
Jan 02, 2011 06:37



vaguely positive impression
mild liking/finds pleasant.
active like/fondness. a friend.
very close to/fond of. good friend/family.
attraction/romantic or sexual connection.

vaguely negative impression.
mild dislike/finds unpleasant.
active dislike/distaste.
intense dislike/is repulsed by


She doesn't get this guy. He's nice and kind of rough spoken and he stands up for her, and called her a friend once, and she doesn't get it. It's kind of pissing her off because he doesn't fit her increasingly negative views of guys, which in fairness is so justified by their tendency to murder her!
relationship: ...weird
feelings: ■■/□□
...i don't know what's up with this guy.

She flails and derps and tries to get pushup bras for her lowly little bosoms. It's pretty cute. Not bad raw material either, bet she'll be hot in ten years. Or even two.

relationship: derpy little flailing kid sister.
feelings: ■■■/□
this girl reminds me of needy when she was like, this kid's age. tragic lack of proper boobage but nature may address this sad sitch.

He calls people love in one of those lower class british voices you hear on tv shows and movies. You know, that British Good Guy On American TV voice, not the poshy shit they save for the supervillains. He's a vampire or something, but he's gone good, which is boring, plus he can't even turn into a bat. He's still hot though. And pretty fun. Overall, not a bad "chap" if that's what you're gonna call british guys.

relationship: hot guy, hot accent. good for a fuck if it comes up. and by 'it' we mean 'he.'
feelings: ■■/□□/♥
this guy's a vampire, but he doesn't sparkle. what the shit is that?

This bitch knows how to party, plus she's part demon or whatever like Jen herself. That said, she's pretty goodie-two-shoes for a girl with demon parts. Kinda boring, if you're looking for more serious fun. Then again, she let Jen feed Utena excessive drinks and make out with her, so you know. Can't be all bad. Not to mention she said they could open a strip joint in her bar. Never happened, but it did win some points.

relationship: she runs a bar. how is that not fuckawesome?
feelings: ■■/□□/♥
if we opened that club, i wonder how much it'd take to get Helen on that pole doing a grind. i'm thinking like two beers.

So, she kept hearing about this guy, right? One of that species she knows as... "something like Riful and Luciela." And he was pretty hot, so even though those chicks hated him and they were like, Jen's bitches or whatever, she still went out with him. Mr. Charming and Polite, that's him, right up till he shoves his sword through your gut. Decapitation's always fun. So basically, probably not on Jen's birthday party list. She longs to see Riful and Luciela tear this jackass to pieces.

relationship: murderer. and not the cool kind.
feelings: □□□□□/♥
okay he's hot, but that doesn't stop him from being a total fucker. i totally wouldn't sleep with him. unless i got to cut his head off afterward.

She's like a MILF or something, except she's way old and looks like 20. At first Jen didn't like her because she was too cute and had Pantene hair, which is totally uncool in a naked girl. But as it turns out, they had lots of stuff in common, like a taste for human flesh and the initial intent to eat each other! Now she's a lot like a sister or something, except for how Jen would make out with her if it came up, because christ that bitch is hot.

relationship: totally close in some kind of weird, cannibal clubby way.
feelings: ■■■■/♥
i'd say she's like family, except that would make me all incesty which is way grosser than vore.

One of those awakened whatevers like Luciela and Isley, except clearly she should have slept a little longer. She looks like 12 but turns into some pretty badass fleshy ribbon things that Jen would totally never like to deal with. She's crazy polite, too, but watch for the poison in the honey. One of Jen's favorite people, because they're all bitches like that.

relationship: the totally unhot member of the hot evil club.
feelings: ■■■■
she needs to stop disappearing into mist, because seriously that's weird. no one likes an unreliable monster.

They haven't spoken much recently... mostly because this guy is always hiding and covering his eyes. It's pretty fucking funny. One day Jennifer's going to streak him just to see if he faints.

relationship: lol some guy she likes to bother.
feelings: ■/□□/♥
i wonder if fucking him would make him go into a coma.

