I am at Meghan's right now.
I have been at Meghan's since 5PM yesterday.
Jamie, Meg and I went upstairs and talked to Meg's grandma for an hour and a half. She's awesome. I fought with William, then we watched Sex and the City... some of Season three, some of season 5. Around 11:00, Aaron got here. <3333333333333x103.
Shutup. I don't care if you think those two pictures look the same. They are different.
It was a good night. I had fun.
Then, Barry and Larry met Jerry, their long lost brother. It was amazing. hahaha.
"Touch me lightly." Meg, I'm never going to forget that.
"Scottys in an awful wotta pwaces at the same time."
"Anal Leakage? So what you shit your pants anyway."
Meghan has Trix. They're waiting for me in the kitchen.
I'm going.