4.how you found us(who promoted)user names please* i was browsing, but i don't remember exactly where i found you, sorry. :/
5.Single/taken(If so how long & a picture)*single.6.promote us to at least 2 places(show links)*
http://www.livejournal.com/users/so_last_week/9956.html?view=21476#t21476http://www.livejournal.com/users/_oneslowdance_/74899.html?view=574611#t5746117.Best feature*eyes+hair
8.Worst feature*everything else. :/
9.2 turn on's & 2 turn off's*
turn on's: skater hair, nice, makes me laugh, cute.
turn off's:bad hygene, acne, ugly hair, jerks, BEING CONCEITED!
10.5 favorite bands* taking back sunday, story of the year, three days grace, something corporate, and the starting line.
11.nationalities*mostly british.
12.hobbies*hanging with my friends, music, dancing, taking pictures, being stupid. :D
13.post at least 3 clear pictures of yourself, thanks
[on the left, obviously] [right; best friend alicia.]
okay! have fun! :D