If Heine weren't around to shriek like a little girl and call her crazy like a record with a skip, Jennifer's life would be at leat 15% more boring. She doesn't know him, and doesn't really care about him - all she cares about, or knows about, is everytime she talks to him or uses video on him, he has a conniption and she can't stop laughing forever.

relationship: this other guy she likes to bother even more.
feelings: ■/□□
i mean, if i ever just film my bare tits, it will totally be to give this guy convulsions. best night ever.

So this girl was looking for love advice because she fell for some hot ninja that she wasn't having sex with. And Jennifer took her out and bought her a miniskirt and hit on the guy and his brother because hey they were both pretty hot, you know what I mean? Anyway Elena, she's pretty cool, they don't talk much now since Jen's gone with the cannibal and guns club these days but hey overall, not a bad girl if she unbuttons that jacket, maybe puts on some heels, you know how it is.

relationship: some girl jen got a miniskirt for. not bad.
feelings: ■■■/□/♥
this girl goes after hot guys and somehow never gets laid. what's that about?

Despite his resemblance to some other guy that she hates, she totally does not hate Yazoo. He's part of the Cannibals and Guns thing, and he taught her how to shoot a gun and went with her when she went swimming and all that. He's got some Mommy issues and some brother issues but hey no one's perfect. Kind of hard to tell if he's a brother or a friend or some guy she'd like to make out with under a tree. Maybe all of the above given some of the thoughts she's had about Luciela. No point in being shy, right?

relationship: leathery dangerman!
feelings: ■■■■/♥
black and silver look pretty good together, yeah? and here's a guy who knows how to have a good time.

This guy's pretty boring and seems to have a stick shoved up his butt. She wouldn't have noticed him at all, really, except the stick's up there pretty good.

relationship: stick in the ass guy.
feelings: □□□
oh my god, loosen up! also, seriously you look 40. exfoliation is your friend.

Her boss, and a pretty decent guy. She's never sure whether she likes that or not. There's something weird and kind of sad about him, though, and that she does like, being a bitch who feeds on misery and all. Yum. She doesn't have any particular bad feelings about him, unlike the thinly concealed dislike she feels for most people, and she promised to teach him to swim.

relationship: employer, kinda sweet, kinda depressing.
feelings: ■■■/...♥?
not bad looking... but i can never decide whether he's more the kiss or cuddle type. whatever, he's got a fake arm, that's cool.

So, she almost won an auction to go on a date with this guy, but when he looked at her, he almost fell off the stage. Not literally. Turns out it's because he's all demony too. Jen's pretty sure her other half had a chitchat with him in the ruins back when they were separated, but she doesn't quite remember it.

relationship: fellow demon. what's he doing dressed like a butler anyway?
feelings: ■/□/♥
good thing i like height in my devils since this guy's like... huge.

This guy is King Arthur, except rewound. This kind of breaks Jennifer's brain into splintery pieces, but she'd spend a lot more time being impressied if he weren't such a stick in the mud. He's second-in-command of that patrol thing, which she doesn't care about, except that he might try to cut her head off or something if he found out she's a demon. Oh yeah, he's hot though.
relationship: he's king arthur!
feelings: ■/□
The fact that this guy is a total hotte? Does not make up for the gigantic stick shoved up his backside.


This guy's pretty cool. They flirt and joke around a lot, though she hasn't spent all that much time with him in person, and gets a little bored with all the textboxing. Can't properly flirt with a bunch of letters, now can you? Whatever. Still, not a bad guy.

relationship: Flirty friend.
feelings: ■■/□□/♥
just get naked! it'll do us both some good. or, well, me anyway.

This kid is totally like, some kind of derpy nerdy kid who can't form a complete sentence and is always confused and a little horrified by everything she says. It's kind of hilarious.

relationship: some derpy kid
feelings: ■/□
so this kid kind of reminds me of dawn, except he's a guy and like five times as awkward.

Basic Table


New Row

Placeholder text

feelings: ■/□/♥

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