*New Kid on the Block

Oct 24, 2004 02:01

I want to thank Miss Valerie pinkislander for helping me out with this LiveJournal of mine.
You are oh-so thoughtful and like what I told u, "You're a damn genious Val!!"
Wish you and Johnny Boy were here so we can have fun together ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

pinkislander October 24 2004, 18:07:57 UTC
Hey Jho! Welcome to LJ! ;D I'm glad you liked how it turned out! Btw, I added in that thing in your entry [near my name] that I was talking about. You were probably half awake so I thought I'd do you the favor! LoL. Take care dOrk! Let me know if you ever need help on anything! <333


oojhoanaoo October 25 2004, 13:28:06 UTC
oh thanks Valerie!!
u r a genious, remember that.
ur the one that introduced it to me so hey,
BIG PROPS for u!
love ya girl


pinkislander October 25 2004, 14:19:41 UTC
You're welcome! :D


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