(True Story)K people.. I have notices an increasing number of.. for lack of a better term 'STUPID DUMBFUCKS!' around in the general public. Across the street from my job just the other day I watched a 'SD' (my short name for them) peel around a corner while it was turning red (not even touching the brakes mind you) doing at least 40. He took the turn too wide cause he was going too fast, hit the median between the east and west bound traffic. Took off in the air and hit an oncoming car head on while he was in the air (everyone is OK last I heard, which is unfortunate because I sorta wanted him to fly through the window *mutters* That might be mean... but you'll see why). And his reasoning was "I didn't want to wait at the light"... *wild rant* So I guess hitting an oncoming car, getting arrested, nearly killing an elderly woman and her daughter, nearly killing yourself (which wouldn't of been a huge loss in my opinion) and ruining your car you just bought was worth not waiting 3 seconds for the turning arrow because at that light, the red light comes on, then the right hand arrow comes on right after.
So in responce to this and numerous other sights (as well as stories ya'll might have) I am going to D.C. to 'talk' to {censored} Bush and {censored} congress to 'ask' them to make everyone take and follow my new system for people. Here's how it works. Everyone is given a # from 1 to 5 based on the Common Sense quiz I created. People that score 1 are likely to still be eating glue and playing with fire while 5's are people with enough common sence that whey realise glue isn't food and fire is hot. Based on this number, you may only speak and travel where your number is allowed. The exception is that 5's may go and do as they please. They may speak with anyone, but 4's and lower may not speak unless spoken to unless it is with in your group. Penalties for infractions may include: hard labor, Shock Theripy, solitude, death, cage fights (for our entertainment), and lectures my our 'esteemed' *rolls eyes* president about what ever is on his mind (which even kinda scares me). Other forms of punishment will be discussed later as we get our group of 5's.
Take the quiz and get your number :)