Weird/bad/freezing/boring day. But I have sweet pink earrings from Costa Rica that are made out of fish scales. And I successfully grossed out a bunch of people because of that. And we completely lost the thing for extra credit in Bio, but we are still cool. Yeahh mannn. But Ilovesyou♥
fuck my mom i hate you@!Qasdfoaijs;dmc al'sdf asdfg a dgadsofipjaqwe[iopfma;lskdmva[opidvna',.sdmfp[oaiwe5yp982u3y405971yq34heouifnhawE%!^#$YOAJSDfvpiodjsnfSFGHATYW^
thank you for fucking ruining the days i actually have off from fucking schoiol fucking hate you fucking a;sdkljf;aosdjif!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK