sorta medical-ish, state-of-life update. Cut for those who don't care.
So, a number of years ago, I ruined my left shoulder fighting SCA, and never went back to it. I have wanted to, but the shoulder issues initially got me out of it, then the 30 year old weight gain, then a lower back injury.
So, here I am, looking at 40, and realizing the back injury (which is nothing "serious", just annoying) is causing no end of problems for me, and though I really _WANT_ to get back to bashing people with sticks (or even chasing my kids around energetically), wishing so isn't going to help.
So I ordered Egoscue's "pain free living" as well as the workout DVD that accompanies it. 99% of what's wrong is related to bad habits, a lack of flexibility, and skeleto-muscular crap that can be fixed, easily. I just have to actually get to work on FIXING it.
The latest has been this annoying circuit, of lower abdominal muscle strain, followed by low back pain, followed by pain in the muscles surround the low back, which causes me to sit and walk weird, which stresses the lower abdomen, which makes me use my back funny, which causes lower back pain, which causes the muscles to hurt, lather, rinse, repeat.
So I got new shoes that are as close to barefoot as I can be, the books and dvd's, and will be embarking on that with the hope of hitting serious weights by Christmas.
Oi. this is gonna be tough. :)