Joseph Stalinnn (9:29:38 PM): emo = revisionism
Joseph Stalinnn (9:29:41 PM): ????
illegialSodas (9:30:21 PM): this response will take long, so bear with me
Joseph Stalinnn (9:30:25 PM): ok
illegialSodas (9:30:37 PM): 1NC Shell
illegialSodas (9:30:40 PM): ignore that
Joseph Stalinnn (9:30:42 PM): ok
Joseph Stalinnn (9:38:18 PM): hurry the fuck up!
Joseph Stalinnn (9:40:08 PM): youve been typing for almost 10 minutes
illegialSodas (9:40:52 PM): open the window wide to read this
Joseph Stalinnn (9:41:02 PM): got it
illegialSodas (9:41:04 PM): 1NC Shell
Revisionism is the revision of acceptable facts. Such an example includes the revisionists of such instances as the Holocaust or the Armenian Genocide, where individuals refuse to believe these events actually occured, and believe these events were a hoax. This following is a kriticism of this revisionist mindset.
The 1AC links into the kritik by adopting emo as a legitimate philosophy or a way of persona, or characteristic. Emo links into revisionism, because emo, which can be defined as being overtly emotional, i.e. whiny (usually referred to a type of music, but could be a type of persona). Although its not bad to have emotions, the downright emotional facade of one individual is willing to refer to emotions rather that rational, and discursive solutions. There is absolutely know link between downright emotions and rationality, because emotions are subjective, while individuals should try to live an objective life, because reality is the savior mental stablity, and the stage of "maturity". Therefore, those who are emo, are revisioning reality, and any real life situations.
The impact of making an emotional-revisionist mindset is that if everyone were to adopt this mindset, the social structure of our world would go up in smithereens. Politicians would make laws based on their own moral beliefs, rather than any rational line between what's best for the society. The sole belief system is like that of a non-separation of church and state where the structures of esoteric beliefs would rule even those who don't fall into that moral paradigm. Thus, the world would become oppresive against people.
Reject the affirmative's emotional-revisionist mindset, and adopt a mindset of brutal honesty, where pain is momentary, but it constructs an objective view at life.
Joseph Stalinnn (9:43:39 PM): so basically ur saying that emo is bad because emotions can cause people to be subjective in an bjective world?
Joseph Stalinnn (9:43:55 PM): objective*
illegialSodas (9:44:09 PM): yeah
Joseph Stalinnn (9:44:16 PM): well thats dumb
illegialSodas (9:44:25 PM): well you're racist
Joseph Stalinnn (9:44:36 PM): emotions already play into the decisions of potiticians and such
Joseph Stalinnn (9:45:02 PM): and certain positions in society reqire subjective thought
illegialSodas (9:45:27 PM): no because there is compromise...there are checks within the government, with the many branches, to try to be objective as possible
Joseph Stalinnn (9:45:40 PM): and it works the other way
Joseph Stalinnn (9:45:51 PM): emotions play off of objection experience
illegialSodas (9:45:51 PM): if we look to emotions, it would be hard to check, cause emotions are relative to the individual
Joseph Stalinnn (9:45:58 PM): objectional*
illegialSodas (9:46:20 PM): so? we don't grow from being emotional, but we grow from understanding the truth
Joseph Stalinnn (9:46:30 PM): wtf?!?!
Joseph Stalinnn (9:46:37 PM): no
Joseph Stalinnn (9:46:54 PM): im saying that expierience is the only way to have emotions
Joseph Stalinnn (9:47:06 PM): you cant cry unless your hurt
illegialSodas (9:47:13 PM): k, but that's not what i'm saying
Joseph Stalinnn (9:47:16 PM): i know
illegialSodas (9:47:22 PM): i'm saying we should look to emotions as solutions
Joseph Stalinnn (9:47:27 PM): ohhh
illegialSodas (9:47:32 PM): i mean shouldn't
Joseph Stalinnn (9:47:32 PM): so you on my side?
Joseph Stalinnn (9:47:35 PM): oh
Joseph Stalinnn (9:47:36 PM): ok
Joseph Stalinnn (9:47:55 PM): but in certain situations isnt that unaviodable
illegialSodas (9:48:09 PM): but that doesn't mean one can't try
Joseph Stalinnn (9:48:40 PM): for instance, you can judge art based off of facts
illegialSodas (9:49:24 PM): actually you're so vague as what "judge" is, that i can turn that and say.."well you can always categorize art, and that is judging it"
Joseph Stalinnn (9:50:05 PM): there is no mathematical equation for approval in society because ppl are different, so emotions provide a means to express an opinion w/o basis on facts
Joseph Stalinnn (9:50:19 PM): ... in that situation
illegialSodas (9:50:59 PM): well first...why do we have to look to emotions? just because it is, doesn't mean it should be
Joseph Stalinnn (9:51:35 PM): but whether or not it should be doesnt change its presence
illegialSodas (9:52:03 PM): w/e i've had too much debate this weekend
Joseph Stalinnn (9:52:07 PM): okay
Joseph Stalinnn (9:52:11 PM): so i win!
