Today, Taryn &I decided would be a good day to get something pierced. She now has her monroe done &I have my tragus. I have 19 piercings. Even more sad? I have my next 2 (well, 3) planned out. This is bad &I need to stop.
Things this week that I am excited for: - not having to go to all 5 school days - NFG / The Early November with Shannon - NEW JERSEY TO SEE MARISSA<3<3<3 - Brand New &Dashboard Confessional - all of the crazy adventures Marissa &I will have
There are a plethora of words I would like to use to describe you right now, but I think that might be a bad idea. I will list a few though!: -douchebag -asshole -shithead -fuckface
This weekend has been good for the most part, but I am in a really weird mood right now. And I'm pretty pissy that someone isn't answering their IMs but whatever. I don't know. Right now all I can think of is how much certain people piss me off &how disappointed they make me. I don't know. I need to go to bed.