I'm less mobile thna I swas when we met - and it;s a three-hour round trip into Beaumaris, let al one anywhere else I quite enjoy cooking, even we I dotm get it exactly right
Answering a message from wiseheart. I've completely forgotten how to use L J - very good to hear from you, but couldn't work out how to reply- has taken all day to get into LJ
This is the second summer we've had. The last one happened for around a week in March, and this one has been (so far) two days long. No swallows yet, and the sparrows have grabbed most of their perches and roosts. It would be good if I could remember how to put up a photograph -
Hurrah! LJ is dosplaying properly again! If I read ot write comments, it still scrolls back, but now I can type in 10 0r 20 or 100, to take me back there. I might even start doing ghost_light's quizes again
I'm really tired of LJ. There are people I want to keep in touch with, but it's a real pain that, whenever you make or read a comment, the feed jumps right back to the beginning. You used to be able to type in the number of the post you wanted. Now, you have to page down to get back there - realy annoying