Title: Drop the Puck
Setting: BtVS S5, during "Checkpoint." Another snippet of Philip's interrogation of Xander and Anya.
Rating and Disclaimer: G and not mine!
"Miss Jenkins, is it?" The Watcher cleared his throat. "Is there anything else you feel pertinent to our inquiries?"
"I've always been both true and blue, let me tell you. When I was younger, and therefore smaller and less pleasingly formed than I am now, my parents used to remark frequently on my true patriot love of the good old US of A."
Xander raised an eyebrow. "Ahn, honey, that's Canada."
Anya beamed. "No, I'm sure you are mistaken. I've heard singing about the true patriot love, during sporting events. There's nothing more American than sports!"
"Unless it's hockey, sweetie."
Title: Boys' Night Out
Setting: An imagined AtS S5 moment, in which drinks are consumed, hockey is watched, and, unfortunately, singing is done.
Rating and Disclaimer: second verse, same as the first!
"God, that was one of the worst experiences I've ever had," Spike groused.
Angel glanced at him in surprise. "What? Okay, the fans aren't terribly knowledgeable, and the beer is ridiculously overpriced, but the action was good. I thought the Kings really dominated play after the first intermission." He trailed off as Spike glared.
"The game was fine. I was referring to your horrifying rendition of 'O Canada.' Feel free in the future not to join the anthem singer for a rousing chorus of true patriot love, eh? Or, better yet, the next time we do this, no Canadian opponents!"