I'm in China!

Jul 30, 2013 16:14

So, I'm in China, doing my fieldwork like a real phd student. Which is great and terrifying. China is intense. I've been here six days, spent three days on the train (in third class, without a seat, sitting on a stool and then the floor for a very long time. Actually had a great time, weirdly enough ( Read more... )

china, phd, the all-knowing flist is all-knowing

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Comments 17

vickysg1 July 30 2013, 11:33:30 UTC
How long are you staying in China? It seems great, and I'd love to see pictures if you happen to take some. I'm surprised that DW/LJ works as China seem to block social networks.


oparu July 31 2013, 09:28:45 UTC
I'm in China until the 20th of August, which is both crazy long and not that long at all. So much to do! I have many photos and I will definitely get them up when I get home to reliable internet... (If I can't work something out earlier).

I was really surprised LJ/DW and the tumblr all work. Twitter and facebook don't exist at all and my gmail behaves badly most of the time.


alenky_cveto4ek July 30 2013, 12:02:40 UTC
China is a great place to speak English to yourself! ^^ When we were there, the only people who happened to know some English were Starbucks employees, and their vocabulary was pretty limited, by which I mean they knew their menu.

Where exactly are you in China, Beijing? Regardless, enjoy your stay! It's a great country to explore :)


oparu July 31 2013, 09:33:56 UTC
I'm in Kunming, which is over by Vietnam. I landed in Beijing and took the train of bizarreawesomeness from there.

It's a trippy place, but I am liking it. I wish I spoke more (any really) Mandarin...


ms_geekette July 30 2013, 12:47:08 UTC
Oooh, I also agree with the photo request, so we can vicariously live through The Wandering Oparu (TM). And huzzah for proxies, since I'm assuming that's how you're getting onto LJ/DW ( ... )


oparu July 31 2013, 11:24:35 UTC
Actually, LJ and DW just work. Facebook, Twitter and gmail don't, unfortunately. Sometimes gmail works...but it's dodgy ( ... )


gypsygem81 July 30 2013, 17:21:23 UTC
ooooh China!!! Exciting!! Have fun!

I think you know my answer to that poll.


oparu July 31 2013, 11:27:33 UTC
China's nuts, but it's fun.

I'm working on it! It's a funky idea but it's good fun. Up to much in the end of August? I'm coming down Cardiff way for a con.


gypsygem81 July 31 2013, 20:38:15 UTC
I shall be around at the end of the month for the con!


(The comment has been removed)

oparu July 31 2013, 09:35:42 UTC


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