I'm in TSA and i'm not doing anything so i thought i'd update! Only two more days left and i can't wait. I miss all the seniors and i didn't get to tell all of them good-bye and therefore i'm sad! well i'm gonna go and watch the movie! peace out all and comment on this thing Brittany
I just found out that i'm gonna be grounded all summer if i don't get at least a B in math! I'm so upset! but at least i'm going to the concert Friday and Saturday and i'm getting inducted! *woot woot* well gotta go! Peac out Brittany
I'm really sad b/c all the seniors are leaving and i cried and phil didn't! he's so cold and heartless! I'm gonna miss all you guys you all rock my sox!
today was.... blah! nothing really happend but thats ok b/c it could hav been worse, something terrorable could have happend. I have alot of home work that i should be doing but oh well! peace brittany