1. When I was a kid, I wished my hair was brown.
2. I didn't have a Ken doll for the longest time, so when I would make a scenario that needed a guy, I would use the part of my arm from my fingers to my elbow as a stand-in.
3. My dad used to work out of town when I was really young. I named all of my fisherprice people after my family members, and when he would leave for work for the week - I would topple him over in the corner of the kitchen and he was not allowed to be put away with the other toys until he came home on the weekend.
4. Also, if my dad wouldn't honk before he would leave for the week, I would cry.
5. My sister and I never got along unless she needed something from me. Now that I don't live at home - things are a bit better.
6. My brother Russ and I always told each other that each of us were the other's favourite siblings. My other siblings never knew of this pact.
7. My dad used to play boot hockey with us every Sunday night when we were kids.
8. I don't remember ever playing anything with my mom.
9. I had bangs until grade eleven - I hated them - but kept them because 'my mom knew best'.
10. In grade seven, I told no-one about my birthday. Everyone forgot - including my teacher who had a class list of everyone's birthdays.
11. I didn't want to celebrate because my Opa had just died a week before.
12. This year I didn't tell anyone about my birthday either.
13. I wish a few of the people who forgot had remembered.
14. My Oma is in the hospital. I feel guilty about not visiting her - though lately there has just not been enough time.
15. If I could, I would add another 2 hours to the day. I would sleep during those hours.
16. I love sleeping more than I really should.
17. I should be studying for my exam that is in 2 1/2 hours, but I just can't get in the zone.
18. I sometimes read livejournals of people I barely know - usually friends of friends. I find that they are like soap-operas, or windows in other people's lives who are more exciting than mine.
19. My life is pretty exciting - I should learn to appreciate that more.
20. I don't know what I want to do with my degree. All I know is that I want to love my job someday.
21. My mom never loved her occupation - I think she resents that I'm going to university.
22. Sometimes I wish my relationship with my mom was fixable. But I realize that her standards for me have always been too high - and that i was killing myself in order to prove something to them.
23. I think someday I want to flip houses for a living. I love watching those flip shows.
24. I'm starting to enjoy Sex in the City - I vowed I would never like that show.... but now I've changed my mind.
25. I'm scared about moving away - and yet that is something I dream about so often.
26. I'm getting married in June.
27. I sometimes count down the days. 6 months, 3 days.
28. I think I want to be buried in my wedding dress when I die. If I still fit it that is.
29. My thighs and mid-section keep expanding.... and I hate that.
30. I think I'm too lazy to do anything about that.
31. I really should eat healthier too.
32. Someday I want to bike around Europe with Steve, camping in farmer's fields.
33. Sometimes I look around the University for a certain friend.... even though I know that are relationship is bordering acquaintance now.
34. I wonder if she thinks about me as much as I think about her.
35. when I'm old, I want to be a Starbucks regular, meeting my posse for coffee on a daily or weekly basis.
36. I don't think I will ever be happy unless I break from the conventions my parents have set up for me.
37. Sometimes I crave a hug from my dad.
38. However, hugs from him now are not like they used to be.
39. Sometimes I wish I could go back and change things...
40. And yet, I'm content with how things are now - so changing things would screw everything up.
41. My dream has always been to go to PEI and connect with my childhood obsession of Anne of Green Gables.
42. Steve and I plan to go there as part of our honeymoon.
43. I'm now a bit scared to go anywhere in the Carribean for fear of being kidnapped and sold into the Underground sex slave market.
44. I am a Gilmore Girls fanatic. I will eventually own all of the seasons on DVD.
45. My sister introduced Michael Buble to me... he's like a sexy modern day Frank Sinatra.
46. I have a poetry portfolio for my Creative Writing class due tomorrow. I'm only half way done - with a load of more work to do.
47. I take naps whenever I can.
48. I'm finding that by doing this list of 100 random things - it's a relaxing release.
49. I co-wrote a play back in highschool. It was one of the most exciting things in my life to do.
50. I had a crush on the guy in the coffeehouse where we sat and wrote it. I find him kinda icky now.
51. Also, when I was in Oliver, I wished time would have stood still.
52. Again, I had a crush on one of my cast-mates.
53. When I see him, I still get a bit nervous. Weird.
54. I am addicted to Tim Horton's tea. I think it's laced with Crack.
55. Is it weird that I find some girls attractive?
56. I sometimes compare other girls appearance to myself. Usually I bring myself down.
57. The LUSU prez is invited to my wedding. He cycles with Steve in the summer. I have an 'in' in Lakehead politics. I find that funny.
