this is a pretty basic challenge that many have already done.
challenge: 99%
>gather every item, complete any/every mission, have every expansion, beat the game.
<< heroes >>
_madam_mina_ [a link to the past]
_madam_mina_ [ocarina of time]
_madam_mina_ [the wind waker]
_madam_mina_ [the minish cap]
neuro_toxicated [the minish cap]
neuro_toxicated [twilight princess]
challenge: 100%
>only difference? end the game with wallet completly full, open every chest, and have bombs/quivers full as well.
<< heroes >>
_madam_mina_ [the legend of zelda]
_madam_mina_ [the adventrure of link]
_madam_mina_ [four swords adventures]