--something he really could not envision--he wasn't sure how hard his friend would try in order to win at something. Reks moved his fingers a little but didn't do much else, finding his options split between clumsy efforts at moving and staying put. And he did know the eventuality of some form of competition, really. It wasn't an unfamiliar concept to him so why he even thought about that was beyond his knowing. His nature was not so seriously competitive, but he supposed that he was not used to losing much himself.

For an instant, Rasler allowed himself to feel triumphant as he overpowered Reks, keeping his arms firmly pinned to the ground as he reigned hold over his own pillow. However, as he watched the other with no manner of defeat, he came to the realization that this was not how one was intended to win. You did not overpower your opponent given to any different in size, but rather it was the potential of talents that would determine the winner. Clearly, he was using an advantage that was foul-play to their playful combat.

Gingerly releasing Reks as he stood in a clean motion, he regarded the other for a moment before offering him a hand. "..A draw." It was wounding to deny himself the idea he had been successful, but he would not accept any mock-glory when he had not fought fairly. In retrospect, it likely should have remained in a contained area as well.. So in more natures than one, he had clearly been the loser to their small bout. A pity, something he'd have to work on in the future.

It was fairly safe to doubt that Rasler often made that sort of concession, though he wasn't certain himself what brought it on. To him winning didn't mean so much as doing his best and learning from the experience. That perspective was the one he'd had since he was a young child and while he understood the winning was a nice bonus he didn't see it much as the point of any form of competition or play. Reks understood that it mattered a great deal to his friend and he was able to appreciate that, though he couldn't directly relate.

A draw though... Had Rasler ever accepted something as a draw before? For himself it seemed so normal but he knew that couldn't be the case with the other blonde. Where he was concerned, his friend had put forth quite a bit more thought than he did, and he didn't see anything wrong with it. Being sat on had been strange but beyond that it didn't seem much of anything negative. Likley he'd become critical of himself in some way, and over a game. Perhaps Rasler needed to deal with the mobile warzone that was Vaan. That'd cure any self-blame for certain.

But he didn't voice those thoughts for the moment, unsure what he should say in an unusual situation. Rather than stare up at his friend from the floor he accepted the offered hand and got up.

Rasler accepted Reks silence as an agreement to their draw, and carefully helped the other to his feet. The gesture likely was not entirely needed, but given it had been of the blonde's doing that the other found himself so intimate with the floor in the first place, it was only logical he be an available aid. Hand temporarily enclosed around that of his friend's, he released his grip after a moment, and instead offered his free palm to take the other pillow from Reks. Their battle was complete, now he was intending to escort the other back to his room for bed.

With both pillows in hand, mind.. Why he felt it necessary to carry any source of "luggage," he couldn't say, save it was an instinct he simply couldn't ignore. May it had been his history of being raised with a wide tendency to help others.

".. We should bed," he stated at length, mind quickly returning to the day to come. Their arrival at Onten would need to be early, given he had some duties he needed to accomplish in the morning.. He, of course, would not request Reks company unless the other male expressed a desire to attend, but he'd be pleased to have the other male at his side nonetheless. They had already began to build a partnership outside of the marketing world, one that Rasler knew would later aid him if necessary. But for now, his relationship with Reks was strictly friendly. They could be professional outside of high school.

His friend's tendency to carry things for him when he was perfectly able had long since seemed to be a matter of concern or speculation. When he was younger Reks had wondered about it but as time passed he saw no fault in it and had simply gotten used to the idea that it was one of those things that Rasler had an inclination to do. And though he did not like being any sort of burden on others there was little such protest he could put up for his friend carrying something so simple as pillows. Heavier things, perhaps he'd have to speak up.

He didn't need to add to anyone else's work in general, so most of the time he made sure that he didn't contribute to what others had to do or tend to. Much more of a challenge with someone like his friend but he'd learned to watch out for that in most cases.

Rasler took on too much by himself as it was in Reks' opinion and he preferred trying to help out in whatever means he could. But he could concern himself with that in the morning. He'd already decided he was going to get up early and take care of a few things. Knowing Ras he likely didn't have any sort of lunch onhand and that was easy enough to fix, and then if he was ready early he could probably be of more help and the other could ready himself for the day without someone in the way. "Probably a good idea. Big day tomorrow." There were definitely a good number of tasks he wanted to see to.

Somehow a "big day" seemed to be a near understatement for the tasks that would soon be expectant of the student council, as well as any additional officers. And given at present it only contained two, Reks and himself, the work-load and expectancy would be double-fold until other officers were appointed. However, far from unfamiliar with pressing matters, the blonde certainly did not see the coming time as an approaching challenge, but rather as an opportunity to test his limits, correct his faults, and see to any desired expansion needed within his person.

As a Nabradia, he had to be nothing short of perfect. It was a failure within itself.. But something he'd strive to do.

Retreating toward the bedroom, though he'd pause in brief to assure Reks was with him, the male would make his return for the intended rest; the other male was certainly everything to him in these last few years of schooling, as he had been in their childhood as their family's branched together. And though he did not often reflect his gratitude for their friendship, specifically how Reks had never once failed to support him in a time of need, he could only hope he'd find some manner to do as much in the near future. In the very least, he'd be the other's strong foundation in preparation to tough times to come. It was his right, if not his duty.
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