Location: Dorm 252
Characters: Theo
The_Scion and Atsuma
kittycat_strayStatus: Complete
Warnings: Nope~
Theo leaned back on his chair, having finished his little 'conversation' with his roommate for the year. Hasami-san sounded like the type of person who tended to distance himself from society. In other words, the 'quiet type'. Of course, Theo had no problem with that; he never did really had a problem with anything. Besides, it was Hasumi-san's personality, so he shouldn't be judging whether it was good or bad. He mentally chided himself for attempting to classify a person into a group before he'd even talked to them.
Since Theo personally didn't like becoming anything more than an acquaintance to others -- the reason being that he didn't know how to -- he supposed that being roomed with a not-quite sociable person was probably for the best. Deciding that Hasumi-san seemed like a decent roommate, he looked around for his MP3 player and headphones. Oh, and his little sudoku book and a pencil. He didn't know when Hasumi-san was going to arrive, so he might as well keep himself occupied, right? Besides, he didn't want to give someone the wrong impression.
Perhaps it would have been easier to conduct rocket science.
At some point Atsuma knew that Kojomaru had taken the helm and gotten him even more lost than he'd been before, something for which he was not at all grateful, but he would have to deal with it. As for why he was on the roof he would never know. He had no dislike for rooftops but still... This one was quite high. Likely not very safe for him to be up there, but as he passed various windows he was less concerned with safety and more with finding his room.
Passing a window he thought he recognized the face from his earlier conversation on those journals, watching the familiar figure before tapping on the glass. Better to ask if that was the right room instead of barging into it... Though he'd no explanation for how he got up there.
Theo paused, putting down his headphones on his desk. Did something just tap on the window?
.. Why would anyone, or anything for that matter, be tapping on the window?
He half-turned to his right, noticing a slim figure standing.. well, standing outside the window. Vaguely confused, he made his way over to the window and slid it open. He noticed that the individual was standing on the rooftop. Well, that just explained everything, on top of dashing his idea of the other male somehow floating in the air. Fantasy books must be getting to his head.
He glanced up at the figure, noting something familiar about him--
"Ah.. Hasumi-san?" Blink.
Well, sounded like he'd come to the right place, at the very least. Nobody else knew his name just yet, as far as Atsuma was aware. It didn't seem that Kojomaru had... No he probably had spouted off something that included his name but it wasn't likely that very many knew it. Aside that he recognized this fellow and he wouldn't have had it been his other personality. At least, not so distinctly.
The guy really was a bit pale... Ah well. He'd been nothing short of lily-white when he was let out of that basement. There wasn't anything all that strange about it. Or so Atsuma perceived it.
"Yeah..." Now for the fun part; having no explanation for being on a rooftop rather than in the halls. He wasn't even sure what Kojomaru had been up to.
Theo inspected the window frame, assuming that it was probably large enough for Hasumi-san to slip in. He looked pretty fit, anyway.
"Hold on a second," he said, sliding open the window further. "Do you think you can slip in?"
He stepped to the side of the window, not wanting to get in his roommate's way. He had banished his curiosity as to why Hasumi-san might be up there in the first place; it probably wasn't his place to ask. Everyone had their own cup of tea, whether it was strange or not. Theo had an obsession with sudoku, after all. That was pretty strange, especially the 'going through one sudoku book every one or two days' part. Okay, so maybe that wasn't the best example.
Theo walked over to the other side of the room and looked for the light switch, finding it and flipping it on. He shut his eyes as more light flooded the room, only opening them once he was sure his eyes wouldn't hurt from the change in lighting. Turning back to the window, he watched his roommate almost fluidly enter the room. .. With a sword.
.. A sword?
Getting into rooms through windows wasn't entirely unusual for Atsuma, though he was aware it wasn't the picture of normality for most people. It seemed he hadn't weirder out his room-mate for the year too much with the unusual appearance and he supposed he should be grateful for that. The year previous he'd been regarded as something of an abnormality pretty early on. But having known the other boy for only a few moments there were definitely many opportunities to prove himself strange in the near future.
Atsuma cast a glance around the room, finding that at some point his parents had sent his things. Likely it had come to their attention that he'd gone to school on his own already, or as much would be discerned by the baggage in the corner of the room. Easily overlooked but he recognized them. Though the pair that had taken him in were new to him he recognized the bags he'd packed when he saw them, and knew they would have had to send them here.
Taking his attention from them he looked at his room-mate. Again he was struck with the idea that he was uncannily pale but he wasn't too concerned with it. He didn't give it much focus for too long though. What the guy looked like wasn't his business, and he knew that. It seemed his sword was drawing the other's gaze, or as least he thought so, holding it up. "...Never seen one?"
Theo broke out of his reverie, realizing that he had been staring at the sword. The tone of his roommate seemed normal, but Theo wasn't going to take that chance.
