Title: Being the Queen
Setting: BtVS S1
“Harmony, what are you wearing?”
Harmony glanced downward, too pleased with her latest acquisition to register the disapproval in her interrogator’s voice. “My new dress from Bloomingdale’s. Do you like it?”
“What color is it?”
Harmony fidgeted under the icy stare that accompanied the inquiry. “Well, it’s blue.”
“Yes, it is blue, and we’ve already been over this, right? You wear yellow, Sarah wears red, and I wear blue. Remember?”
“Oh, gosh, Cordy, I forgot. Sorry!”
Cordelia sighed. “Do I have to come dress you in the morning? It’s like the concept ‘signature color’ is absolutely meaningless to you people!”
Title: I Don't Want to Wait
Setting: BtVS S4; Spike and Xander in the basement
“What is that incessant humming? Can’t a bloke get some peace and quiet in this dungeon?” Spike groused.
“It’s my basement. I’ll hum if I want to,” Xander replied defensively.
“Wait, I know that. Or rather, I would if you were even remotely on key. It’s the signature tune from Dawson’s Creek.” Spike’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t watch it, do you?”
Xander scoffed. “No. Do you?”
Spike sniffed disdainfully. “A bunch of hyper-literate, self-absorbed teens journeying toward adulthood? Like I’d watch that rot!”
“Think Dawson and Joey will ever get back together?” Xander asked.
“No way! I mean, who?”