grr, snobs indeed! people making judgements like that are silly. is he a medic too? an ex of mine who i was with for most of uni was a medic and hence i was unfortunately drawn into the whole 'medic mentality/society', never again i say. crazy people. am glad you seem like a genuine well-rounded person (: x
Sorry, but you must be a fucking moron to fail to see how people like you mean we have no hope. Burn your shitty rags and change the world for the better, you cunt.
I don't think most medics are like Richard - don't give us a bad rep on account of him!
In our third year Em and I were posted to Chelmsford, and there was a finalist there called Abigail - brilliant at her studies and ultra-keen on the wards - who was OBSESSED with Heat and Now and everything in that ilk. She'd buy armloads of magazines to stockpile in the little 'common room' we had there, and discuss articles in between revising for finals.
So basically what I'm saying is, Heat helps people become doctors.
Comments 8
I don't like the sound of him, Emily :|
I always pretend that I'm reading it because I'm being ironic, or 'just because it was lying there', but I do like it.
I can't believe that people would get more enjoyment from reading some intellectual magazine about, I dunno, clever things.
In our third year Em and I were posted to Chelmsford, and there was a finalist there called Abigail - brilliant at her studies and ultra-keen on the wards - who was OBSESSED with Heat and Now and everything in that ilk. She'd buy armloads of magazines to stockpile in the little 'common room' we had there, and discuss articles in between revising for finals.
So basically what I'm saying is, Heat helps people become doctors.
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