58. I always feel weird about events with friends - especially when I feel the need to ask if it is a 'just girls' event, or if I can bring my fiance.
59. I do realize that I am an independent person from Steve... which is why I ask so that there is no confusion/awkwardness.
60. The best feeling in the world to me is cuddling with him in the evenings either watching TV or just talking about nothing.
61. I don't have a favourite flower. It makes it difficult to know what type of flowers you want at your wedding.
62. I giggle whenever 'guitar Paul' claps his hands above his head from the stage at church. He looks like a real rocker.
63. My Oma thinks I go to the "Rock & Roll" church. I think that that's cool - even though she's looking down on that.
64. Lillian and I are looking for clothes for my Oma for the wedding. She seemed excited when we said we'd shop for her.
65. I'm want to go to Stratford this summer. Much Ado About Nothing and Oliver! are playing. I'm dragging Steve along.
66. Okay - not dragging. I'm glad I found a guy who enjoys artistic culture as much as I do.
67. Steve wants to start to paint. I think that that's cute.
68. I wanted to get a hair-straigtener for my best friend for Christmas - only to find that she had already bought one.
69. I have 4 coupons for free Starbucks drinks in my wallet. I think their policy for customer service is excellent.
70. I sometimes can sense the spiritual realm. I used to feel it strongly a couple years ago - waking up with demons looming over my bed.... now occasionally I sense angels.
71. I know that this isn't how it works- but I want to be an angel when I die.
72. I miss my Pake so much sometimes. I sometimes pull out his hankie that I got just to hold it.
73. I want to someday see U2 in concert. I will probably die of happiness after that... or have an orgasm.
74. I love Christmas. Steve will someday love Christmas too. I like that I'm helping him like it at least.
75. Jane Austen's book Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourite books. Saw the movie on my birthday - it was marvelous.
76. I hope that someday I will be asked to be a bridesmaid.
77. I don't like snow. Except for on Christmas Eve/day, and the first snow fall. That's it.
78. I started this a week ago, and now I'm finally going to finish it
79. I got the OC and Gilmore Girls 3 DVD's for my birthday - haven't yet watched them even though that was almost half a month ago. Hopefully some fun TV action will ensue after this.
80. Finished my poetry portfolio yesterday. I'm really proud of some of the poetry I wrote this year, other stuff.... not so much. But it got me writing, so *thumbs up*
81. Wrote a poem about my dad. I'm thinking that someday I will give it to him. I imagine that he won't understand what it means.
82. I have been reading the same book all term because I never allow myself time to read. I really need to do better with that in January
83. I was looking at some of the Shakespeare books I need for next term's class. *dance dance dance* I hope that class will be awesome.
84. I only have two complete days off until Christmas.
85. I haven't gone to the dentist in over two years. I scared that I have cavaties everywhere.
86. I only have three pairs of fun socks - and only one pair is really truly fun. I think I need to start remedying that.
87. Have a bunch of people to start contacting about the wedding.... I doubt that I will do that today.
88. I really want to go shopping today... though I don't know if I can justify the money...
89. I think I have restless leg syndrome. When I'm sitting, I'm ALWAYS moving my legs.
90. I want to build a hobbit house under the ground and everything, and it will be my guest-house /slash/ library.
91. I had a dream last night that Meg and Bryant were back home, and we were all chatting in the mall.
92. I am addicted to Laura Secord chocolate. And it's the expensive kind too. but it's so heavenly sweet..... mmmm.... okay - must stop thinking.....
93. Do you miss me? Even just a little bit? no, not you. you.
94. Apparently we might have a snowstorm today/tomorrow. I wonder if it will weaken the throngs of christmas shoppers just a bit.
95. I really really want to go back to bed now. Even though it is only 10:38 in the morning.
96. Sometimes I still joke with Steve about eloping... even though we have past our point of no-return with a few of the bookings we've made.
97. With only four more numbers, I'm running out of things to say.
98. I really want to go dancing. Maybe when Heather gets home..... :)
99. I really wish I had a car. Here's a christmas gift idea for me: buy me a car. I will love you forever.
100. I need a haircut. Wow. way to go out with a bang! :)