I have been enjoying this group muchly lately.
Some people tell me they're "doom metal" but others refuse to call it "metal" of any sort. Since i've been giving the idea of metal another chance in general I don't give a fuck either way.
Earth - Seven Angels We went to this amazing fucking show on saturday with a bunch of radical bands. Everyone there was fabulous as all getup and some kid from neighborhood who hasn't seen me in at least 5 years recognized me as my sister's little brother. Bill was all excited about this band Psychic Ills, and with good reason. The show was super loud and droney, with some awkward post-punk acoustic drumming on top of drum machines and shit. They're album stuff is totally different but totally badical.
Psychic Ills - January Rain you can stop reading now if you want,
but listen aight:
If you're going to have a c++ class full of non-majors (read: i don't give a fuck about you or this class) AND you're going to have a computer grade projects for 100% output accuracy (that is, down to the punctuation, spaces, caps, blah blah) then for GODS SAKE be fucking specific on the project specs. And most of all, don't deny it up and down when I call you out for in class. bitch.