Cat needs home take 2....

Dec 07, 2009 18:26

So my exroomie Bob has been planning on moving out of town for a while and had had someone lined up to take my cat Rikku (that's him in my user pic.) I can't have him here because the apartment is too small for 2 cats, especially him-he's relatively young and big so needs lots of space to roam and such. I found out today that the guy who was going ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

las December 9 2009, 22:56:39 UTC
Ack, I just read this ... I have a friend who might be able to take him. Let me give him a call.


las December 10 2009, 17:35:28 UTC
Hey, Dave is interested in taking Rikku ... let me know if he still needs a home. Matt & Alex are also potentially interested, but would want Bob or you to bring him by their house first to see how he gets along with their two existing cats.


opalexian December 10 2009, 20:49:00 UTC
Oh! Oh! Cool! Yes, either one would work-just lemme know whoever wants him, arranging visits, etc, and I can get it taken care of. Was just calling cat shelters and of course that just sucks-they pretty much only take cats in unfortunate situations :(


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