More work updates!
WoW stuff:
I picked up BC yesterday. Um, haven't really played any of the new races yet, seeing as how my hunter is still 44. I love my Nelf hunter, especially now that she has a TURTLE mount!!! lol It's hilarious riding that thing with an admiral hat. So much fun. Plus, I want to lvl to at least 58, so I can bum around Outlands. Gonna be awhile, though:)
Also, MUCH, MUCH love to the EB Games guys. They are truly awesome.
RL stuff:
Haven't been doing much grocery shopping due to laziness. Finally went on monday and it's SO good to have a fridge full of food:)
And Sandra, bunnies are awesome animals. I let mine run around the apartment. She likes to chase my cat lol Yeah, you heard me. PS. We should date soon.
Julie: You're a saint for forgiving me for the ditch. I do owe you a date. A hot platonic one at that:)
Other Dan: You work for IBM, now? SWEET!
To the lovely ladies who work at Coles STC: I regret not leaving a nice comment card. Your help was much appreciated. Also, you guys are dangerously understaffed!
Okay, back to work!