Joseph Stalinnn (9:52:35 PM): u quit! that means i win!josephstalinnn (9:29:38 PM): emo = revisionism
josephstalinnn (9:29:41 PM): ????
illegialSodas (9:30:21 PM): this response will take long, so bear with me
josephstalinnn (9:30:25 PM): ok
illegialSodas (9:30:37 PM): 1NC Shell
illegialSodas (9:30:40 PM): ignore that
josephstalinnn (9:30:42 PM): ok
josephstalinnn (9:38:18 PM): hurry the fuck up!
josephstalinnn (9:40:08 PM): youve been typing for almost 10 minutes
illegialSodas (9:40:52 PM): open the window wide to read this
josephstalinnn (9:41:02 PM): got it
illegialSodas (9:41:04 PM): 1NC Shell
Revisionism is the revision of acceptable facts. Such an example includes the revisionists of such instances as the Holocaust or the Armenian Genocide, where individuals refuse to believe these events actually occured, and believe these events were a hoax. This following is a kriticism of this revisionist mindset.
The 1AC links into the kritik by adopting emo as a legitimate philosophy or a way of persona, or characteristic. Emo links into revisionism, because emo, which can be defined as being overtly emotional, i.e. whiny (usually referred to a type of music, but could be a type of persona). Although its not bad to have emotions, the downright emotional facade of one individual is willing to refer to emotions rather that rational, and discursive solutions. There is absolutely know link between downright emotions and rationality, because emotions are subjective, while individuals should try to live an objective life, because reality is the savior mental stablity, and the stage of "maturity". Therefore, those who are emo, are revisioning reality, and any real life situations.
The impact of making an emotional-revisionist mindset is that if everyone were to adopt this mindset, the social structure of our world would go up in smithereens. Politicians would make laws based on their own moral beliefs, rather than any rational line between what's best for the society. The sole belief system is like that of a non-separation of church and state where the structures of esoteric beliefs would rule even those who don't fall into that moral paradigm. Thus, the world would become oppresive against people.
Reject the affirmative's emotional-revisionist mindset, and adopt a mindset of brutal honesty, where pain is momentary, but it constructs an objective view at life.
josephstalinnn (9:43:39 PM): so basically ur saying that emo is bad because emotions can cause people to be subjective in an bjective world?
josephstalinnn (9:43:55 PM): objective*
illegialSodas (9:44:09 PM): yeah
josephstalinnn (9:44:16 PM): well thats dumb
illegialSodas (9:44:25 PM): well you're racist
josephstalinnn (9:44:36 PM): emotions already play into the decisions of potiticians and such
josephstalinnn (9:45:02 PM): and certain positions in society reqire subjective thought
illegialSodas (9:45:26 PM): no because there is compromise...there are checks within the government, with the many branches, to try to be objective as possible
josephstalinnn (9:45:40 PM): and it works the other way
josephstalinnn (9:45:51 PM): emotions play off of objection experience
illegialSodas (9:45:51 PM): if we look to emotions, it would be hard to check, cause emotions are relative to the individual
josephstalinnn (9:45:58 PM): objectional*
illegialSodas (9:46:19 PM): so? we don't grow from being emotional, but we grow from understanding the truth
josephstalinnn (9:46:30 PM): wtf?!?!
josephstalinnn (9:46:37 PM): no
josephstalinnn (9:46:54 PM): im saying that expierience is the only way to have emotions
josephstalinnn (9:47:06 PM): you cant cry unless your hurt
illegialSodas (9:47:13 PM): k, but that's not what i'm saying
josephstalinnn (9:47:16 PM): i know
illegialSodas (9:47:22 PM): i'm saying we should look to emotions as solutions
josephstalinnn (9:47:27 PM): ohhh
illegialSodas (9:47:32 PM): i mean shouldn't
josephstalinnn (9:47:32 PM): so you on my side?
josephstalinnn (9:47:35 PM): oh
josephstalinnn (9:47:36 PM): ok
josephstalinnn (9:47:55 PM): but in certain situations isnt that unaviodable
illegialSodas (9:48:09 PM): but that doesn't mean one can't try
josephstalinnn (9:48:40 PM): for instance, you can judge art based off of facts
illegialSodas (9:49:24 PM): actually you're so vague as what "judge" is, that i can turn that and say.."well you can always categorize art, and that is judging it"
josephstalinnn (9:50:05 PM): there is no mathematical equation for approval in society because ppl are different, so emotions provide a means to express an opinion w/o basis on facts
josephstalinnn (9:50:19 PM): ... in that situation
illegialSodas (9:50:59 PM): well first...why do we have to look to emotions? just because it is, doesn't mean it should be
josephstalinnn (9:51:35 PM): but whether or not it should be doesnt change its presence
illegialSodas (9:52:03 PM): w/e i've had too much debate this weekend
josephstalinnn (9:52:07 PM): okay
josephstalinnn (9:52:11 PM): so i win!
josephstalinnn (9:52:35 PM): u quit! that means i win!