"Ah, sorry," he quickly replied. "I've only seem them.. once or twice before.. I think." Which really was the truth. He thought his response made him sound quite confused, but he wasn't too concerned.
Theo turned back to his desk, noticing the pile of the permission forms for the kendo team. He vaguely wondered whether Hasumi-san practised kendo -- he did carry around a sword, after all -- and even considered asking. But was it really his place to ask? He didn't want to invoke unwanted conversation or something like that. His roommate seemed like he'd rather be left alone, and Theo was willing to respect that. Besides, he was sure Hasumi had something better to do.. such as unpacking.
Sitting on his chair at his desk, he finally opened his sudoku book. He spun his pencil on his fingers, blankly staring down at the random sudoku page. His mind was elsewhere-- like why Hasumi-san'd carry around a sword like that. Did he carry it everywhere? Didn't he get in trouble with the teachers?
And then a sudden gust of wind came through the window, which, Theo realized, neither of them had closed. The pile of permission forms scattered throughout the room. Just great.
Having been more or less left to his own business, Atsuma had crossed the room to the bed furthest from the window, supposing that was his since the other boy had mentioned something about wanting the bed by the window. He was perfectly content with sleeping wherever. Had his accommodations for most of life been known, the logic would likely have been obvious.
But Atsuma wasn't the sort to tell someone about his past, no matter who it was or for what reasons. It wasn't the sort of topic to be covered in normal conversation and he wasn't inclined to bring it up now. Past was past and there was nothing else to do about it. He'd much rather focus on unpacking the modest supply of things he'd chosen to take with him. His sword was the only thing he was all that interested in having aside from clothes.
As pages fluttered about he was brought to a pause in his activities, green eyes flicking to the source of the sound and watching papers fan out over the room. Without much thought he dropped what he was doing and started picking them up, paying no mind to what was printed upon the pages save to be use they were all facing the right way.
He managed to get over to the window, shutting it firmly before it could do more damage. The random amount of papercuts he had received from the onslaught of the permission forms were stinging, but he sighed and leaned over to pick up a few laying around him. As he did so, he noticed a smooth movement from the corner of his eye -- his roommate picking up the permission forms that had somehow made their way that far.
"You don't have to pick them up," he offered, gathering what seemed like a countless number of permission forms from the floor. His first priority was to get them off the floor; he'd organize them later. He didn't want to bother his roommate with this. At least, not until they were used to each other a bit more. He put his current pile of permission forms on his desk, looking over at his roommate as he decided to ask him the question.
"Are you thinking of joining the kendo club, by any chance?" he questioned, going over to pick up more permission forms. "If you are, you should keep one of these for yourself."
Atsuma didn't halt even when he was told that he didn't have to help. If asked, he'd deny that he was being helpful at all or even trying to be of use, even if such had proved to be the case. He didn't like people knowing that he'd a preference for helping others. Such things didn't end well and he was used to the hurt that so often resulted from such gestures. It was safer to pretend that he merely didn't want papers all over the place.
Reasonable enough an excuse that he could get away with it, however focus upon the text did prove that they were forms for kendo team. While he'd been accepted last year he hadn't chosen to join, finding his growing instability to be a subject of concern for him. The less chance of provoking Kojomaru's stirring, the better. He'd already verbally attacked one fellow student and it was lucky for him the guy seemed to be good-natured enough to forgive the antagonism. Surely he couldn't expect as much of everyone at Onten.
"I tried last year..." He stated with a shrug. "Probably won't this year. I'm no good on teams."
"But kendo's not really a team," Theo replied, taking care to not bump into Atsuma as he picked up a few more permission forms. "There's a club and a team; even if you get accepted into the team, it doesn't mean you have to join it, right? You could just stay in the club and practice."
Picking up the last few permission forms, he took them over to his desk. Taking the remainder of the forms from Atsuma, he looked up at him, smiled, and muttered a small thank you and proceeded to sort them properly.
"Besides," he continued. "shouldn't you do what you like to do? I'm sorry for assuming, but it seems like you enjoy kendo." He paused in his assorting. "Not that I know kendo."
Even if the reasoning was sound, Atsuma wasn't sure why he should try. There were so many reasons not to bother with anything that willing himself to do something was difficult. Always that voice was present in his mind, reminding him that he was of little worth, of no true use, had to purpose and no strengths to speak of. Yet he couldn't simply break. He'd be like his brother if he allowed that.
Since the papers were picked up, he sat on his bed and went back to pulling his clothes out of his duffel bag. "I've had that sword since I was small." Atsuma offered in explanation, though he didn't know if that would be good enough. True, kendo was something that he was interested in, but he risked hurting others if he did anything with them. "I'm not sure there's a point trying something if I don't intend to join."
"Stress relief, maybe?" Theo pondered, organizing the forms into a folder just in case something like the wind incident happened again. "It's not as if you have to stick with a partner.. I thought they had dummies for solo training?"
