You prefer not to seek quick personal relationships, but rather build relationships slowly. Once your relationships are formed, they tend to be lasting.
You tend to think before you act. As a result, the things you do will be purposeful and deliberate.
You function best in an environment relatively free of conflict or hostility. When tension mounts, you may become silent; and if tension continues, you may withdraw or avoid the situation altogether.
You prefer to wait until you're sure of your ground before acting. This might mean after several visits to a new place, or after a few meetings with a new person, you will feel more open to risk or share trust.
You may not jump in immediately for a new idea or activity. You may need time to consider all aspects of the idea before supporting it with time and talent.
You will generally not act impulsively. As a result, others around you may perceive a slowness of thought or action. This results not from slow thinking, but from complete analysis of the situation before acting.
You will convey patience towards others in most situations. This patience comes from a need to maintain harmony. Others may read this as a strong stabilizing factor in your behavior.
Your strength is to bring stability, security and awareness of consequences to activities. In a sense, you may be considered as the one with the "conscience."
When asked about your opinions, you may not share your ideas or opinions openly with those asking. You remain rather self-contained in social situations. Some may perceive you as aloof, but it's really caution.
You dislike having to initiate new relationships. However, others may seek you out because you are a good listener, quiet and nonthreatening.
You may be a steadying influence because of your restrained and unassuming way. You usually wait to be asked your opinion rather than offering an opinion.
You usually communicate with others in a reserved, diplomatic and congenial fashion. You are a careful and analytic listener who will generally not offer ideas or opinions unless asked.
Because you may not call attention to your own accomplishments, you may benefit from others giving recognition to you occasionally. Constant recognition may make you feel uncomfortable.
Many different factors determine the communication styles with which you are most comfortable. Some individuals thrive on the challenge of pointed criticism, while others are at their best in a nurturing environment where criticism is offered as a suggestion for improvement. Each of us has a unique set of requirements and preferences. Below is a list of communication styles that will mesh well with your own. Having a partner who understands and practices these traits is important to your long-term happiness.
If you agree, follow through with your end of the agreement.
Prepare your "case" in advance--do your homework.
Provide solid, tangible, practical ideas and evidence.
If you disagree, organize your thoughts before confronting your partner.
Use a thoughtful approach.
Support principles.
Keep the conversation at the discussion level, rather than confrontation.
Minimize risks by providing assurances for participation.
Take time during explanations.
Allow time to ask questions.
Be sincere and use a tone of voice that shows sincerity.
Following are some of the specific strengths and/or personal characteristics that you bring to a relationship. These may form the foundations of many of your friendships and dealings with other people. Some will seem obvious, but you may be surprised by others. Take a moment to reflect on each and consider what role it may have played in your past successes, and even failures.
You tend to have very high values.
You generally take pride in being a strong community member.
You like to gather facts and think things over before offering a strong opinion.
You tend to be an objective, careful evaluator of situations.
You tend to bring feelings of security and stability to a relationship.
You are excellent at listening to your partner.
You are generally good at cooling down tense situations in a relationship.
You tend to set and maintain very high standards for yourself.
You are very respectful of the needs and wants of other people.
You are skilled at being diplomatic with people in all settings.
In general, human beings are defined by their needs and individuals by their wants. Your emotional wants are especially important when establishing with whom you are compatible. While answering the Relationship Questionnaire you established a pattern of basic, subconscious wants. This section of the report was produced by analyzing those patterns. Our wants change as we mature and obtain our life goals. You may find it valuable to revisit this section periodically to see how your wants have changed.
You may want:
Fewer changes, if many changes have occurred recently.
Freedom from pressure to perform or to act quickly without precedent.
Peace and harmony.
Time to adjust to change.
Others to adhere to your high standards.
An environment free from conflict or hostility.
Time and opportunity to weigh pros and cons of decisions.
Detailed information about major decisions with complete instructions.
Recognition for your concern for quality relationships.
Yah...I heard u have to pay for Eharmony..but I had signed up to take that quiz a long time ago..and it was free for me..::shrugs:::
but I didn't find any "matches" or anything...but about a SUPER had like 200 questions to answer! heh.