Theo realized that he sounded rather.. pushy. It was unlike him, but he wondered why someone wouldn't bring himself, or herself, to do what they enjoyed. Shouldn't people do what they like to do, so they can be happy? He shrugged internally; maybe his roommate had a past story he didn't want to talk about.
"I'm sorry," he said quickly. "I must seem extremely forward. And pushy. .. And probably annoying." He sat down on his bed, and hugged his pillow. "The decision's really up to you. I'm sorry for sounding as if I wanted to force you into it."
He had only been at this new school for a day, and he was already making little mistakes here and there. Sigh. He really needed to work on his people skills.
If anyone had a deficiency in people skills, it was likely Atsuma. He was well aware that he was not a particularly friendly person, or at least was not good at interacting with others at all. One of numerous failings he could find in himself if he took the time to think about it, but getting introspective tended to be more depressing than anything else and it took him away from the present.
The way the other was talking wasn't an unfamiliar line of thought, though he hadn't perceived his present company as being pushy or annoying. There were certainly people who were far more effective in those areas. As much was his perception at least.
He shrugged, looking as carefully neutral as ever. "I hadn't thought of it that way." Atsuma stated honestly, as was typical of him. His blunt manner was borderline fault, and when his other personality was in control it was a marked vice. "Guess I could try it."
Theo half-turned, a small smile growing upon his face as he did so.
"That'd be fantastic," he stated honestly, taking out a form from the folder and putting it on his desk. "Do you need to know the basic information about the days we're meeting and things like that as well?"
He flipped through the other various papers in his folder -- information about the Tea Club, some other extracurricular activities, helping out a few teachers.. Ah. Theo pulled out a few sheets, giving them a glance over before adding them to the little pile of kendo-related things. Shutting his already seemingly overused folder, he held out the small package to Atsuma.
"I was supposed to have these ready for the Club Fair, but I guess it won't hurt to give some away earlier."
Atsuma took the offered papers, not unfamiliar with the forms necessary for kendo team. He'd filled them out the year previous but hadn't ended up choosing to join even when given the offer. The fear of losing control was far too much for him to deal with and he'd chosen to avoid the risk. Last year he'd isolated himself rather effectively to prevent any more outbursts.
Kojomaru had been in full force then. He still was, even though Atsuma wished it wasn't the case. Trying to keep his focus on the forms he looked them over as though he hadn't before, weighing the possibility of actually joining the team if his abilities were still up to snuff. There seemed no harm in trying, and if he felt he wasn't quite stable enough he could simply not join.
As his new room-mate had said. The fellow seemed alright.
Theo retreated to his bed, feeling that he had bothered his new roommate quite enough for the time being. It was getting quite late, after all; he felt ready to drop dead and sleep. But there were some things he had to inform his roommate of first..
"One last thing.." he began quietly. "I hope you don't mind having the curtains closed for most of the day. I.. can't really deal with bright light, being an albino and all." He paused, wondering whether his roommate was highly superstitious. Atsuma didn't look like it, of course, seeing as he hadn't avoided him or anything like that, but Theo.. was never really sure. Some people couldn't seem to be able to tell unless he told them straight out. "If it's a problem, I'd understand."
He transferred his gaze to the window, letting out a small sigh as he realized that their dorm room was on the east side of the school. The worst side possible, really, since sunrise was probably the worst thing that could hit him in the morning.
Atsuma looked up from the papers after a few moments and blinked slowly, taking in the other's appearance again. He'd never met someone that actually fell under the genetic category of albino, though he'd been markedly pale only a year hence because of where he'd been kept for most of his life. It did not seem so unusual to him and he'd no concept of just why it would be a problem.
So he was pale. What of it?
After a few more moments of inspection he turned his attention back to the forms, watching the printed letters on the white paper but not reading them. He knew what it was like to be a problem but he didn't see why the other boy's appearance should be distinguished as one, much less keeping the shades closed in the mornings. "I don't see why it'd be a problem."
"Well.. that's good," Theo said hesitantly. "Most people think albinism is a curse, or something.. I guess because even for an albino, having red eyes on top of white hair is unusual." He reached up and pulled the curtains towards him, effectively blocking the window. "I guess I'm too used to being avoided. I'm sorry."
The room was submerged in semi-darkness in his side of the room. Liking the way that his bedside lamp dimly lit up his side of the room, leaving it a shade of dark orange, he paused for a while before turning the lamp off entirely.
"I hope you don't mind if I go to bed now," he said half-apologetically. "I'm not really used to staying up late.."
He comfortably settled himself down on his bed, pulling up the covers up to his shoulders. His eyes closed, only to flicker open again half a second later.
"Oh.. I didn't introduce myself. My name's Theo. Nice to meet you, Hasumi-san."